### Breaking Changes
### Minor Changes
### Patch Changes
## 17.0.2
- seagull/pages -> added configurable lang attribute
## 17.0.0
- seagull/routes -> dependencies reorganized due to build still bundling tests
- seagull/test-routes -> moved from routes
## 16.2.1
- seagull/build -> server bundling - testing library excluded
## 16.0.7
- seagull/services-soap -> seed file generation only when not existing/expired
## 16.0.5
- seagull/routes -> services-soap di module binding added
## 16.0.3
- seagull/services-soap -> seed creation for soap faults
## 16.0.1
- seagull/seed -> renamed to services-seed
- seagull/services-seed -> seed creation for soap requests
- seagull/testing -> seed creation with multiple states via ServiceTest (services-http/-soap)
## 15.0.0 - Seagull Swarm
We allow to configure the ci servers and enable paralleization in build
- seagull/build -> allowed multiple build processes
- seagull/deploy-aws -> allow to configure pipeline-server selection via SMALL, MEDIUM, LARGE
## 12.0.0
- seagull/deploy-aws -> added S3 bucket for error pages
- seagull/deploy-aws -> for internal server errors, a custom page from error bucket is shown
## 11.3.0/11.4.0
- no changes
## 11.2.0
- @seagull/build -> added customizability option for vendor bundle includes via seagull-project package.json entry 'seagull' > 'vendorBundleIncludes'
## 10.7.1
- @seagull/deploy-aws -> the log bucket is now flushed before trying to delete it
## 10.7.0
- @seagull/deploy-aws -> addS3 bucket allwos now to set the removal policy
- @seagull/deploy-aws -> the datalog S3 will now be destroyed with the stack instead of kept
## 10.6.0
- @seagull/build -> made build sequential, because it ran into a memory problem
## 10.5.0
- @seagull/deploy-aws -> seagull-destroy-pipeline does not need a seagull-build to run correctly
- @seagull/deploy-aws -> seagull-create-pipeline allows now to use polling for github sources, when USE_POLL=true is set. This allows to avoid the webhooks problem
## 10.3.2
- @seagull/pages -> react hooks fixed
## 10.0.2
- @seagull/deploy-aws -> spaces are now allowed when describing env variables
## 10.0.0
- @seagull/deploy-aws -> each pipeline step has its own stage now
## 9.3.4
- @seagull/deploy-aws -> build stage fixed
## 9.3.3
- @seagull/seed -> fixture expiry changed to modified date
- @seagull/libraries -> BasicError changed to specific JS Error class
## 9.3.2
- @seagull/deploy-aws -> made s3Name lowercase
## 9.3.1
- @seagull/deploy-aws -> removed prohibited symbols from s3 name
## 9.3.0
- @seagull/deploy-aws -> silenced the curl commands in pipeline
- @seagull/deploy-aws -> fixed bug, where the log bucket name was not uniq enough to allow deployments per branch
- @seagull/routes -> added request url to route render
- @seagull/deploy-aws -> fixed cloudfront bug
## 9.2.0 - 2019-04.18
- @seagull/pages -> script/noscript body injection added
## 9.1.0 - 2019-04.17
- @seagull/deploy-aws -> log bucket creation + adding to environment
## 7.3.0 - 2019-04.12
- @seagull/libraries -> added types for logging
- @seagull/commands-logging -> added describeLogStreams
- @seagull/mock-cloudwatchlogs -> adjust mock to changed commands-logging package
## 7.1.0 - 2019-04.10
- @seagull/deploy-aws -> bugfix: missing lambda environment variables
- @seagull/libraries -> added helper functions and types for frontend logging
- @seagull/commands-logging -> more functions, better typing
- @seagull/mock-cloudwatchlogs -> adjust mock to changed commands-logging package
## 7.0.0 - 2019-04-10
- @seagull/build -> Dev / Build Server rewrite
See `npm run dev -- -h` or `npm run build` -- -h for options
1. Add a like in `examples/helloworld`
2. DONT import things outside the `src` folder in the `src` folder
3. Fix all your Types.
npm run build might not work if you set NODE_ENV to something other than `development` or `production`
## 6.0.0 - 2019-04-09
- @seagull/deploy-aws -> added function to destroy a stack
## 5.0.0 - 2019-04-08
- @seagull/deploy -> remove package, because deploy-aws does it's job now
- @seagull/pipeline -> remove package, because deploy-aws does it's job now
- @seagull/deploy-aws -> cloudwatch logs are not retained anymore, when stack is destroyed
## 4.0.0 - 2019-04-05
- @seagull/all -> Service is now CommandService, Injectables (noname) are now services
- @seagull/services-http -> http (noname) injectable is now http-service
- @seagull/services-s3 -> new S3 service with writeFiles function to add multiple files at once
## 3.4.1 - 2019-04-04
- @seagull/deploy-aws -> fixed missing flag for compression in cloudfront
- @seagull/deploy-aws -> cloudfront uses gzip now correctly
- @seagull/deploy-aws -> bug fix in pipeline, where a dying e2e test leads to the github details will not give the cloudfront url, but the pipeline url.
- @seagull/all -> harmonized seagull package version numbers
## 3.4.1 - 2019-04-02
- @seagull/deploy-aws -> fixed missing flag for compression in cloudfront
- @seagull/all -> harmonized seagull package version numbers
## 3.4.0 - 2019-04-02
- @seagull/deploy-aws -> added feature to modify deploy stack within an app
- @seagull/deploy-aws -> fixed a bug, where the AWS_REGIOn was not set to process.env
- @seagull/deploy-aws -> added feature, where env variables can be set via a file name .env.test or according to the deploy mode
- @seagull/deploy-aws -> set node_env in lambda env to deploy_mode
## 3.3.0 - 2019-04-02
- @seagull/commands-logging -> improved logging + added example to helloworld
- @seagull/mock-cloudwatchlogs -> adjust mock to addLog function
- @seagull/libraries -> added helper functions for frontend logging
## 3.2.0 - 2019-03-29
- @seagull/deploy-aws -> api gateway defines it's stage by the mode it is called in.
- @seagull/deploy-aws -> infrastructure customizable by infrastructure-aws.ts in project directory (top level)
## 3.1.1 - 2019-03-27
- @seagull/deploy-aws -> bug fixes for e2e tests
- @seagull/e2e -> crashing tests are aborting the pipeline now
## 3.1.0 - 2019-03-27
- @seagull/all -> when packages throw an error, they handle them as an error and crash
- @seagull/deploy-aws -> after deployment the e2e tests are executed
- @seagull/pages -> added typestyle-ssr-fix
## 3.0.7 - 2019-03-25
- @seagull/all -> updated security vulnerability
- @seagull/soap -> minor bugfix, uppercase error in imported class
- @seagull/deploy-aws -> minor bugfix, where non existing cron-file aborts the deployment
- @seagull/deploy-aws -> minor bugfix, where the region was not set to env
## 3.0.6 - 2019-03-25
- @seagull/deploy-aws -> added e2e tests to deploy process