import { SDK } from 'aws-cdk'
import { handleSSMSecret, SSMHandler } from '../aws_sdk_handler'
import * as lib from '../lib'
import { SeagullApp } from '../seagull_app'
import { setCredsByProfile } from '../set_aws_credentials'
import { StageConfigParams } from '../types'
interface SeagullPipelineProps {
appPath: string
branch: string
buildWorkers: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
computeTypeSize: 'SMALL' | 'MEDIUM' | 'LARGE'
excludedPages?: string
githubToken?: string
poll: boolean
profile: string
owner?: string
region: string
repository?: string
ssmParameter?: string
stage: string
handlers?: {
ssmHandler?: SSMHandler
vpcId: string,
subnetIds: string
export class SeagullPipeline {
appPath: string
branch: string
computeTypeSize: 'SMALL' | 'MEDIUM' | 'LARGE'
owner?: string
poll: boolean
profile: string
region: string
repository?: string
ssm: SSMHandler
ssmParam?: string
stage: string
githubToken?: string
actions: string[]
buildWorkers: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
excludedPages?: string
vpcId: string
subnetIds: string
constructor(props: SeagullPipelineProps) {
this.appPath = props.appPath
this.branch = props.branch
this.computeTypeSize = props.computeTypeSize
this.stage = props.stage
this.poll = props.poll
this.profile = props.profile
this.owner = props.owner
this.region = props.region
this.repository = props.repository
this.ssmParam = props.ssmParameter
this.githubToken = props.githubToken
this.buildWorkers = props.buildWorkers
const propsSSMHandler = props.handlers && props.handlers.ssmHandler
this.ssm = propsSSMHandler || new SSMHandler()
this.excludedPages = props.excludedPages
this.vpcId = props.vpcId
this.subnetIds = props.subnetIds
this.actions = [
async createPipeline() {
// preparations for deployment
const isTest = this.stage === 'test'
const suffix = `${isTest ? `-${this.branch}-test` : ''}-ci`
const pkgJson = require(`${this.appPath}/package.json`)
const name = `${}${suffix}`.replace(/[^0-9A-Za-z-]/g, '')
const sdk = new SDK({})
const account = await sdk.defaultAccount()
const stackProps = { env: { account, region: this.region } }
const props = { projectName: name, sdk, stackProps }
const actions = this.actions
// construct the stack and the app
const pipelineApp = new SeagullApp(props)
const stack = pipelineApp.stack
const principal = ''
const role = stack.addIAMRole('role', principal, actions)
const pipeline = stack.addPipeline('pipeline')
const token = this.githubToken
const tokenName = token ? `${name}-github` : this.ssmParam || undefined
const secretParams = { ssmHandler: this.ssm, token, tokenName }
const ssmSecret = await handleSSMSecret(secretParams)
const gitDataProps = {
branch: this.branch,
owner: this.owner,
pkg: pkgJson,
repo: this.repository,
secretParameter: ssmSecret.secret,
const gitData = lib.getGitData(gitDataProps)
const pipelineDomain = `https://${this.region}`
const pipelinePath = `/codesuite/codepipeline/pipelines/${}/view`
const pipelineLink = `${pipelineDomain}${pipelinePath}`
const stageConfigParams: StageConfigParams = {
branch: gitData.branch,
buildWorkers: this.buildWorkers,
computeTypeSize: this.computeTypeSize,
excludedPages: this.excludedPages,
owner: gitData.owner,
poll: this.poll,
repo: gitData.repo,
stage: this.stage,
vpcId: this.vpcId,
subnetIds: this.subnetIds
lib.addPipelineStages(stack, stageConfigParams)
return pipelineApp
async deployPipeline() {
const pipeline = await this.createPipeline()
await pipeline.deployStack()
async destroyPipeline() {
const pipeline = await this.createPipeline()
await pipeline.destroyStack()