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Test Coverage
.. :changelog:


1.0.0 (Unreleased)


* Start following (`Semantic Versioning <>`_).

0.11.0 (2021-01-15)


* Atomic local file write (`#68 <>`_). Thanks @habibutsu.
* New DigitalOcean Spaces Driver (`#67 <>`_). Thanks @RangelReale.


* Convert ``bytes`` to ``str`` before saving the json file for Windows Xattr simulator (`#66 <>`_). Thanks @RangelReale!
* Handle ``pathlib.Path`` properly for ```` download and ``Container.upload_blob`` (`#65 <>`_). Thanks @sibowsb!
* Fix Bob ``NotFoundError`` message for AWS driver (`#64 <>`_). Thanks @sibowsb!

0.10.1 (2020-04-20)


* Add support to mimic ``xattr`` in Windows by storing data in ``.<filename>.xattr`` (`#56 <>`_). Thanks @RangelReale.
* Add support for ``python 3.8``.


* Freeze package ``azure`` to version `4.0.0` (`#58 <>`_).
* Drop support for ``python 3.4`` due to ``PyYAML`` requirement ``!=3.4.*``.

0.10.0 (2019-08-10)


* Azure ``get_blob`` raises ``TypeError`` when Content MD5 missing in remote (`#47 <>`_). Thanks @matt-carr.
* ``AzureStorageDriver`` reads stream twice without rewinding (`#44 <>`_). Thanks @matt-carr.
* Update package dependencies to fix tests (`#43 <>`_).

Changes from 0.9.0:

* Azure driver will issue a warning if Content MD5 is not populated.
* Google driver tests will not run if credentials file is not present.

0.9.0 (2018-11-29)


* Driver authentication can be verified using ``DriverName.validate_credentials()`` (`#34 <>`_).

Changes from 0.8.0:

* Initializing ``GoogleStorageDriver`` with an invalid credentials file will
  raise ``CredentialsError`` exception instead of ``CloudStorageError``.

0.8.0 (2018-11-06)


* ``Blob`` and ``Container``'s ``meta_data`` is now a case insensitive dictionary.
* Add new driver for Minio Cloud Storage (`#25 <>`_).
  Install driver requirements with: ``pip install cloudstorage[minio]``.


* Move to ``src`` folder structure for package.

0.7.0 (2018-10-03)


* ``Cache-Control`` supported for Amazon, Google, Local, and Microsoft (`#11 <>`_).
* Each driver's package dependencies are now optional (`#4 <>`_).


* Remove rackspace package dependency ``rfc6266_parser``.
* Add ``flake8`` linting and ``sphinx`` doc building to tox and travis.

0.6 (2018-07-24)

* Copy metadata from ```` to ``setup.cfg``
* Add rate limit timeout when calling google cloud storage backend during tests.
* Catch ``UnicodeDecodeError`` when decoding local file attribute values.
* Upgrade dependencies and include ``requirements.txt`` and ``dev-requirements.txt``.

0.5 (2018-02-26)

* Update rackspacesdk to 0.7.5 and fix broken API calls (`#14 <>`_).

0.4 (2017-08-29)

* Implement Microsoft Azure Storage driver (`#1 <>`_).
* Google upload_blob is failing for binary stream (`#7 <>`_ and `#8 <>`_).
* Fixed type annotations using mypy.
* Formatted code using flake8 recommendations.

0.3 (2017-05-24)

* Fixes `#6 <>`_: Add kwargs to each driver's init method.

0.2 (2017-04-21)

* Add pip cache to travis yml file to speed up tests.
* Set wheel python-tag to py3 only
* Set tox to pass all env variables to py.test
* Add travis repo encrypted env variables for running tests.

0.1 (2017-04-20)

* First release.