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#!/usr/bin/env python
Trivial example of aurora using Stan Solomon's GLOW Auroral model
code wrapping in Python by Michael Hirsch
from matplotlib.pyplot import figure
from pandas import DataFrame
from numpy import hstack, arange, append, array, rollaxis
from os import chdir
from pathlib import Path
from sciencedates import datetime2yeardoy
from pyiri90.runiri90 import runiri
from msise00.runmsis import rungtd1d
from glowaurora import glowfort
glowpath = Path(__file__).resolve().parents[1]

def runglowaurora(eflux, e0, dt, glat, glon, f107a, f107, f107p, ap, mass):
    yd, utsec = datetime2yeardoy(dt)[:2]

    z = arange(80, 110 + 1, 1)
    z = append(z, array([111.5, 113., 114.5, 116., 118., 120., 122., 124., 126., 128., 130.,
                         132., 134., 136., 138., 140., 142., 144., 146., 148., 150., 153., 156.,
                         159., 162., 165., 168., 172., 176., 180., 185., 190., 195., 200., 205.,
                         211., 217., 223., 230., 237., 244., 252., 260.,
                         268., 276., 284., 292., 300., 309., 318., 327., 336., 345., 355., 365.,
                         375., 385., 395., 406., 417., 428., 440., 453., 467., 482., 498., 515.,
                         533., 551., 570., 590., 610., 630., 650., 670., 690., 710., 730., 750.,
                         770., 790., 810., 830., 850., 870., 890., 910., 930., 950.]))

    glowfort.cglow.zz = z * 1e5
    glowfort.cglow.znd[:] = 0.

# Set other parameters and switches:
    glowfort.cglow.jlocal = 0
    glowfort.cglow.kchem = 4
    glowfort.cglow.iscale = 1
    glowfort.cglow.xuvfac = 3.
    glowfort.cglow.hlybr = 0.
    glowfort.cglow.fexvir = 0.
    glowfort.cglow.hlya = 0.
    glowfort.cglow.heiew = 0.
# %% (1) setup flux at top of ionosphere
    ener, dE = glowfort.egrid()

    phitop = glowfort.maxt(eflux, e0, ener, dE, itail=0, fmono=0, emono=0)

    phi = hstack((ener[:, None], dE[:, None], phitop[:, None]))

    glowfort.cglow.zz = z * 1e5
    glowfort.cglow.znd[:] = 0.
# %% (2) call MSIS
    tselecopts = (1,) * 25
    dens, temp = rungtd1d(dt, z, glat, glon, f107a, f107, ap, mass, tselecopts)
    glowfort.cglow.zo = dens['O']
    glowfort.cglow.zn2 = dens['N2']
    glowfort.cglow.zo2 = dens['O2']
    glowfort.cglow.zrho = dens['Total']
    glowfort.cglow.zns = dens['N']
    glowfort.cglow.ztn = temp['heretemp']
# %% (3) call snoem
    Call SNOEMINT to obtain NO profile from the Nitric Oxide Empirical
    Model (NOEM)
    glowfort.cglow.zno = glowfort.snoemint(dt.strftime('%Y%j'),
                                           glat, glon, f107, ap, z, temp['heretemp'])
# %% (4a) call iri-90
    outf, oarr = runiri(dt, z, glat, glon, f107, f107a, ap, mass=48)
    chdir(glowpath)  # need this since iri90 changes path
# %% (4b) store iri90 in COMMON blocks, after unit conversion
    glowfort.cglow.ze = outf['ne'] / 1e6  # M-3 -> CM-3
    glowfort.cglow.ze[glowfort.cglow.ze < 100.] = 100.

    glowfort.cglow.zti = outf['Ti']
    i = glowfort.cglow.zti < glowfort.cglow.ztn
    glowfort.cglow.zti[i] = glowfort.cglow.ztn[i]

    glowfort.cglow.zte = outf['Te']
    i = glowfort.cglow.zte < glowfort.cglow.ztn
    glowfort.cglow.zte[i] = glowfort.cglow.ztn[i]

    glowfort.cglow.zxden[2, :] = outf['nO+'] / 1e6
    glowfort.cglow.zxden[5, :] = outf['nO2+'] / 1e6
    glowfort.cglow.zxden[6, :] = outf['nNO+'] / 1e6
# %% glow model

    ion, ecalc, photI, ImpI, isr = glowfort.aurora(z, yd, utsec, glat, glon % 360,
                                                   f107a, f107, phi)
# %% handle the outputs including common blocks
    zeta = glowfort.cglow.zeta.T  # columns 11:20 are identically zero

    ver = DataFrame(index=z,
                    data=zeta[:, :11],
                    columns=[3371, 4278, 5200, 5577, 6300, 7320, 10400, 3466,
                             7774, 8446, 3726])
    photIon = DataFrame(index=z,
                        data=hstack((photI[:, None], ImpI[:, None], ecalc[:, None], ion)),
                        columns=['photoIoniz', 'eImpactIoniz', 'ne',
                                 'nO+(2P)', 'nO+(2D)', 'nO+(4S)', 'nN+', 'nN2+', 'nO2+', 'nNO+',
                                 'nO', 'nO2', 'nN2', 'nNO'])

    isrparam = DataFrame(index=z,
                         columns=['ne', 'Te', 'Ti'])

    phitop = DataFrame(index=phi[:, 0],  # eV
                       data=phi[:, 2],  # diffnumflux
    zceta = glowfort.cglow.zceta.T

    return ver, photIon, isrparam, phitop, zceta
# %% plot

def plotaurora(phitop, ver, zceta, photIon, isr, dtime, glat, glon):
    # %% incident flux at top of ionosphere
    ax = figure().gca()
    ax.plot(phitop.index, phitop['diffnumflux'])
    ax.set_title('Incident Flux', fontsize='x-large')
    ax.set_xlabel('Beam Energy [eV]', fontsize='large')
    ax.set_ylabel('Flux', fontsize='large')
    ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize='medium')
# %% results of impacts
    fg = figure()
    axs = fg.subplots(1, 4, sharey=True, figsize=(15, 8))
    fg.suptitle('{} ({},{})'.format(dtime, glat, glon), fontsize='x-large')
    fg.tight_layout(pad=3.2, w_pad=0.3)

    ax = axs[0]
    ax.plot(ver.values, ver.index)
    ax.set_xlabel('VER', fontsize='large')
    ax.set_ylabel('altitude [km]', fontsize='large')
    ax.set_ylim(top=ver.index[-1], bottom=ver.index[0])
    ax.set_title('Volume emission rate', fontsize='x-large')

    ax = axs[1]
    ax.plot(photIon[['photoIoniz', 'eImpactIoniz']], photIon.index)
    ax.set_xlabel('ionization', fontsize='large')
    ax.set_title('Photo and e$^-$ impact ionization', fontsize='x-large')

    ax = axs[2]
    ax.semilogx(photIon[['ne', 'nO+(2P)', 'nO+(2D)', 'nO+(4S)', 'nN+', 'nN2+', 'nO2+', 'nNO+',
                         'nO', 'nO2', 'nN2', 'nNO']], photIon.index)
    ax.set_xlabel('Density', fontsize='large')
    ax.set_title('Electron and Ion Densities', fontsize='x-large')

    ax = axs[3]
    ax.semilogx(isr[['Te', 'Ti']], isr.index)
    ax.set_xlabel('Temperature [K]', fontsize='large')
    ax.set_title('Particle Temperature', fontsize='x-large')

    for a in axs:
        a.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize='medium')

# %% total energy deposition vs. altitude
    fg = figure()
    axs = fg.subplots(1, 2, sharey=True, figsize=(15, 8))
    fg.suptitle('{} ({},{})'.format(dtime, glat, glon), fontsize='x-large')
    fg.tight_layout(pad=3.2, w_pad=0.3)

    ax = axs[0]
    tez = glowfort.cglow.tez
    ax.plot(tez, ver.index)
    ax.set_ylim(top=ver.index[-1], bottom=ver.index[0])
    ax.set_xlabel('Energy Deposited', fontsize='large')
    ax.set_ylabel('Altitude [km]', fontsize='large')
    ax.set_title('Total Energy Depostiion', fontsize='x-large')
# %% e^- impact ionization rates from ETRANS
    ax = axs[1]
    sion = glowfort.cglow.sion
    sion = DataFrame(index=ver.index, data=sion.T, columns=['O', 'O2', 'N2'])
    ax.plot(sion, ver.index)
    ax.set_xlabel('e$^-$ impact ioniz. rate', fontsize='large')
    ax.set_title('electron impact ioniz. rates', fontsize='x-large')
    # ax.legend(True)
# %% constituants of per-wavelength VER
#    zcsum = zceta.sum(axis=-1)

    ax = figure().gca()
    for zc in rollaxis(zceta, 1):
        ax.plot(ver.index, zc)
    ax.set_xlabel('emission constituants', fontsize='large')
    # ax.legend(True)