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'use strict';

module.exports = function(grunt) {
    var path = require('path');
    var fs = require('fs');
    var _ = require('lodash');
    var yaml = require('js-yaml');
    var walk = require('../walk');
    var Schemas = require('../schemas');

     * This task simplifies models in a swagger file.
     * @param {object} data Task data
     * @param {string} data.src The input file (root level swagger file)
     * @param {string} data.dst The output file
    grunt.registerMultiTask('simplifySwagger', 'Simplify models in swagger API file', function() {
        var srcFile =||'swagger.yaml';
        var dstFile =;
        if(!fs.existsSync(srcFile)) {
            grunt.log.error('Could not find:', srcFile);
            return false;

        var root = yaml.safeLoad(fs.readFileSync(srcFile).toString());

        var context = {
            aliases: {}

        try {
            // Merge models
            // for example, this will merge group-input and group-output into group based on the
            // x-sdk-model property
            mergeModels(root, context);
        } catch( e ) {
  'ERROR: '.red + ' ' + e);

        // Walk through definitions, simplifying models where we can
        simplifyDefinitions(root, context);

        // walk through all schemas
        // That's every definition and every response and body schema
        root = walk(root, function(obj, path) {
            if( isSchema(path) ) {
                return simplifySchema(obj, path, context);
            return obj;

        var data = JSON.stringify(root, null, 2);
        fs.writeFileSync(dstFile, data);

    function formatPath(path) {
        path =, function(el) {
            return el.replace(/\//g, '~1');
        return '#/' + path.join('/');

    function unformatPath(path) {
        if( !path.substr ) {
            grunt.log.writeln('Invalid path: ' + JSON.stringify(path));
            return path;
        var parts = path.substr(2).split('/');
        return, function(el) {
            return el.replace(/~1/g, '/');

    function isSchema(path) {
        if( path.length === 2 && path[0] === 'definitions' ) {
            return true;
        if( path.length === 4 && path[0] === 'definitions' && path[2] === 'properties' ) {
            return true;
        if( path.length > 1 && path[path.length-1] === 'schema' ) {
            return true;
        return false;

    function isValidSchema(schema) {
        return( schema.type || schema.$ref || 
            schema.allOf || schema.oneOf || schema.anyOf || schema.not );

    function isDefinition(path) {
        return ( path.length === 2 &&  path[0] === 'definitions' );

    function simplifyDefinitions(root, context) {
        var defs = root.definitions||{};
        var keys = _.keys(defs);

        _.each(keys, function(k) {
            var schema = defs[k];
            var path = formatPath(['definitions', k]);

            if( schema.type === 'array' ) {
                // Setup an alias for array objects (don't generate a model)
                context.aliases[path] = simplifySchema(schema, ['definitions', k], context);
                delete defs[k];
            } else if( schema.allOf && schema.allOf.length === 1 && schema.allOf[0].$ref ) {
                // For objects that are just aliases for other objects, copy all of the properties
                var target = unformatPath(schema.allOf[0].$ref);
                var targetObj = resolvePathObj(root, target);
                if( targetObj ) {
                    defs[k] = targetObj;
                } else {
                    grunt.log.writeln('ERROR '.red + 'Cannot find alias for: ' + path + ' (' + schema.allOf[0].$ref + ')');
            } else if( schema.$ref ) {
                // Replace pure references
                context.aliases[path] = schema;
                delete defs[k];
            } else if( Schemas.isPrimitiveType(schema.type) ) {
                // For simple types in definitions, alias them
                context.aliases[path] = schema;
                delete defs[k];

    // Performs all of the simplifying steps, and
    // returns a simplified version of schema
    function simplifySchema(schema, path, context) {
        schema = _.cloneDeep(schema);
        // If an x-sdk-schema is specified, use that
        if( schema['x-sdk-schema'] ) {
            schema = schema['x-sdk-schema'];

        if( !isValidSchema(schema) ) {
            grunt.log.writeln('WARNING '.red + 'Invalid schema (no object type specified) at: ' + formatPath(path));
            schema.type = 'object';
        } else if( schema.type === 'array' && schema.items ) {
            path = _.concat(path, 'items');
            schema.items = simplifySchema(schema.items, path, context);
        } else if( schema.allOf ) {
            if( schema.allOf.length === 1 ) {
                if( schema.allOf[0].$ref ) {
                    var alias = context.aliases[schema.allOf[0].$ref];
                    // Replace alias for allOf fields
                    if( alias ) {
                        schema = _.cloneDeep(alias); 
                    } else {
                        schema = schema.allOf[0];
                } else if( Schemas.isPrimitiveType(schema.allOf[0].type) ) {
                    schema = schema.allOf[0];
                } else {
                    grunt.log.writeln('WARNING Cannot simplify "allOf" definition at: ' + formatPath(path));
            } else {
                // Still replace aliases
                for( var i = 0; i < schema.allOf.length; i++ ) {
                    var alias = context.aliases[schema.allOf[i].$ref];
                    if( alias ) {
                        schema.allOf[i] = _.cloneDeep(alias);
                // It's not an error to not simplify polymorphic types
                if( !schema['x-discriminator-value'] ) {
                    grunt.log.writeln('WARNING Cannot simplify "allOf" definition at: ' + formatPath(path));
        } else if( schema.$ref ) {
            // Replace alias for $ref fields
            var alias = context.aliases[schema.$ref];
            if( alias ) {
                schema = _.cloneDeep(alias); 
        return schema;

    // Merge all models that have the x-sdk-model property
    function mergeModels(root, context) {
        var defs = root.definitions||{};
        var keys = _.keys(defs);
        var models = {};
        var aliases = {};

        // First collect all the models to be merged
        _.each(keys, function(k) {
            var schema = defs[k];
            if( schema['x-sdk-model'] ) {
                var modelName = schema['x-sdk-model'];
                if( !models[modelName] ) {
                    models[modelName] = [];
                    id: k,
                    schema: schema

                // Create temporary aliases for comparing properties
                aliases['#/definitions/' + k] = '#/definitions/' + modelName;

        // Then perform the merge
        keys = _.keys(models);
        _.each(keys, function(modelName) {
            var schemas = models[modelName];
            var schema = _.cloneDeep(schemas[0]).schema;
            var refSchema = {
                $ref: '#/definitions/' + modelName

            for( var i = 1; i < schemas.length; i++ ) {
                // Merge each schema into the current
                mergeSchema(modelName, schema, schemas[i], aliases);

            // Add aliases and delete the original models
            for( var i = 0; i < schemas.length; i++ ) {
                var id = schemas[i].id;
                context.aliases['#/definitions/' + id] = refSchema;
                delete defs[id];
            // Remove fields that are no longer relevant
            delete schema['x-sdk-model'];
            delete schema['required'];
            defs[modelName] = schema;

    function mergeSchema(name, schema, src, aliases) { =||{};
        var dstProps =;
        var srcProps =||{};
        var keys = _.keys(srcProps);
        _.each(keys, function(k) {
            // Compare, after resolving aliases
            // This way, file-input and file-output resolve to file-entry (for example)
            // and are treated as the same for comparison purposes
            var srcProp = resolveAlias(srcProps[k], aliases);
            var dstProp = resolveAlias(dstProps[k], aliases);
            if( dstProp && !_.isEqual(srcProp, dstProp) ) {
                throw 'Cannot merge model ' + + ' into ' + name + ': incompatible "' + k + '" property';
            } else {
                dstProps[k] = srcProp;

    function resolveAlias(schema, aliases) {
        // Simple alias resolution where aliases is a map of:
        // #/definition/model1 to #/defintion/model2
        if( !schema ) {
            return schema;

        return walk(schema, function(obj) {
            if( obj.$ref ) {
                var alias = aliases[obj.$ref];
                if( alias ) {
                    return _.extend({}, obj, { $ref: alias });
            return obj;

    function resolvePathObj(root, path) {
        var current = root;
        path = path.slice();
        while( current && path.length ) {
            current = current[path.shift()];
        return current;