import { isString } from 'lodash'
import * as React from 'react'
import { hydrate } from 'react-dom'
import { getStyles, setStylesTarget } from 'typestyle'
import { getTray, TTray, TTrayItem } from './bodytray'
import { Helmet } from './helmet'
export type PageType = { new (...args: any[]): Page }
* Props for the [[Page]] constructor, representing a routing state. They will
* get filled in from the React renderer and can be manipulated when
* instancing a [[Page]] class directly in unit tests.
export interface IPageProps {
data: any
* A highly convenient React component that contains all bells and whistles
* to represent a complete HTML site. You have to define a [[path]] where the
* [[Page]] will be rendered on and a [[html]] method rendering some HTML, the
* other things are strictly optional. Example:
* ```typescript
import { MetaData, Page } from '@seagull/framework'
import * as React from 'react'
export default class GreetPage extends Page {
title: MetaData<GreetPage> = page => `<h1>Greetings, ${}`
html () {
return <h1>Greetings, {}</h1>
export abstract class Page<P = {}, S = {}> extends React.Component<
P & IPageProps,
> {
* setup the current page in the browser
static bootstrap() {
const CurrentPage = (window as any).Page.default
const data = (window as any).__initial_state__
hydrate(<CurrentPage data={data} />, document.querySelector('#app'))
* This method returns the styles of the typestyle library by default. It can be overwritten if another css source will be used.
static getStyles(): string {
return getStyles()
static getTray(tray: TTray): TTrayItem {
return getTray(tray)
* get the used helmet instance for SSR
static helmetInstance() {
return Helmet
* If you want to set the `<title />` in the head of the HTML website, set
* this property to the desired string. If you optimize for SEO, the length
* of the title string must not exceed 65 characters and should contain the
* exact same textual content as the `<h1 />` tag within the page body.
* If you need dynamic data for the string, you can also pass in a callback
* function. Example code:
* ```typescript
// static:
title = 'my site title'
// dynamic:
title = () => `my site with id: ${}`
title: string | (() => string) = ''
* If you want to set the `<meta name="description" />` in the head of the
* HTML website, set this property to the desired string.
* If you optimize for SEO, the length of the description string must not
* exceed 160 characters.
* If you need dynamic data for the string, you can also pass in a callback
* function. Example code:
* ```typescript
// static:
description = 'my site description'
// dynamic:
description = () => `my site with id: ${}`
description: string | (() => string) = ''
* If you want to set proper image meta tags for social media in the head of
* the HTML website, set this property to the desired string.
* If you need dynamic data for the string, you can also pass in a callback
* function. Example code:
* ```typescript
// static:
image = '/path/to/image.jpg'
// dynamic:
image = () => `/path/to/{this.props.params.image}.jpg`
image: string | (() => string) = ''
* Authors are encouraged to specify a lang attribute on the root html
* element, giving the document's language. This aids speech synthesis
* tools to determine what pronunciations to use, translation tools to
* determine what rules to use, and so forth.
language: string | (() => string) = 'de'
* This is the "robots" meta tag and defaults to 'index, follow'. CHange it if
* you want to control the indexation of your pages from search engines.
* Example code:
* ```typescript
// static:
robots = 'index,follow'
// dynamic:
robots = () => `index, {this.props.params.follow ? 'follow' : 'nofollow'}.jpg`
robots: string | (() => string) = 'index,follow'
* This is the 'canonical' meta tag, pointing to the origin of a page. Use it
* to transfer SEO value to another page or to cut out query parameters for
* your [[Page]]. Defaults to `this.props.path`.
* Example code:
* ```typescript
// static:
canonical = '/some/path'
// dynamic:
canonical = () => this.props.path
canonical: string | (() => string) = ''
* Implement this method for your actual page content instead of the typical
* [[render]] method in react. Seagull *will* call [[render]] under the hood
* but with additional bells and whistles attached.
abstract html(): JSX.Element
* DO NOT IMPLEMENT THIS IN YOUR CODE. Use the [[html]] method instead.
render() {
const html = this.html.bind(this)
const rendered = html()
const prop = (p: any): string => (isString(p) ? p : p.bind(this)())
const title = prop(this.title) ||
const description = prop(this.description) || ''
const image = prop(this.image) || ''
const link = prop(this.canonical) || ''
const language = prop(this.language) || 'de'
return (
<Helmet htmlAttributes={{ lang: language }}>
{/* general meta tags */}
<meta charSet="utf-8" />
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0"
{/* social media classification tags */}
<meta name="twitter:card" content="summary" />
<meta name="og:type" content="website" />
{/* title meta tags */}
<meta name="twitter:title" content={title} />
<meta name="og:title" content={title} />
{/* description meta tags */}
<meta name="description" content={description} />
<meta name="og:description" content={description} />
<meta name="twitter:description" content={description} />
{/* image meta tags */}
<meta name="og:image" content={image} />
<meta name="twitter:image" content={image} />
{/* URL meta tags */}
<meta name="og:url" content={link} />
<meta name="twitter:url" content={link} />
<link rel="canonical" href={link} />