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GLOW Release Notes

:Version: GLOW v. 0.973
:Author: Stan Solomon
:Date: 4/05, 3/15
:License: See glowlicense.txt for the Open Source Academic Research License Agreement

Version 0.973 is an incremental release to GLOW, mostly just the example drivers:
   - updates example drivers to MSIS-2K
   - adds NOEM empirical nitric oxide model, based on SNOE data, to example drivers
   - some cleanup of example drivers
   - fixs ssflux so it only reads file on first call (or if ISCALE changes).

See glow.rst for more details

New features:
   - Relativistic correction to electron impact cross sections included
   - Maxwellian or monoenergetic fluxes generated by MAXT
   - Possible to use any solar grid by changing only input files
   - Photoabsorption and photoionization cross sections supplied in files
   - SSFLUX completely re-written:
      - Model parameters supplied in files
      - Default is ~1 nm grid (5 nm in FUV)
      - Hinteregger model still there (ISCALE=0)
      - EUVAC also available (ISCALE=1)
      - User grid and input supported by changing input file and LMAX (ISCALE=2)
   - Common block CGLOW is unchanged
      - Should facilitate upgrade path for existing programs
      - But there are now several obsolete artifacts

Issues addressed in this release:
   - Fixed two problems with Auger electron production
   - Fixed some small bugs in O(1S) calculation
   - Adjusted N(2D)+O rate coefficient to Fell et al. value (6.9e-13)
   - Adjusted C III on N2 cross section to fix O2 ionization rate problem
   - Removed various artifacts, including EAURI
   - Removed unnecessary N(2D) initial guess (now just set to zero)
   - Now use standard energy and altitude grid in both day and aurora examples

Known problems:
   - X-rays shortward of 18 A need to be re-examined and updated.
   - Magnetic field (GEOMAG, FIELDM) is out of date, really need to update to IGRF, but at the resolutions typical here should be OK for now.
   - Temporary Y2K fix to SUNCOR.  Should be fine for 1950-2050, but really need to change from yyddd to yyyyddd date format, which will enable       range of validity to extend from 1900-2100.  (This only affects SZA.)
   - O(1S) needs to be re-evaluated (still).
   - O(1S) from O2 dissociation (BSO2) is currently hardwired - only works with LMAX=123 (although changes shortward of 800 A are OK).
   - IRI should be updated.

Long term:
   - Would like to move all cross sections to file input, and utilize full specification of N2 triplet and singlet states.
   - File handling - currently required to put input data files on current working  directory - could use environment variables or directory argument to make this more general - any ideas?
   - Eventually would like to get rid of common block CGLOW, and go with a more modern approach.