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3 hrs
Test Coverage
'use strict';

module.exports = function(grunt) {
    var _ = require('lodash');
    var path = require('path');
    var fs = require('fs');
    var yaml = require('js-yaml');

    var SUPPORTED_OPS = {
        'get': true,
        'post': true,
        'put': true,
        'patch': true,
        'delete': true,
        'head': true,
        'options': true,
        'trace': true

    function pathToRegexStr(path) {
        return path.replace(/\{[^/]+\}/g, '[^/]+');

     * This task prints missing endpoints in API documentation
     * @param {object} options
     * @param {string} options.format The output format, either 'yaml' or 'json' (default)
     * @param {object} data Task data
     * @param {string} data.src The input file (compiled swagger file)
     * @param {string} data.endpoints The file containing the endpoint list
     * @param {array} data.ignoredPaths A list of regular expressions of paths to ignore for errors
     * @param {boolean} data.failOnErrors Set to false to prevent errors from failing the build
    grunt.registerMultiTask('printDocCoverage', 'Print endpoints that are missing from docs', function() {
        var srcFile =;
        var endpointsFile =;
        var ignored =||[];

        if(!fs.existsSync(srcFile)) {
            grunt.log.writeln('Could not find:', srcFile);
            return false;
        if(!fs.existsSync(endpointsFile)) {
            grunt.log.writeln('Could not find endpoints file, please run integration tests!'.red);
        var isIgnored = function(path) {
            return _.some(ignored, function(spec) { if( spec instanceof RegExp ) {
                    return spec.test(path);
                return path === spec;

        var hasDescription = function(obj) {
            return obj.summary || obj.description;

        var root = yaml.safeLoad(fs.readFileSync(srcFile).toString());
        var endpoints = yaml.safeLoad(fs.readFileSync(endpointsFile).toString());

        // convert all endpoints in swagger docs to regular expressions
        var endpointRegexes = [];
        var basePath = root.basePath;
        var errors = false;

        _.forEach(root.paths, function(def, path) {
            var pathRegex = pathToRegexStr(basePath + path);
            _.forEach(def, function(obj, method) {
                if( SUPPORTED_OPS[method] ) {
                    var reStr = method.toUpperCase() + ' ' + pathRegex;
                    var pathDesc = method.toUpperCase() + ' ' + path;

                    endpointRegexes.push(new RegExp(reStr));

                    // Also print an error if there is no (or empty) summary or description on method
                    if( !hasDescription(obj) ) {
                        grunt.log.writeln('ERROR '.red + pathDesc + ' is missing description');
                        errors = true;
                    // Also print a warning if there is no (or empty) description on response
                    _.forEach(obj.responses, function(resp, code) {
                        if( !hasDescription(resp) ) {
                            grunt.log.writeln('WARNING ' + pathDesc + ' ' + code + ' response is missing description'); 
        // Go through the list of accessed endpoints, matching them to defined endpoints
        _.forEach(endpoints, function(ep) {
            if( isIgnored(ep) ) {

            var matched = _.some(endpointRegexes, function(re) {
                return re.test(ep);
            if( !matched ) {
                grunt.log.writeln('ERROR '.red + ep + ' is undocumented!');
                errors = true;

        if( errors && !== false ) {
            return false;
