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'use strict';

var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');
var process = require('process');
var walk = require('./walk');
var _ = require('lodash');
var yaml = require('js-yaml');

    'integer': true,
    'number': true,
    'string': true,
    'boolean': true,
    'null': true

var OBJECT_PROPERTIES = [ 'allOf', 'anyOf', 'oneOf', 'multipleOf', 'not', 
    'if', 'then', 'else', 'properties', 'additionalProperties' ];

function isPrimitiveType(type) {
    return !!PRIMITIVE_TYPES[type];

function isEmptyObject(schema) {
    if( schema.type && schema.type !== 'object' ) {
        return false;
    if( schema.$ref ) {
        return false;
    return !_.some(OBJECT_PROPERTIES, function(key) {
        return !!schema[key];

function normalizeName(name) {
    return name.replace('_', '-');

// Returns a definition name in snake case
function makeDefinitionName(relpath) {
    // Split on path separators
    var name = relpath.replace('\\', '/').split('/');

    // Remove the special 'definitions' prefix for top-level definitions
    if( name.length > 1 && name[0] === 'definitions' ) {
        name.splice(0, 1);

    // Convert back to string
    name = name.join('-');

    // Remove extension
    var parts = /([-\w]+)(\..*)?$/.exec(name);
    return parts[1];

var Schemas = function(options) {
    options = options||{};
    this.cwd = path.resolve(options.cwd||process.cwd());
    this.log = options.log||function() {
        console.log.apply(console, arguments);

    this.definitions = {};
    this.definitions_by_path = {};

Schemas.prototype.loadDefs = function() {
    var defsDir = path.join(this.cwd, 'definitions');
    fs.readdirSync(defsDir).forEach(function(filename) {
        this.load(path.join(defsDir, filename));

// Here's the plan
// Load all of the schemas specified
// Build up a reference list
// Create definitions
Schemas.prototype.load = function(file) {
    var relpath = path.relative(this.cwd, file);
    var schema = yaml.safeLoad(fs.readFileSync(file).toString());
    // Remove $schema attribute
    delete schema['$schema'];
    if( schema.hasOwnProperty('definitions') ) {
        this.addDefinitions(relpath, schema.definitions);
        // Remove extra definitions
        delete schema['definitions'];
    if( schema.hasOwnProperty('type') ) {
        this.log('Warning - schema at ' + relpath + ' has a top-level definition');
        this.addSchema(relpath, schema);

Schemas.prototype.addSchema = function(relpath, schema) {
    var name = makeDefinitionName(relpath);
    this.addDefinition(schema, name, relpath);

Schemas.prototype.addDefinitions = function(relpath, definitions) {
    var name, fullname, def, root = makeDefinitionName(relpath);
    for( name in definitions ) {
        if( definitions.hasOwnProperty(name) ) {
            def = definitions[name];
            // Convert name, special case to remove duplicate roots
            if( !_.startsWith(name, root) ) {
                fullname = root + '-' + name;
            } else {
                fullname = name;

            this.addDefinition(def, fullname, relpath + '#/definitions/' + name);

Schemas.prototype.addDefinition = function(schema, name, relpath) {
    var properName = normalizeName(name);
    // Add the definition under proper name
    if( this.definitions.hasOwnProperty(properName) ) {
        var origpath = _.findKey(this.definitions_by_path, function(v) {
            return v === properName
        this.log('Error - duplicate definition of ' + properName + ' found at: ' + relpath);
        this.log('  original defintion at: ' + origpath);
    this.definitions[properName] = schema;
    this.definitions_by_path[relpath] = properName;

// Resolve all $ref/ref fields
Schemas.prototype.resolveDefs = function() {
    var relpath, name, idx;
    for( relpath in this.definitions_by_path ) {
        name = this.definitions_by_path[relpath];
        if( (idx = relpath.indexOf('#')) != -1 ) {
            relpath = relpath.substr(0, idx);
        this.definitions[name] = walk(this.definitions[name], this.resolveRefs.bind(this, relpath));

Schemas.prototype.resolve = function(obj, relpath) {
    relpath = relpath||this.cwd;
    return walk(obj, this.resolveRefs.bind(this, relpath));

Schemas.prototype.resolveRefs = function(relpath, obj, jsonpath) {
    var $ref, parts, curpath, actualpath, pathpart;
    // Ignore examples
    if( jsonpath && jsonpath[jsonpath.length-1] === 'example' ) {
        return obj;
    if( obj && typeof obj === 'object' ) {
        if( !obj.hasOwnProperty('$ref') ) {
            return obj;

        // Need to replace the $ref with a local reference
        $ref = obj['$ref'];
        if( $ref[0] === '#' ) {
            // references this file:
            actualpath = relpath + $ref;
        } else {
            // Determine the current path, relative to root
            curpath = path.dirname(path.resolve(this.cwd, relpath));
            parts = obj['$ref'].split('#');

            // If the user provided a path resolver, use that.
            if( typeof this.pathResolver === 'function' ) {
                pathpart = this.pathResolver(this.cwd, parts[0]);

            // Otherwise, resolve the path relative to root
            if( !pathpart ) {
                pathpart = path.resolve(curpath, parts[0]);
                pathpart = path.relative(this.cwd, pathpart);

            // If there is no hash value (e.g. 'xyz.json#') remove it
            parts[0] = pathpart;
            if( parts.length > 1 && parts[1] === '' ) {
                parts.splice(1, 1);
            actualpath = parts.join('#');

        if( this.definitions_by_path.hasOwnProperty(actualpath) ) {
            var defName = this.definitions_by_path[actualpath];
            // Replace simple types inline
            if( this.isPrimitiveDef(defName) ) {
                return _.cloneDeep(this.definitions[defName]);
            } else {
                obj['$ref'] = '#/definitions/' + defName;
        } else {
            this.log('Error - Cannot find path for reference: ' + actualpath + ' in ' + relpath);
    return obj;

Schemas.prototype.isPrimitiveDef = function(name) {
    var def = this.definitions[name];
    if( def ) {
        return isPrimitiveType(def.type);
    return false;

Schemas.isPrimitiveType = isPrimitiveType;
Schemas.isEmptyObject = isEmptyObject;

Schemas.prototype.getComplexDefinitions = function() {
    return _.pickBy(this.definitions, function(value) {
        return !isPrimitiveType(value.type);

module.exports = Schemas;