module H3
# Hierarchical grid functions.
# @see
module Hierarchy
extend H3::Bindings::Base
# @!method parent(h3_index, parent_resolution)
# Derive the parent hexagon which contains the hexagon at the given H3 index.
# @param [Integer] h3_index A valid H3 index.
# @param [Integer] parent_resoluton The desired resolution of the parent hexagon.
# @example Find the parent hexagon for a H3 index.
# H3.parent(613196570357137407, 6)
# 604189371209351167
# @return [Integer] H3 index of parent hexagon.
attach_function :parent, :h3ToParent, [:h3_index, Resolution], :h3_index
# @!method max_children(h3_index, child_resolution)
# Derive maximum number of child hexagons possible at given resolution.
# @param [Integer] h3_index A valid H3 index.
# @param [Integer] child_resoluton The desired resolution of the child hexagons.
# @example Derive maximum number of child hexagons.
# H3.max_children(613196570357137407, 10)
# 49
# @return [Integer] Maximum number of child hexagons possible at given resolution.
attach_function :max_children, :maxH3ToChildrenSize, [:h3_index, Resolution], :int
# @!method center_child(h3_index, child_resolution)
# Returns the center child (finer) index contained by the given index
# at the given resolution.
# @param [Integer] h3_index A valid H3 index.
# @param [Integer] child_resoluton The desired resolution of the center child hexagon.
# @example Find center child hexagon.
# H3.center_child(613196570357137407, 10)
# 622203769609814015
# @return [Integer] H3 index of center child hexagon.
attach_function :center_child, :h3ToCenterChild, [:h3_index, Resolution], :h3_index
# Derive child hexagons contained within the hexagon at the given H3 index.
# @param [Integer] h3_index A valid H3 index.
# @param [Integer] child_resolution The desired resolution of hexagons returned.
# @example Find the child hexagons for a H3 index.
# H3.children(613196570357137407, 9)
# [
# 617700169982672895, 617700169982935039, 617700169983197183, 617700169983459327,
# 617700169983721471, 617700169983983615, 617700169984245759
# ]
# @return [Array<Integer>] H3 indexes of child hexagons.
def children(h3_index, child_resolution)
max_children = max_children(h3_index, child_resolution)
out = H3Indexes.of_size(max_children)
Bindings::Private.h3_to_children(h3_index, child_resolution, out)
# Find the maximum uncompacted size of the given set of H3 indexes.
# @param [Array<Integer>] compacted_set An array of valid H3 indexes.
# @param [Integer] resolution The desired resolution to uncompact to.
# @example Find the maximum uncompacted size of the given set.
# h3_set = [
# 617700440093229055, 617700440092704767, 617700440100569087, 617700440013012991,
# 617700440013275135, 617700440092180479, 617700440091656191, 617700440092966911,
# 617700440100831231, 617700440100044799, 617700440101617663, 617700440081956863,
# 613196840447246335
# ]
# H3.max_uncompact_size(h3_set, 10)
# 133
# @raise [ArgumentError] Given resolution is invalid for h3_set.
# @return [Integer] Maximum size of uncompacted set.
def max_uncompact_size(compacted_set, resolution)
h3_set = H3Indexes.with_contents(compacted_set)
size = Bindings::Private.max_uncompact_size(h3_set, compacted_set.size, resolution)
raise(ArgumentError, "Couldn't estimate size. Invalid resolution?") if size.negative?
# Compact a set of H3 indexes as best as possible.
# In the case where the set cannot be compacted, the set is returned unchanged.
# @param [Array<Integer>] h3_set An array of valid H3 indexes.
# @example Compact the given set.
# h3_set = [
# 617700440073043967, 617700440072781823, 617700440073568255, 617700440093229055,
# 617700440092704767, 617700440100569087, 617700440074092543, 617700440073830399,
# 617700440074354687, 617700440073306111, 617700440013012991, 617700440013275135,
# 617700440092180479, 617700440091656191, 617700440092966911, 617700440100831231,
# 617700440100044799, 617700440101617663, 617700440081956863
# ]
# H3.compact(h3_set)
# [
# 617700440093229055, 617700440092704767, 617700440100569087, 617700440013012991,
# 617700440013275135, 617700440092180479, 617700440091656191, 617700440092966911,
# 617700440100831231, 617700440100044799, 617700440101617663, 617700440081956863,
# 613196840447246335
# ]
# @raise [RuntimeError] Couldn't attempt to compact given H3 indexes.
# @return [Array<Integer>] Compacted set of H3 indexes.
def compact(h3_set)
h3_set = H3Indexes.with_contents(h3_set)
out = H3Indexes.of_size(h3_set.size)
failure = Bindings::Private.compact(h3_set, out, out.size)
raise "Couldn't compact given indexes" if failure
# Uncompact a set of H3 indexes to the given resolution.
# @param [Array<Integer>] compacted_set An array of valid H3 indexes.
# @param [Integer] resolution The desired resolution to uncompact to.
# @example Compact the given set.
# h3_set = [
# 617700440093229055, 617700440092704767, 617700440100569087, 617700440013012991,
# 617700440013275135, 617700440092180479, 617700440091656191, 617700440092966911,
# 617700440100831231, 617700440100044799, 617700440101617663, 617700440081956863,
# 613196840447246335
# ]
# H3.uncompact(h3_set)
# [
# 617700440093229055, 617700440092704767, 617700440100569087, 617700440013012991,
# 617700440013275135, 617700440092180479, 617700440091656191, 617700440092966911,
# 617700440100831231, 617700440100044799, 617700440101617663, 617700440081956863,
# 617700440072781823, 617700440073043967, 617700440073306111, 617700440073568255,
# 617700440073830399, 617700440074092543, 617700440074354687
# ]
# @raise [RuntimeError] Couldn't attempt to umcompact H3 indexes.
# @return [Array<Integer>] Uncompacted set of H3 indexes.
def uncompact(compacted_set, resolution)
max_size = max_uncompact_size(compacted_set, resolution)
out = H3Indexes.of_size(max_size)
h3_set = H3Indexes.with_contents(compacted_set)
failure = Bindings::Private.uncompact(h3_set, compacted_set.size, out, max_size, resolution)
raise "Couldn't uncompact given indexes" if failure