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Test Coverage
import { IPageProps, Page } from '@seagull/pages'
import { BasicTest } from '@seagull/testing'
import { mount, ReactWrapper } from 'enzyme'
import * as React from 'react'
import './setupTests'

const mountFirstError = (impossibleAction: string) => {
  const msg = `
  You must call this.mount() before you ${impossibleAction} in your PageTest`
  throw new Error(msg)
type ResolveFunction = (value?: {} | PromiseLike<{}> | undefined) => void

 * To test a page, extend this class, implement Page (Page = MyFancyPageClass),
 * optionally fill the mocks property (mocks = ...) to mock async actions and
 * use the provided functions:
 *  - this.mount(pageProps) mounts the page with custom pageProps and provides...
 *  - Enzyme wrapper you can access by If you don't
 *    this.mount(pageProps) the page before, it is done automagically with
 *    pageProps = {data: {}}. Enzyme related functions can be accessed by this.
 * is resetted after each test
 *  - if some asynchronous things are going on inside the page, call
 * ```typescript
   await this.update()
 * ```
 *    TODO: (fake timer implementation is missing)
 *    if you need to test some timed events, call await this.update(ms), where
 *    ms is the amount of milliseconds you need to wait before your assertion.
 * ```typescript
 import 'chai/register-should'
 import { skip, slow, suite, test, timeout } from 'mocha-typescript'
 import * as React from 'react'
 import { Page, PageTest } from '../src'
 class DemoPage extends Page {
   html() {
     return <div>Hello, {}</div>
 export class DemoPageTest extends PageTest {
   Page = DemoPage
   'can render a DemoPage with custom data'() {
      const name = 'John Doe'
      this.mount({ data: { name } })
   'can render page with any name'() {'Hello, ')
export abstract class PageTest extends BasicTest {
  abstract Page: typeof Page
  private mountedPage?: ReactWrapper
  afterEach() {
  /** An Enzyme Wrapper representing the mounted Page. Call this.mount(pageProps)
   * before accessing in case you don't want to have your Page
   * mounted with the default Properties { data: {} }
  get page() {
    const getMountedPage = () =>
      this.mountedPage ? this.mountedPage : this.mount()
    return this.Page ? getMountedPage() : ({} as ReactWrapper)

  /** Mounts your Page with custom props. After that you can access it with
   * The return value is the same as
  mount = (pageProps: any & IPageProps = { data: {} }) => {
    this.mountedPage = mount(<this.Page {...pageProps} />)
    return this.mountedPage

  /** resets as if this.mount() was never called */
  unmount() {
    this.mountedPage = undefined

  /** After you mounted the page, call `await this.update()` after triggering
   * (mocked) asynchronous actions inside the page. If you expect timed changes
  update(ms: number = 0) {
    if (!this.mountedPage) {
      mountFirstError('await this.update()')
    return new Promise(this.resolveAfterUpdate(ms))

  private resolveAfterUpdate = (ms: number) => (resolve: ResolveFunction) =>
    setTimeout(() => {
    }, ms)