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6 hrs
Test Coverage
import bson
import datetime
import json
import os.path
import shutil

from .web import base
from .web.errors import FileStoreException, FileFormException
from . import config
from . import files
from . import placer as pl
from . import util
from .dao import hierarchy

log = config.log

Strategy = util.Enum('Strategy', {
    'targeted'       : pl.TargetedPlacer,       # Upload 1 files to a container.
    'targeted_multi' : pl.TargetedMultiPlacer,  # Upload N files to a container.
    'engine'         : pl.EnginePlacer,         # Upload N files from the result of a successful job.
    'token'          : pl.TokenPlacer,          # Upload N files to a saved folder based on a token.
    'packfile'       : pl.PackfilePlacer,       # Upload N files as a new packfile to a container.
    'labelupload'    : pl.LabelPlacer,
    'uidupload'      : pl.UIDPlacer,
    'uidmatch'       : pl.UIDMatchPlacer,
    'reaper'         : pl.UIDReaperPlacer,
    'analysis'       : pl.AnalysisPlacer,       # Upload N files to an analysis as input and output (no db updates - deprecated)
    'analysis_job'   : pl.AnalysisJobPlacer,    # Upload N files to an analysis as output from job results
    'gear'           : pl.GearPlacer

def process_upload(request, strategy, container_type=None, id_=None, origin=None, context=None, response=None, metadata=None):
    Universal file upload entrypoint.

        Multipart form upload with N file fields, each with their desired filename.
        For technical reasons, no form field names can be repeated. Instead, use (file1, file2) and so forth.

        Depending on the type of upload, a non-file form field called "metadata" may/must also be sent.
        If present, it is expected to be a JSON string matching the schema for the upload strategy.

        Currently, the JSON returned may vary by strategy.

        Some examples:
        curl -F file1=@science.png   -F file2=@rules.png url
        curl -F metadata=<stuff.json -F   url
        http --form POST url metadata=@stuff.json

                                               | targeted |  reaper   | engine | packfile
        Must specify a target container        |     X    |           |    X   |
        May create hierarchy on demand         |          |     X     |        |     X

        May  send metadata about the files     |     X    |     X     |    X   |     X
        MUST send metadata about the files     |          |     X     |        |     X

        Creates a packfile from uploaded files |          |           |        |     X

    if not isinstance(strategy, Strategy):
        raise Exception('Unknown upload strategy')

    if id_ is not None and container_type == None:
        raise Exception('Unspecified container type')

    if container_type is not None and container_type not in ('acquisition', 'session', 'project', 'collection', 'analysis', 'gear'):
        raise Exception('Unknown container type')

    timestamp = datetime.datetime.utcnow()

    container = None
    if container_type and id_:
        container = hierarchy.get_container(container_type, id_)

    # The vast majority of this function's wall-clock time is spent here.
    # Tempdir is deleted off disk once out of scope, so let's hold onto this reference.
    form, tempdir = files.process_form(request)

    if 'metadata' in form:
            metadata = json.loads(form['metadata'].value)
        except Exception:
            raise FileStoreException('wrong format for field "metadata"')

    placer_class = strategy.value
    placer = placer_class(container_type, container, id_, metadata, timestamp, origin, context)

    # Browsers, when sending a multipart upload, will send files with field name "file" (if sinuglar)
    # or "file1", "file2", etc (if multiple). Following this convention is probably a good idea.
    # Here, we accept any

    # Non-file form fields may have an empty string as filename, check for 'falsy' values
    file_fields = extract_file_fields(form)
    # TODO: Change schemas to enabled targeted uploads of more than one file.
    # Ref docs from placer.TargetedPlacer for details.
    if strategy == Strategy.targeted and len(file_fields) > 1:
        raise FileFormException("Targeted uploads can only send one file")

    for field in file_fields:
        # Augment the cgi.FieldStorage with a variety of custom fields.
        # Not the best practice. Open to improvements.
        # These are presumbed to be required by every function later called with field as a parameter.
        field.path     = os.path.join(, field.filename)
        if not os.path.exists(field.path):
            tempdir_exists = os.path.exists(
            raise Exception("file {} does not exist, tmpdir {} exists: {}, files in tmpdir: {}".format(
                tempdir_exists and os.listdir(,
        field.size     = os.path.getsize(field.path)
        field.hash     = field.file.get_formatted_hash()
        field.mimetype = util.guess_mimetype(field.filename) # TODO: does not honor metadata's mime type if any
        field.modified = timestamp

        # create a file-attribute map commonly used elsewhere in the codebase.
        # Stands in for a dedicated object... for now.
        file_attrs = {
            'name':     field.filename,
            'modified': field.modified, #
            'size':     field.size,
            'mimetype': field.mimetype,
            'hash':     field.hash,
            'origin': origin,

            'type': None,
            'modality': None,
            'measurements': [],
            'tags': [],
            'info': {}

        file_attrs['type'] = files.guess_type_from_filename(file_attrs['name'])
        placer.process_file_field(field, file_attrs)

    # Respond either with Server-Sent Events or a standard json map
    if placer.sse and not response:
        raise Exception("Programmer error: response required")
    elif placer.sse:
        response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/event-stream; charset=utf-8'
        response.headers['Connection']   = 'keep-alive'

        # Instead of handing the iterator off to response.app_iter, send it ourselves.
        # This prevents disconnections from leaving the API in a partially-complete state.
        # Timing out between events or throwing an exception will result in undefinied behaviour.
        # Right now, in our environment:
        # - Timeouts may result in nginx-created 500 Bad Gateway HTML being added to the response.
        # - Exceptions add some error json to the response, which is not SSE-sanitized.

        for item in placer.finalize():
            except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
      'SSE upload progress failed to send; continuing')

        return placer.finalize()

class Upload(base.RequestHandler):

    def upload(self, strategy):
        """Receive a sortable reaper upload."""

        if not self.superuser_request:
            user = self.uid
            if not user:
                self.abort(403, 'Uploading requires login')

        context = {'uid': self.uid if not self.superuser_request else None}

        # TODO: what enum
        if strategy == 'label':
            strategy = Strategy.labelupload
        elif strategy == 'uid':
            strategy = Strategy.uidupload
        elif strategy == 'uid-match':
            strategy = Strategy.uidmatch
        elif strategy == 'reaper':
            strategy = Strategy.reaper
            self.abort(500, 'strategy {} not implemented'.format(strategy))
        return process_upload(self.request, strategy, origin=self.origin, context=context)

    def engine(self):
        """Handles file uploads from the engine"""

        if not self.superuser_request:
            self.abort(402, 'uploads must be from an authorized drone')
        level = self.get_param('level')
        if level is None:
            self.abort(400, 'container level is required')
        if level not in ['analysis', 'acquisition', 'session', 'project']:
            self.abort(400, 'container level must be analysis, acquisition, session or project.')
        cid = self.get_param('id')
        if not cid:
            self.abort(400, 'container id is required')
            cid = bson.ObjectId(cid)
        context = {
            'job_id': self.get_param('job'),
            'job_ticket_id': self.get_param('job_ticket'),
        strategy = Strategy.analysis_job if level == 'analysis' else Strategy.engine
        return process_upload(self.request, strategy, container_type=level, id_=cid, origin=self.origin, context=context)

    def clean_packfile_tokens(self):
        """Clean up expired upload tokens and invalid token directories.
        Ref placer.TokenPlacer and FileListHandler.packfile_start for context.

        if not self.superuser_request:
            self.abort(402, 'uploads must be from an authorized drone')

        # Race condition: we could delete tokens & directories that are currently processing.
        # For this reason, the modified timeout is long.
        result = config.db['tokens'].delete_many({
            'type': 'packfile',
            'modified': {'$lt': datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta(hours=1)},

        removed = result.deleted_count
        if removed > 0:
  'Removed ' + str(removed) + ' expired packfile tokens')

        # Next, find token directories and remove any that don't map to a token.

        # This logic is used by:
        #   TokenPlacer.check
        #   PackfilePlacer.check
        #   upload.clean_packfile_tokens
        # It must be kept in sync between each instance.
        basepath = config.get_item('persistent', 'data_path')
        folder = os.path.join(basepath, 'tokens', 'packfile')

        paths = os.listdir(folder)
        cleaned = 0

        for token in paths:
            path = os.path.join(folder, token)

            result = None
                result = config.db['tokens'].find_one({
                    '_id': token
            except bson.errors.InvalidId:
                # Folders could be an invalid mongo ID, in which case they're definitely expired :)

            if result is None:
      'Cleaning expired token directory ' + token)
                cleaned += 1

        return {
            'removed': {
                'tokens': removed,
                'directories': cleaned,

def extract_file_fields(form):
    """Returns a list of file fields in the form, handling multiple values""" 
    result = []
    for fieldname in form:
        field = form[fieldname]
        if isinstance(field, list):
            for field_entry in field:
                if field_entry.filename:

        elif field.filename:

    return result