# frozen_string_literal: true
require_relative 'null_node'
module HamlLint::Tree
# Represents the root node of a HAML document that contains all other nodes.
class RootNode < Node
# The name of the file parsed to build this tree.
# @return [String] a file name
def file
# Gets the node of the syntax tree for a given line number.
# @param line [Integer] the line number of the node
# @return [HamlLint::Node]
def node_for_line(line) # rubocop:disable Metrics
each do |node|
return node if node.line_numbers.cover?(line) && node != self
# Because HAML doesn't leave any trace in the nodes when it merges lines that
# end with a comma, it's harder to assign a node to the second line here:
# = some_call user,
# foo, bar
# So if the simple strategy (above) doesn't work, we try to see if we check if the last node
# that was before the requested line was one that could have been merged. If so, we use that one.
best_guess = nil
each do |node|
best_guess = node if node != self && node.line_numbers.end < line
# There are the cases were the merging without traces can happen
return best_guess if best_guess && %i[script silent_script tag].include?(best_guess.type)