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'use strict';

var _ = require('lodash');
var path = require('path');
var fs = require('fs');
var process = require('process');
var yaml = require('js-yaml');
var pluralize = require('pluralize');
var Mustache = require('mustache');

var walk = require('./walk');

    'pluralize': function() {
        return function(text, render) {
            return pluralize.plural(render(text));
    'singularize': function() {
        return function(text, render) {
            return pluralize.singular(render(text));

// Throws if args are missing
function validateTemplateArgs(tmplpath, template, args) {
    var i, param;
    if( !template || !template.parameters ) {
    for( i = 0; i < template.parameters.length; i++ ) {
        param = template.parameters[i];
        if( ! ) {
            throw 'Template "' + tmplpath + '" parameter does not have a name!';
        if( param.required && _.isNil(args[]) ) {
            throw 'Template "' + tmplpath + '" invocation is missing parameter: ' +;

 * @class SwaggerResolver
 * Performs stateful resolution of $include and $template directives
 * in YAML files.
 * @param {object} options The optional configuration
 * @param {string} options.path The root path to resolve templates and includes from. (Defaults to cwd)
 * @param {function} options.log The optional logging function
var SwaggerResolver = function(options) {
    options = options||{};
    this.path = options.path||process.cwd();
    this.templates = {};
    this.log = options.log||function() {
        console.log.apply(console, arguments);

 * Recursively resolve any includes and templates in the data.
 * @param {object} data The data object
 * @param {string} data.text The text data, in string format. (Either JSON or YAML)
SwaggerResolver.prototype.resolveContent = function(data) {
    // Reset template arguments for this run
    // Possible issue: templates including templates will smash this, can we make it
    // more stack oriented?
    this.templateArguments = null;

    // Do conversion first
    var obj = yaml.safeLoad(data.text);
    return this.resolveObject(obj);

SwaggerResolver.prototype.resolveObject = function(obj) {
    // Perform a deep-walk of the object, replacing 
    return walk(obj, this.visit.bind(this));

SwaggerResolver.prototype.loadFile = function(relpath) {
    var abspath = path.join(this.path, relpath);
    if( !fs.existsSync(abspath) ) {
        throw 'File does not exist: ' + abspath;
    return yaml.safeLoad(fs.readFileSync(abspath).toString());

SwaggerResolver.prototype.visit = function(obj) {
    if( !obj ) {
        return obj;

    // obj will have $template or $include, not both
    if( obj.hasOwnProperty('$include') ) {
        obj = this.resolveIncludes(obj);
    } else if( obj.hasOwnProperty('$template') ) {
        obj = this.resolveTemplate(obj);

        // Recursively resolve content
        obj = this.resolveObject(obj);
    } else if( obj.hasOwnProperty('$template_arguments') ) {
        // Save off template arguments for later
        this.templateArguments = obj['$template_arguments'];
        delete obj['$template_arguments'];

    return obj;

SwaggerResolver.prototype.resolveIncludes = function(obj) {
    var i, includes, inc;

    includes = obj['$include'];
    if( typeof includes === 'string' ) {
        includes = [includes];

    delete obj['$include'];
    for( i = 0; i < includes.length; i++ ) {
        // Load and resolve the include file
        inc = this.loadFile(includes[i]);
        inc = this.resolveObject(inc);

        // And merge its contents into obj
        _.extend(obj, inc);
    return obj;

SwaggerResolver.prototype.resolveTemplate = function(obj) {
    var tmplpath, tmpl, args, text;

    tmplpath = obj['$template'];
    tmpl = this.templates[tmplpath];

    if( !tmpl ) {
        tmpl = this.loadFile(tmplpath);
        this.templates[tmplpath] = tmpl;

    // Validate arguments?
    args = _.extend({}, TEMPLATE_FUNCS, this.templateArguments, obj['arguments']);
    validateTemplateArgs(tmplpath, tmpl, args);

    // Render the template, and parse
    text = Mustache.render(tmpl.template, args);
    return yaml.safeLoad(text);

module.exports = SwaggerResolver;