import { createFolderRecursive } from '@seagull/libraries'
import { Mock } from '@seagull/mock'
import * as AWSMock from 'aws-sdk-mock'
import * as fs from 'fs'
import * as pathModule from 'path'
type RequestObjectMock<T> = {
promise(): Promise<T>
* when activated, redirect all calls from the AWS SDK of S3 to the S3 shim
* implementation, which operates on a local folder instead.
export class S3MockFS implements Mock {
* When true, save/load the state of storage to local disk
localFolder: string
private fsModule: typeof fs
constructor(localFolder: string, fsModule = fs) {
this.localFolder = localFolder
this.fsModule = fsModule
* redirect S3 interactions to local folder
activate = () => {
AWSMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', this.getObject)
AWSMock.mock('S3', 'listObjectsV2', this.listObjectsV2)
AWSMock.mock('S3', 'putObject', this.putObject)
AWSMock.mock('S3', 'deleteObject', this.deleteObject)
return this
* restore original S3 behavior
deactivate = () => {
return this
* resets internal s3 state
reset = () => {
* delete a file from the bucket
deleteObject = (Input: import('aws-sdk').S3.DeleteObjectRequest, cb: any) => {
const result = {} as import('aws-sdk').S3.DeleteObjectOutput
return this.result(cb, result)
* read a file from the bucket
getObject = (Input: import('aws-sdk').S3.GetObjectRequest, cb: any) => {
const data = this.fsModule.readFileSync(this.getEncodedPath(Input), 'utf-8')
const Body = JSON.parse(data)
const result: import('aws-sdk').S3.GetObjectOutput = { Body }
return this.result(cb, result)
* list all files from a bucket with optional prefix
listObjectsV2 = (
Input: import('aws-sdk').S3.ListObjectsV2Request,
cb: any
) => {
const prefix = Input.Prefix || ''
const dir = pathModule.join(this.localFolder, Input.Bucket)
const keys = this.fsModule.readdirSync(dir).map(decodeURIComponent)
const list = prefix ? keys.filter(key => key.startsWith(prefix)) : keys
const Contents = => ({ Key: key }))
const result: import('aws-sdk').S3.ListObjectsV2Output = { Contents }
return this.result(cb, result)
* write a file into the bucket
putObject = (Input: import('aws-sdk').S3.PutObjectRequest, cb: any) => {
const content = JSON.stringify(Input.Body)
this.fsModule.writeFileSync(this.getEncodedPath(Input), content, 'utf-8')
const result: import('aws-sdk').S3.PutObjectOutput = {}
return this.result(cb, result)
* Decides if a mocked AWS Result object or void (while calling the callback) should be returned
private result<Value>(cb: any, value: Value) {
return cb ? (void cb(null, value) as void) : this.requestObject(value)
* Minimal mock for AWS Result
private requestObject<T>(result: T) {
return {
promise: async () => result,
// little helper to ensure that the "bucket" key exists in [[storage]]
private ensureBucket = (name: string) => {
const dir = pathModule.join(this.localFolder, name)
const dirExists = this.fsModule.existsSync(dir)
return !dirExists && createFolderRecursive(dir, this.fsModule)
private getEncodedPath({ Key, Bucket }: { Key: string; Bucket: string }) {
return pathModule.join(this.localFolder, Bucket, encodeURIComponent(Key))
private deleteFolderRecursive(path: string) {
if (this.fsModule.existsSync(path)) {
this.fsModule.readdirSync(path).forEach((file, index) => {
const curPath = path + '/' + file
if (this.fsModule.lstatSync(curPath).isDirectory()) {
} else {