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import logging
from pathlib import Path
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
import xarray
from typing import Tuple, Union, List, IO, Any

from .ztanh import setupz
from .io import readTranscarInput, readionoheader, parseionoheader

nhead = 126  # a priori from transconvec_13
NumPerRow = 5
NdataCol = 11
NprecipCol = 2
d_bytes = 4
# ncol0 = 50 #from transconvec_13.op.f
# from inspection of "good" .dat file, x1F8=d504, 504 gets us up to this point
headbytes = 504

toobig = 300  # beyond which number of altitude cells transcar will crash

ISRPARAM = ["ne", "vi", "Ti", "Te"]
KINFN = "dir.output/emissions.dat"

def read_precinput(path: Path) -> np.ndarray:
    read precipitation input


    path : pathlib.Path
        fullpath to precinput file


    phi: numpy.ndarray
        vector of differential number flux

    return np.loadtxt(path, delimiter=" ", skiprows=1, max_rows=34)

def read_tra(path: Path, tReq: datetime = None) -> xarray.DataArray:
    reads binary "transcar_output" file
    many more quantities exist in the binary file, these are the ones we use so far.
    requires: Matplotlib >= 1.4


    tcofn: path/filename of transcar_output file
    tReq: optional, datetime at which to extract data from file (will still read whole file first)

    n_t: number of time steps in file
    n_alt: number of altitudes in simulation
    d_bytes: number of bytes per data element
    size_record: number of data bytes per time step

    Note: header length = 2*ncol
    tcofn = path / "dir.output/transcar_output"

    hd = readionoheader(tcofn, nhead)[0]

    hd["size_head"] = 2 * hd["ncol"]  # +2 by defn of transconvec_13
    hd["size_data_record"] = hd["nx"] * hd["ncol"]  # data without header
    hd["size_record"] = hd["size_head"] + hd["size_data_record"]

    assert hd["size_head"] == nhead
    # %% read data based on header
    iono = loopread(tcofn, hd, tReq)

    return iono

def loopread(tcofn: Path, hd: dict, tReq: datetime = None) -> xarray.DataArray:

    tcoutput = Path(tcofn).expanduser()
    n_t = tcoutput.stat().st_size // hd["size_record"] // d_bytes

    iono: xarray.DataArray = []
    with"rb") as f:  # reset to beginning
        for _ in range(n_t):
            iono.append(data_tra(f, hd))

    iono = xarray.concat(iono, "time")
    # %% handle time request -- will return Dataframe if tReq, else returns Panel of all times
    if tReq is not None:  # have to qualify this since picktime default gives last time as fallback
        tUsedInd = picktime(iono.time.values, tReq)[0]
        if tUsedInd is not None:  # in case ind is 0
            iono = iono.isel(time=tUsedInd)

    return iono

def data_tra(f: IO[Any], hd: dict) -> xarray.DataArray:
    # %% parse header
    h = np.fromfile(f, np.float32, nhead)
    head = parseionoheader(h)
    # %% read and index data
    data = np.fromfile(f, np.float32, hd["size_data_record"]).reshape((hd["nx"], hd["ncol"]), order="C")

    dextind = tuple(range(1, 7)) + (49,) + tuple(range(7, 13))
    if head["approx"] >= 13:
        dextind += tuple(range(13, 22))
        dextind += (12, 13, 13, 14, 14, 15, 15, 16, 16)
    # n7=49 if ncol>49 else None

    iono = xarray.DataArray(data[:, dextind], coords=[("alt_km", data[:, 0]), ("isrparam", PARAM)], attrs={"filename":})
    # %% four ISR parameters
    ion velocity from read_fluidmod.m
    data_tra.m does not consider n7 for ne or vi computation,
    BUT read_fluidmod.m does consider n7!
    pp = compplasmaparam(iono, head["approx"])
    # %% output
    iono = xarray.Dataset({"iono": iono, "pp": pp}, coords={"time": head["htime"]}, attrs={"chi": head["chi"]})

    return iono

# %% read iono
def readmsis(ifn: Path, ofn: Path = None, dz=None, newaltmethod: str = None):
    """reads MSIS model output that Transcar uses"""

    nhead = headbytes // d_bytes

    hd, hdraw = readionoheader(ifn, nhead)

    msis, raw = readinitconddat(hd, ifn)  # index is altitude (km)
    pp = compplasmaparam(msis, hd["approx"])

    iono = xarray.Dataset({"msis": msis, "pp": pp}, attrs={"hd": hd})

    msisint, rawinterp = interpdat(iono, dz, raw, newaltmethod)

    writeinterpunformat(msisint.attrs["hd"]["nx"], rawinterp, hdraw, ofn)

    return msisint

def getaltgrid(ifn: Path) -> xarray.DataArray:
    Helper function for HiST-feasibility to quickly get transcar alt grid
    nhead = headbytes // d_bytes
    hd = readionoheader(ifn, nhead)[0]
    msis, raw = readinitconddat(hd, ifn)  # index is altitude (km)

    return msis.alt_km

def interpdat(md: xarray.DataArray, dz, raw: np.ndarray, newaltmethod: str = None) -> tuple:
    """interpolate data to new altitude grid"""
    # %% was interpolation requested?
    if dz is None or newaltmethod is None:
        return md, raw
    # %% interpolate initial conditions
    malt = newaltmethod.lower()
    if malt == "tanh":
        z_new = setupz(md.shape[0], md.index[0], dz[0], dz[1])
    elif malt == "linear":
        print(f"interpolating to grid space {dz:.2f} km.")
        z_new = np.arange(md.index[0], md.index[-1], dz[0], dtype=float)
    elif malt == "incr":
        in this case, dz is start spacing and  amount to increase step size for each element
        The method used to implement this is inefficient, but it is a very small dataset.
        z_new = [md.index[0]]
        cdz = dz[0]
        while (z_new[-1] + cdz) < md.index[-1]:
            z_new.append(z_new[-1] + cdz)
            cdz += dz[0]
        z_new = np.asarray(z_new)
        logging.error(f"unknown interp method {newaltmethod}, returning unaltered values.")
        return md, raw

    if z_new.size > toobig:
        logging.warning(f"Transcar may not accept altitude grids with more than about {toobig} elements.")

    # %% assemble output
    mint = xarray.DataArray(
        np.empty((z_new.size, md.shape[1])),
        dims=["alt_km", "isrparam"],
        coords={"alt_km": z_new, "isrparam": md.coords["isrparam"]},
    )  # this is faster than list(md)
    for m in md:
        fint = interp1d(md.index, md[m], kind="linear", axis=0)
        mint.loc[:, m] = fint(z_new)
    # %% new header, only change to number of altitudes
    hdint = md.attrs["hd"]
    hdint["nx"] = z_new.size
    # %% raw data, we'll write this to disk later
    fint = interp1d(md.index, raw, kind="linear", axis=0)
    rawint = fint(z_new)
    # %% interpolate derived parameters
    ppint = xarray.DataArray(
        np.empty((z_new.size, md["pp"].shape[1])),
        dims=["alt_km", "isrparam"],
        coords={"alt_km": z_new, "isrparam": md.coords["isrparam"]},
    for p in md["pp"]:
        fint = interp1d(md["pp"].alt_km, md["pp"].loc[:, p], kind="linear", axis=0)
        ppint.loc[:, p] = fint(z_new)

    iono = xarray.Dataset({"md": mint, "pp": ppint}, attrs={"hd": hdint})

    return iono, rawint

def writeinterpunformat(nx: int, rawi, hdraw, ofn: Path = None):
    """write altitude-interpolated data to proprietary Transcar binary format"""

    if ofn is None:

    ofn = Path(ofn).expanduser()
    # update header with new number of altitudes due to interpolation
    hdraw[0] = nx

    print("writing", ofn)
    with"wb") as f:
        hdraw.tofile(f, "", "%f32")
        rawi.astype(np.float32).tofile(f, "", "%f32")

def readinitconddat(hd: dict, fn: Path) -> Tuple[xarray.DataArray, np.ndarray]:
    """Reads initial conditions for Transcar from binary file"""
    fn = Path(fn).expanduser()
    nx = hd["nx"]
    ncol = hd["ncol"]

    # *** these indices correspond exactly to the columns of msis!! ****
    # from transconvec_13.op.f lines 452 - 542
    if hd["approx"].astype(int) == 13:
        dextind = tuple(range(1, 34))
        dextind = tuple(range(1, 13)) + (12, 13, 13, 14, 14, 15, 15, 16, 16) + tuple(range(17, 29))

    if ncol > 60:
        dextind += (60, 61, 62)

    dextind += (49,)  # as in output

    with"rb") as f:  # python2 requires r first
        ipos = 2 * ncol * d_bytes, 0)
        rawall = np.fromfile(f, np.float32, nx * ncol).reshape((nx, ncol), order="C")  # yes order='C'!

    msis = xarray.DataArray(
        rawall[:, dextind],
        dims=["alt_km", "isrparam"],
            "alt_km": rawall[:, 0],
            "isrparam": [
        attrs={"filename": fn},

    return msis, rawall

# %% read transcar
def calcVERtc(datadir: Path, tReq: datetime, config_fn: Path):
    calcVERtc is the function called by "hist-feasibility" to get Transcar modeled VER/flux

    spec: Panel of excitation rates: reaction x altitude x time

    We use pcolormesh instead of imshow to enable correct log-plot labeling/coloring

    References include:
    Zettergren, M. "Model-based optical and radar remote sensing of transport and composition
                    in the auroral ionosphere" PhD Thesis, Boston Univ., 2009
    Zettergren, M. et al "Optical estimation of aurinfileinfileoral ion upflow: 2. A case study"
          JGR Vol 113 A7  2008 DOI:10.1029/2007JA012691
    Zettergren, M. et al "Optical estimation of auroral ion upflow: Theory"
          JGR Vol 112 A12 2007 DOI: 10.1029/2007JA012691

    Tested with:
    Matplotlib 1.4 (1.3.1 does NOT work for pcolormesh)

    Plambda contains all the wavelengths generated for the reactions at a particular beam energy level
    Plambda row: wavelength col: altitude
    for each energy bin, we take Plambda through the EMCCD window and optional BG3 filter,
    yielding Peigen, a ver eigenprofile p(z,E) for that particular energy
    # %% get beam directory
    beamdir = Path(datadir)
    # %% read simulation parameters
    tctime = readTranscarInput(beamdir / "dir.input" / config_fn)
    if tctime is None:

    if tReq is not None:
        if not tctime["tstartPrecip"] < tReq < tctime["tendPrecip"]:
  'precip start/end: {tctime["tstartPrecip"]} / {tctime["tendPrecip"]}')
            logging.error(f"your requested time {tReq} is outside the precipitation time")
            tReq = tctime["tendPrecip"]
            logging.warning(f"falling back to using the end simulation time: {tReq}")
    # %% convert transcar output
    rates = ExcitationRates(beamdir / KINFN)

    tReqInd, tUsed = picktime(rates.time.values, tReq)

    rates = rates[tReqInd, ...]

    return rates

def picktime(tTC, tReq):

    if tReq is None:
        tReqInd = slice(None)
        tReq = np.datetime64(tReq)
        tReqInd = abs(tTC - tReq).argmin()

    tUsed = tTC[tReqInd]

    return tReqInd, tUsed

# %% for testing only

class SimpleSim:
    simple input for debugging/self test

    def __init__(
        self, filt: str, inpath: Path, reacreq: List[str] = None, lambminmax: Tuple[int, int] = None, transcarutc: datetime = None
        self.loadver = False
        self.loadverfn = Path("precompute/01Mar2011_FA.h5")
        self.opticalfilter = filt
        self.minbeamev = 0
        self.obsalt_km = 0
        self.zenang = 77.5
        # self.maxbeamev = #future
        self.transcarev = Path(__file__).parent / "../BT_E1E2prev.csv"

        self.excratesfn = "dir.output/emissions.dat"
        self.transcarpath = inpath
        self.transcarconfig = "DATCAR"

        self.transcarutc = transcarutc

        if reacreq is None:
            self.reacreq = ["metastable", "atomic", "n21ng", "n2meinel", "n22pg", "n21pg"]
            self.reacreq = reacreq

        if lambminmax is None:
            self.lambminmax = (1200, 200)
            self.lambminmax = lambminmax

        # self.reactionfn = Path('precompute/vjeinfc.h5')
        # self.bg3fn = Path('precompute/BG3transmittance.h5')
        # self.windowfn = Path('precompute/ixonWindowT.h5')
        # self.qefn = Path('precompute/emccdQE.h5')

# %% ISR

def compplasmaparam(iono: xarray.DataArray, approx: int) -> xarray.DataArray:
    assert isinstance(iono, xarray.DataArray)

    pp = xarray.DataArray(
        np.empty((iono.shape[0], 4)),
        coords=[("alt_km", iono.alt_km), ("isrparam", ["ne", "vi", "Ti", "Te"])],
        attrs={"filename": iono.attrs["filename"]},

    nm = iono.loc[:, ["n4", "n5", "n6"]].sum(dim="isrparam")

    pp.loc[:, "ne"] = comp_ne(iono)
    #    pp.sel(isrparam='ne') = comp_ne(iono) # doesn't work for assign?
    pp.loc[:, "vi"] = comp_vi(iono, nm, pp)
    pp.loc[:, "Ti"] = comp_Ti(iono, nm, pp)
    pp.loc[:, "Te"] = comp_Te(iono, approx)

    return pp

def comp_ne(d: xarray.DataArray) -> xarray.DataArray:
    """compute electron density vs. altitude"""
    return d.loc[:, ["n1", "n2", "n3", "n4", "n5", "n6", "n7"]].sum("isrparam")

def comp_vi(d: xarray.DataArray, nm: xarray.DataArray, pp: xarray.DataArray) -> xarray.DataArray:
    """compute ion velocity vs. altitude"""
    return (
        d.loc[:, ["n1", "v1"]].prod("isrparam")
        + d.loc[:, ["n2", "v2"]].prod("isrparam")
        + d.loc[:, ["n3", "v3"]].prod("isrparam")
        + nm * d.loc[:, "vm"]
    ) / pp.loc[:, "ne"]

def comp_Ti(d: xarray.DataArray, nm: xarray.DataArray, pp: xarray.DataArray) -> xarray.DataArray:
    Compute ion temperature
    Refs: transconvec_13.op.f  read_fluidmod.m, data_tra.m

    Tipar = (
        d.loc[:, ["n1", "t1p"]].prod("isrparam")
        + d.loc[:, ["n2", "t2p"]].prod("isrparam")
        + d.loc[:, ["n3", "t3p"]].prod("isrparam")
        + nm * d.loc[:, "tmp"]
    ) / pp.loc[:, "ne"]

    Tiperp = (
        d.loc[:, ["n1", "t1t"]].prod("isrparam")
        + d.loc[:, ["n2", "t2t"]].prod("isrparam")
        + d.loc[:, ["n3", "t3t"]].prod("isrparam")
        + nm * d.loc[:, "tmt"]
    ) / pp.loc[:, "ne"]
    # return (n1*t1 + n2*t2 + n3*t3 +nm*tm)/(n1 +n2 +n3 +nm)
    Ti = (1 / 3) * Tipar + (2 / 3) * Tiperp

    return Ti

def comp_Te(d: xarray.DataArray, approx: int) -> xarray.DataArray:
    if int(approx) == 13:
        Te = (d.loc[:, "tep"] + 2 * d.loc[:, "tet"]).astype(float) / 3.0
        Te = d.loc[:, "tep"].astype(float)

    return Te

# %%

def ExcitationRates(kinfn: Path) -> xarray.DataArray:
    Michael Hirsch 2014
    Parses the ASCII dir.output/emissions.dat in milliseconds
    based on transconvec_13

    excrate: xarray.DataArray of reaction x altitude x time

    Nalt: number of altitudes in simulation (not necessarily uniform spacing!)
    dipangle,cdip: dip angle of B-field (degrees)
    timeop,ctime: time of simulation step (UTC)
    zop: altitudes [km]
    Nprecip: At the end of each time step, there are this many elements of precipitation data to read
    NprecipCol: 2, this accounts for e and fluxdown (each taking one column)
    NdataCol: number of data elements per altitude + 1
    NumData: number of data elements to read at this time step
    rates = readexcrates(kinfn)
    # breakup slightly to meet needs of simpler external programs
    # z = excite.major_axis.values
    return rates["excitation"]

def initparams(kinfn: Path) -> Tuple[Path, int, int, float, datetime, int, int, int]:
    kinfn = Path(kinfn).expanduser()

    with"r") as fid:  # going to rewind after this priming read
        line = fid.readline()

    ctime, dip, nalt, nen = getHeader(line)

    Nprecip = NprecipCol * nen  # how many precip elements to read at this time step
    ndat = NdataCol * nalt  # how many elements to read at this time step
    # how many rows of data (less header) to read in a batch
    ndatrow = (ndat + Nprecip) // NumPerRow + 1

    logging.debug(f"{kinfn} {ctime} Nalt: {nalt} nen: {nen} dipangle[deg]: {dip:.2f}")

    return kinfn, nalt, nen, dip, ctime, ndatrow, ndat, Nprecip

def readexcrates(kinfn: Path) -> xarray.Dataset:

    kinfn, nalt, nen, dipangle, ctime, ndatrow, ndat, Nprecip = initparams(kinfn)
    # using read_csv was vastly slower!

    with"r") as f:
        dstream = np.asarray(
    # print(time()-tic)
    nhead = NumPerRow
    size_record = ndat + Nprecip + nhead
    n_t = dstream.size // size_record

    t = np.empty(n_t, datetime)
    excrate = xarray.DataArray(np.empty((n_t, nalt, 10)), dims=["time", "alt_km", "reaction"])
    excrate["reaction"] = ["no1d", "no1s", "noii2p", "nn2a3", "po3p3p", "po3p5p", "p1ng", "pmein", "p2pg", "p1pg"]

    precip = xarray.DataArray(data=np.empty((n_t, nen, NprecipCol)), dims=["time", "e", "fluxdown"])

    for i in range(n_t):
        cind = np.s_[i * size_record: (i + 1) * size_record]
        crec = dstream[cind]

        # h = crec[:nhead] #unused
        d = crec[nhead:-Nprecip].reshape((nalt, NdataCol), order="C")
        # blank nan are between data and precip
        p = crec[-Nprecip:].reshape((nen, NprecipCol), order="C")

        t[i] = parseheadtime(crec[:2])

        excrate[i, ...] = d[:, 1:]

        precip[i, ...] = p

    excrate["alt_km"] = d[:, 0]
    excrate["time"] = t

    precip["time"] = t

    rates = xarray.Dataset({"excitation": excrate, "precip": precip})

    return rates

def getHeader(line: str) -> Tuple[datetime, float, int, int]:
    head[0]: Year, day of year YYYYDDD
    head[1]: second of day from midnight UTC
    head[2]: 90 - head[2] = B-field dipangle [deg]
    head[3]: Nalt
    head[4]: nen
    head = line.split(None)  # None: multiple whitespace as one
    assert len(head) == 5
    # dt.strptime(head[0],'%Y%j') + relativedelta(seconds=float(head[1]))
    timeop = parseheadtime(head)
    dipangle = 90.0 - float(head[2])
    nalt = int(head[3])
    nen = int(head[4])

    return timeop, dipangle, nalt, nen

def parseheadtime(h: np.ndarray) -> datetime:
    return datetime.strptime(str(int(h[0])), "%Y%j") + timedelta(seconds=float(h[1]))