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# Timely

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Various helpers to work with times, dates and weekdays, etc.

It includes the following (see end for full descriptions)

- Core extensions to Date and Time
- DateChooser, a class to help select a subset of dates within any range, e.g. All 2nd Sundays, Every 15th of the month, All Tuesdays and Wednesdays
- WeekDays, a class to manage the selection of weekdays, outputs a integer representing which days as a number between 0 and 127 (e.g. a 7 bit integer)
- DateRange: A subclass of Range for dates with various helpers and aliases
- TrackableDateSet: Recording set of dates processed/processing
- TemporalPatterns: Various other classes related to time, e.g. Frequency

It includes the following rails extensions (only loaded if inside rails project):

- Date Group, a date range which can also be limited to WeekDays, e.g. all weekends between March and April
- Season, a collection of Date Groups
- weekdays_field, a way to declare an integer field to store weekdays (weekdays is stored as 7 bit integer)
- acts_as_seasonal, a way to declare a season_id foreign key as well as some helper methods


gem install timely

or add to your Gemfile:
gem 'timely'


require 'timely'

For examples on most usage see the tests in the spec directory.
As these contain many basic examples with expected output.

## Core Extensions

some_date = - 5      # => 2008-05-03
some_date.at_time(3, 5, 13)     # => Sat May 03 03:05:13 -0500 2008

# arguments are optional
some_date.at_time(13)           # => Sat May 03 13:00:00 -0500 2008

some_time = - 345678   # => Sun May 04 13:40:22 -0500 2008
some_time.on_date(2001, 6, 18)  # => Mon Jun 18 13:40:22 -0500 2001

# if you have objects corresponding to the times/dates you want
some_time.on_date(some_date)    # => Sat May 03 13:40:22 -0500 2008
some_date.at_time(some_time)    # => Sat May 03 13:40:22 -0500 2008

# if you like typing less
some_time.on(some_date)         # => Sat May 03 13:40:22 -0500 2008         # => Sat May 03 13:40:22 -0500 2008

# Release

To publish a new version of this gem the following steps must be taken.

* Update the version in the following files
* Create a tag using the format v0.1.0
* Follow build progress in GitHub actions