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2 days
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import type { Entity, EntityModel } from "~/loot/types";
import AccountIndexView from "~/accounts/views/index.html";
import type AccountModel from "~/accounts/models/account";
import type { Accounts } from "~/accounts/types";
import AuthenticationEditView from "~/authentication/views/edit.html";
import type AuthenticationModel from "~/authentication/models/authentication";
import type { Category } from "~/categories/types";
import CategoryIndexView from "~/categories/views/index.html";
import type CategoryModel from "~/categories/models/category";
import LootLayoutView from "~/loot/views/layout.html";
import type { Payee } from "~/payees/types";
import PayeeIndexView from "~/payees/views/index.html";
import type PayeeModel from "~/payees/models/payee";
import type QueryService from "~/transactions/services/query";
import type { Schedule } from "~/schedules/types";
import ScheduleIndexView from "~/schedules/views/index.html";
import type ScheduleModel from "~/schedules/models/schedule";
import type { Security } from "~/securities/types";
import SecurityIndexView from "~/securities/views/index.html";
import type SecurityModel from "~/securities/models/security";
import type { TransactionBatch } from "~/transactions/types";
import TransactionIndexView from "~/transactions/views/index.html";
import type TransactionModel from "~/transactions/models/transaction";

export default class LootStatesProvider {
    public $get: () => LootStatesProvider;

    public constructor($stateProvider: angular.ui.IStateProvider) {
        const transactionViews: Record<string, angular.ui.IState> = {
            "@root": {
                templateUrl: TransactionIndexView,
                controller: "TransactionIndexController",
                controllerAs: "vm",

        function basicState(): angular.ui.IState {
            return {
                url: "/:id",

        function transactionsState(parentContext: string): angular.ui.IState {
            return {
                url: "/transactions",
                data: {
                    title: `${
                        parentContext.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + parentContext.substring(1)
                    } Transactions`,
                resolve: {
                    contextModel: [
                            authenticated: boolean,
                            contextModel: EntityModel,
                        ): EntityModel | false => authenticated && contextModel,
                    context: [
                            authenticated: boolean,
                            $stateParams: angular.ui.IStateParamsService,
                            contextModel: EntityModel,
                        ): angular.IPromise<Entity> | false =>
                            authenticated && contextModel.find(Number($,
                    transactionBatch: [
                            authenticated: boolean,
                            transactionModel: TransactionModel,
                            contextModel: EntityModel,
                            context: Entity,
                        ): angular.IPromise<TransactionBatch> | false => {
                            const unreconciledOnly: boolean =
                                "function" ===
                                    typeof (contextModel as AccountModel).isUnreconciledOnly &&
                                (contextModel as AccountModel).isUnreconciledOnly(

                            return (
                                authenticated &&
                views: transactionViews,

        function transactionState(): angular.ui.IState {
            return {
                url: "/:transactionId",

            .state("root", {
                abstract: true,
                templateUrl: LootLayoutView,
                controller: "LayoutController",
                controllerAs: "vm",
                data: {
                    title: "Welcome",
                resolve: {
                    authenticated: [
                            $uibModal: angular.ui.bootstrap.IModalService,
                            authenticationModel: AuthenticationModel,
                        ): angular.IPromise<boolean> | boolean => {
                            // Check if the user is authenticated
                            if (!authenticationModel.isAuthenticated) {
                                // Not authenticated, show the login modal
                                return $uibModal
                                        templateUrl: AuthenticationEditView,
                                        controller: "AuthenticationEditController",
                                        controllerAs: "vm",
                                        backdrop: "static",
                                        size: "sm",
                                        (): boolean => authenticationModel.isAuthenticated,
                                    .catch((): false => false);

                            // User is authenticated
                            return true;
            .state("root.accounts", {
                url: "/accounts",
                templateUrl: AccountIndexView,
                controller: "AccountIndexController",
                controllerAs: "vm",
                data: {
                    title: "Accounts",
                resolve: {
                    accounts: [
                            authenticated: boolean,
                            accountModel: AccountModel,
                        ): angular.IPromise<Accounts> | false =>
                            authenticated && accountModel.allWithBalances(),
            .state("root.accounts.account", basicState())
            .state("root.accounts.account.transactions", transactionsState("account"))
            .state("root.schedules", {
                url: "/schedules",
                templateUrl: ScheduleIndexView,
                controller: "ScheduleIndexController",
                controllerAs: "vm",
                data: {
                    title: "Schedules",
                resolve: {
                    schedules: [
                            authenticated: boolean,
                            scheduleModel: ScheduleModel,
                        ): angular.IPromise<Schedule[]> | false =>
                            authenticated && scheduleModel.all(),
            .state("root.schedules.schedule", basicState())
            .state("root.payees", {
                url: "/payees",
                templateUrl: PayeeIndexView,
                controller: "PayeeIndexController",
                controllerAs: "vm",
                data: {
                    title: "Payees",
                resolve: {
                    payees: [
                            authenticated: boolean,
                            payeeModel: PayeeModel,
                        ): angular.IPromise<Payee[]> | false =>
                            authenticated && payeeModel.allList(),
            .state("root.payees.payee", basicState())
            .state("root.payees.payee.transactions", transactionsState("payee"))
            .state("root.payees.payee.transactions.transaction", transactionState())
            .state("root.categories", {
                url: "/categories",
                templateUrl: CategoryIndexView,
                controller: "CategoryIndexController",
                controllerAs: "vm",
                data: {
                    title: "Categories",
                resolve: {
                    categories: [
                            authenticated: boolean,
                            categoryModel: CategoryModel,
                        ): angular.IPromise<Category[]> | false =>
                            authenticated && categoryModel.allWithChildren(),
            .state("root.categories.category", basicState())
            .state("root.securities", {
                url: "/securities",
                templateUrl: SecurityIndexView,
                controller: "SecurityIndexController",
                controllerAs: "vm",
                data: {
                    title: "Securities",
                resolve: {
                    securities: [
                            authenticated: boolean,
                            securityModel: SecurityModel,
                        ): angular.IPromise<Security[]> | false =>
                            authenticated && securityModel.allWithBalances(),
            .state("", basicState())
            .state("root.transactions", {
                url: "/transactions?query",
                data: {
                    title: "Search Transactions",
                resolve: {
                    previousState: [
                        ($state: angular.ui.IStateService): angular.ui.IState | null => {
                            if (!$state.includes("root.transactions")) {
                                return {
                                    name: $,
                                    params: { ...$state.params },

                            return null;
                    contextModel: (): null => null,
                    context: [
                        ($stateParams: angular.ui.IStateParamsService): string =>
                    transactionBatch: [
                            authenticated: boolean,
                            transactionModel: TransactionModel,
                            context: string,
                        ): angular.IPromise<TransactionBatch> | false =>
                            authenticated && transactionModel.query(context, null, "prev"),
                views: transactionViews,
                onEnter: [
                        $stateParams: angular.ui.IStateParamsService,
                        queryService: QueryService,
                        previousState: angular.ui.IState | null,
                    ): void => {
                        queryService.previousState =
                            previousState ?? queryService.previousState;
                        queryService.query = String($stateParams.query);
                onExit: [
                    (queryService: QueryService): void => {
                        // Can't use concise function body because implicit return of 'false' causes route transition to cancel in ui-router@1.x
                        queryService.query = null;
            .state("root.transactions.transaction", transactionState());

        this.$get = (): LootStatesProvider => this;

LootStatesProvider.$inject = ["$stateProvider"];