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# Project Brain Games on node.js
## Getting Started
### Install
$ npm i -g se0ga_brain_games

### Launch
1. This command will ask your name and say hello.
$ brain-games
<details><summary>How it works</summary>



2. This command will check that you know which number is even and which is not.
$ brain-even
<details><summary>How it works</summary>



3. This command will check that you remember how to make those operations +, -, * .
$ brain-calc
<details><summary>How it works</summary>



4. This command will check that you remember how to find greatest common divisor.
$ brain-gcd
<details><summary>How it works</summary>



5. This command will check that you know how to balance number.
$ brain-balance
<details><summary>How it works</summary>



6. This command will check that you know how to find missed number in arithmetic progression.
$ brain-progression
<details><summary>How it works</summary>



7. This command will check that you know which number is prime and which is not.
$ brain-prime
<details><summary>How it works</summary>

