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1 day
Test Coverage
import fnmatch
import re

from .. import config
from ..types import Origin
from ..dao.containerutil import FileReference
from ..web.errors import APIValidationException

from . import gears
from .jobs import Job
from .queue import Queue

log = config.log

# {
#     '_id':        'SOME_ID',
#     'project_id': 'SOME_PROJECT',

#     Algorithm to run if both sets of rules match
#     'alg':        'my-gear-name',
#     At least one match from this array must succeed, or array must be empty
#     'any': [],
#     All matches from array must succeed, or array must be empty
#     'all': [
#         {
#             'type': 'file.type', # Match the file's type
#             'value': 'dicom'
#         },
#         {
#             'type': '', # Match a shell glob for the file name
#             'value': '*.dcm'
#         },
#         {
#             'type': 'file.measurements', # Match any of the file's measurements
#             'value': 'diffusion'
#         },
#         {
#             'type': 'container.has-type', # Match the container having any file (including this one) with this type
#             'value': 'bvec'
#         },
#         {
#             'type': 'container.has-measurement', # Match the container having any file (including this one) with this measurement
#             'value': 'functional'
#         }
#     ]
# }

def get_base_rules():
    Fetch the install-global gear rules from the database

    # rule_doc = config.db.singletons.find_one({'_id': 'rules'}) or {}
    # return rule_doc.get('rule_list', [])
    return []

def _log_file_key_error(file_, container, error):
    log.warning('file ' + file_.get('name', '?') + ' in container ' + str(container.get('_id', '?')) + ' ' + error)

def eval_match(match_type, match_param, file_, container, regex=False):
    Given a match entry, return if the match succeeded.

    def match(value):
        if regex:
            return re.match(match_param, value, flags=re.IGNORECASE) is not None
        elif match_type == '':
            return fnmatch.fnmatch(value.lower(), match_param.lower())
            return match_param.lower() == value.lower()

    # Match the file's type
    if match_type == 'file.type':
        file_type = file_.get('type')
        if file_type:
            return match(file_type)
            _log_file_key_error(file_, container, 'has no type')
            return False

    # Match a shell glob for the file name
    elif match_type == '':
        return match(file_['name'])

    # Match any of the file's measurements
    elif match_type == 'file.measurements':
        if match_param:
            return any(match(value) for value in file_.get('measurements', []))
            return False

    # Match the container having any file (including this one) with this type
    elif match_type == 'container.has-type':
        for c_file in container['files']:
            c_file_type = c_file.get('type')
            if c_file_type and match(c_file_type):
                return True

        return False

    # Match the container having any file (including this one) with this measurement
    elif match_type == 'container.has-measurement':
        if match_param:
            for c_file in container['files']:
                if any(match(value) for value in c_file.get('measurements', [])):
                    return True

        return False

    raise Exception('Unimplemented match type ' + match_type)

def eval_rule(rule, file_, container):
    Decide if a rule should spawn a job.

    # Are there matches in the 'any' set?
    must_match = len(rule.get('any', [])) > 0
    has_match = False

    for match in rule.get('any', []):
        if eval_match(match['type'], match['value'], file_, container, regex=match.get('regex')):
            has_match = True

    # If there were matches in the 'any' array and none of them succeeded
    if must_match and not has_match:
        return False

    # Are there matches in the 'all' set?
    for match in rule.get('all', []):
        if not eval_match(match['type'], match['value'], file_, container, regex=match.get('regex')):
            return False

    return True

def queue_job_legacy(algorithm_id, input_):
    Tie together logic used from the no-manifest, single-file era.
    Takes a single FileReference instead of a map.

    gear = gears.get_gear_by_name(algorithm_id)

    if len(gear['gear']['inputs']) != 1:
        raise Exception("Legacy gear enqueue attempt of " + algorithm_id + " failed: must have exactly 1 input in manifest")

    input_name = gear['gear']['inputs'].keys()[0]

    inputs = {
        input_name: input_

    job = Job(str(gear['_id']), inputs, tags=['auto', algorithm_id])
    return job

def find_type_in_container(container, type_):
    for c_file in container['files']:
        if type_ == c_file['type']:
            return c_file
    return None

def create_potential_jobs(db, container, container_type, file_):
    Check all rules that apply to this file, and creates the jobs that should be run.
    Jobs are created but not enqueued.
    Returns list of potential job objects containing job ready to be inserted and rule.

    potential_jobs = []

    # Get configured rules for this project
    rules = get_rules_for_container(db, container)

    # Add hardcoded rules that cannot be removed or changed
    for hardcoded_rule in get_base_rules():

    for rule in rules:

        if 'from_failed_job' not in file_ and eval_rule(rule, file_, container):

            alg_name = rule['alg']

            if rule.get('match') is None:
                input_ = FileReference(type=container_type, id=str(container['_id']), name=file_['name'])
                job = queue_job_legacy(alg_name, input_)
                inputs = { }

                for input_name, match_type in rule['match'].iteritems():
                    match = find_type_in_container(container, match_type)
                    if match is None:
                        raise Exception("No type " + match_type + " found for alg rule " + alg_name + " that should have been satisfied")
                    inputs[input_name] = FileReference(type=container_type, id=str(container['_id']), name=match['name'])

                gear = gears.get_gear_by_name(alg_name)
                job = Job(str(gear['_id']), inputs, tags=['auto', alg_name])

                'job': job,
                'rule': rule

    return potential_jobs

def create_jobs(db, container_before, container_after, container_type):
    Given a before and after set of file attributes, enqueue a list of jobs that would only be possible
    after the changes.
    Returns the algorithm names that were queued.

    jobs_before, jobs_after, potential_jobs = [], [], []

    files_before    = container_before.get('files', [])
    files_after     = container_after['files'] # It should always have at least one file after

    for f in files_before:
        jobs_before.extend(create_potential_jobs(db, container_before, container_type, f))

    for f in files_after:
        jobs_after.extend(create_potential_jobs(db, container_after, container_type, f))

    # Using a uniqueness constraint, create a list of the set difference of jobs_after \ jobs_before
    # (members of jobs_after that are not in jobs_before)
    for ja in jobs_after:
        new_job = True
        for jb in jobs_before:
            if ja['job'].intention_equals(jb['job']):
                new_job = False
                break # this job matched in both before and after, ignore
        if new_job:

    spawned_jobs = []
    origin ={
        'type': str(Origin.system),
        'id': None

    for pj in potential_jobs:
        job_map = pj['job'].map()
        Queue.enqueue_job(job_map, origin)


    return spawned_jobs

# TODO: consider moving to a module that has a variety of hierarchy-management helper functions
def get_rules_for_container(db, container):
    Recursively walk the hierarchy until the project object is found.

    if 'session' in container:
        session = db.sessions.find_one({'_id': container['session']})
        return get_rules_for_container(db, session)
    elif 'project' in container:
        project = db.projects.find_one({'_id': container['project']})
        return get_rules_for_container(db, project)
        # Assume container is a project, or a collection (which currently cannot have a rules property)
        result = list(db.project_rules.find({'project_id': str(container['_id']), 'disabled': {'$ne': True}}))

        if not result:
            return []
            return result

def copy_site_rules_for_project(project_id):
    Copy and insert all site-level rules for project.

    Note: Assumes project exists and caller has access.

    site_rules = config.db.project_rules.find({'project_id' : 'site'})

    for doc in site_rules:
        doc['project_id'] = str(project_id)

def validate_regexes(rule):
    invalid_patterns = set()
    for match in rule.get('all', []) + rule.get('any', []):
        if match.get('regex'):
            pattern = match['value']
            except re.error:
    if invalid_patterns:
        raise APIValidationException({
            'reason': 'Cannot compile regex patterns',
            'patterns': sorted(invalid_patterns),