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import copy
import json
import jsonschema
import os

from . import config
from .web.errors import DBValidationException, InputValidationException

log = config.log

def validate_data(data, schema_json, schema_type, verb, optional=False):
    Convenience method to validate a JSON schema against some action.

    If optional is set, validate_data won't complain about null data.

    if optional and data is None:

    suri = schema_uri(schema_type, schema_json)
    validator = from_schema_path(suri)
    validator(data, verb)

def _validate_json(json_data, schema, resolver):
    jsonschema.validate(json_data, schema, resolver=resolver, format_checker=jsonschema.FormatChecker())

def _resolve_schema(schema_file_uri):
    with open(schema_file_uri) as schema_file:
        base_uri = os.path.dirname(schema_file_uri)
        schema = json.load(schema_file)
        resolver = jsonschema.RefResolver('file://'+base_uri+'/', schema)
        return (schema, resolver)

def no_op(g, *args): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
    return g

def schema_uri(type_, schema_name):
    return os.path.join(

def decorator_from_schema_path(schema_url):
    if schema_url is None:
        return no_op
    schema, resolver = _resolve_schema(schema_url)
    def g(exec_op):
        def validator(method, **kwargs):
            payload = kwargs['payload']
            if method == 'PUT' and schema.get('required'):
                _schema = copy.copy(schema)
                _schema = schema
            if method in ['POST', 'PUT']:
                    _validate_json(payload, _schema, resolver)
                except jsonschema.ValidationError as e:
                    raise DBValidationException(str(e))
            return exec_op(method, **kwargs)
        return validator
    return g

def from_schema_path(schema_url):
    if schema_url is None:
        return no_op
    # split the url in base_uri and schema_name
    schema, resolver = _resolve_schema(schema_url)
    def g(payload, method):
        if method == 'PUT' and schema.get('required'):
            _schema = copy.copy(schema)
            _schema = schema
        if method in ['POST', 'PUT']:
                _validate_json(payload, _schema, resolver)
            except jsonschema.ValidationError as e:
                raise InputValidationException(str(e))
    return g

def key_check(schema_url):
    for sublists of mongo container there is no automatic key check when creating, updating or deleting an object.
    We are adding a custom array field to the json schemas ("key_fields").
    The uniqueness is checked on the combination of all the elements of "key_fields".

    For an example check api/schemas/input/permission.json:
    The key fields are the _id. Uniqueness is checked on the combination
    of the values of the _id of the permissions.

    So this method ensures that:
    1. after a POST and PUT request we don't have two items with the same values for the key set
    2. a GET will retrieve a single item
    3. a DELETE (most importantly) will delete a single item
    if schema_url is None:
        return no_op
    schema, _ = _resolve_schema(schema_url)
    if schema.get('key_fields') is None:
        return no_op
    def g(exec_op):
        def f(method, _id, query_params = None, payload = None, exclude_params=None):
            if method == 'POST':
                    exclude_params = _post_exclude_params(schema.get('key_fields', []), payload)
                except KeyError as e:
                    raise InputValidationException('missing key {} in payload'.format(e.args))
                _check_query_params(schema.get('key_fields'), query_params)
                if method == 'PUT' and schema.get('key_fields'):
                    exclude_params = _put_exclude_params(schema['key_fields'], query_params, payload)
            return exec_op(method, _id=_id, query_params=query_params, payload=payload, exclude_params=exclude_params)
        return f
    return g

def _put_exclude_params(keys, query_params, payload):
    exclude_params = None
    _eqp = {}
    for k in keys:
        value_p = payload.get(k)
        if value_p and value_p != query_params.get(k):
            _eqp[k] = value_p
            exclude_params = _eqp
            _eqp[k] = query_params.get(k)
    return exclude_params

def _post_exclude_params(keys, payload):
    return {
        k: payload[k] for k in keys

def _check_query_params(keys, query_params):
    assert set(keys) == set(query_params.keys()), """
    is different from expected:
    """.format(query_params.keys(), keys)

def verify_payload_exists(handler_method):
    A decorator to ensure the json payload exists and is not empty

    Useful for POST and PUT handler operations
    def verify_payload_dec(self, *args, **kwargs):
            if not self.request.json_body:
                raise InputValidationException("Empty Payload")
        except ValueError:
            raise InputValidationException("Empty Payload")
        return handler_method(self, *args, **kwargs)
    return verify_payload_dec