module H3
# Grid traversal functions
# @see
module Traversal
extend H3::Bindings::Base
# @!method max_kring_size(k)
# Derive the maximum k-ring size for distance k.
# @param [Integer] k K value.
# @example Derive the maximum k-ring size for k=5
# H3.max_kring_size(5)
# 91
# @return [Integer] Maximum k-ring size.
attach_function :max_kring_size, :maxKringSize, %i[k_distance], :int
# @!method distance(origin, h3_index)
# Derive the distance between two H3 indexes.
# @param [Integer] origin Origin H3 index
# @param [Integer] h3_index H3 index
# @example Derive the distance between two H3 indexes.
# H3.distance(617700169983721471, 617700169959866367)
# 5
# @return [Integer] Distance between indexes.
attach_function :distance, :h3Distance, %i[h3_index h3_index], :k_distance
# @!method line_size(origin, destination)
# Derive the number of hexagons present in a line between two H3 indexes.
# This value is simply `h3_distance(origin, destination) + 1` when a line is computable.
# Returns a negative number if a line cannot be computed e.g.
# a pentagon was encountered, or the hexagons are too far apart.
# @param [Integer] origin Origin H3 index
# @param [Integer] destination H3 index
# @example Derive the number of hexagons present in a line between two H3 indexes.
# H3.line_size(617700169983721471, 617700169959866367)
# 6
# @return [Integer] Number of hexagons found between indexes.
attach_function :line_size, :h3LineSize, %i[h3_index h3_index], :int
# Derives H3 indexes within k distance of the origin H3 index.
# Similar to {k_ring}, except that an error is raised when one of the indexes
# returned is a pentagon or is in the pentagon distortion area.
# k-ring 0 is defined as the origin index, k-ring 1 is defined as k-ring 0
# and all neighboring indexes, and so on.
# Output is inserted into the array in order of increasing distance from the origin.
# @param [Integer] origin Origin H3 index
# @param [Integer] k K distance.
# @example Derive the hex range for a given H3 index with k of 0.
# H3.hex_range(617700169983721471, 0)
# [617700169983721471]
# @example Derive the hex range for a given H3 index with k of 1.
# H3.hex_range(617700169983721471, 1)
# [
# 617700169983721471, 617700170047946751, 617700169984245759,
# 617700169982672895, 617700169983983615, 617700170044276735,
# 617700170044014591
# ]
# @raise [ArgumentError] Raised if the range contains a pentagon.
# @return [Array<Integer>] Array of H3 indexes within the k-range.
def hex_range(origin, k)
max_hexagons = max_kring_size(k)
out = H3Indexes.of_size(max_hexagons)
pentagonal_distortion = Bindings::Private.hex_range(origin, k, out)
raise(ArgumentError, "Specified hexagon range contains a pentagon") if pentagonal_distortion
# Derives H3 indexes within k distance of the origin H3 index.
# k-ring 0 is defined as the origin index, k-ring 1 is defined as k-ring 0
# and all neighboring indexes, and so on.
# @param [Integer] origin Origin H3 index
# @param [Integer] k K distance.
# @example Derive the k-ring for a given H3 index with k of 0.
# H3.k_ring(617700169983721471, 0)
# [617700169983721471]
# @example Derive the k-ring for a given H3 index with k of 1.
# H3.k_ring(617700169983721471, 1)
# [
# 617700169983721471, 617700170047946751, 617700169984245759,
# 617700169982672895, 617700169983983615, 617700170044276735,
# 617700170044014591
# ]
# @return [Array<Integer>] Array of H3 indexes within the k-range.
def k_ring(origin, k)
max_hexagons = max_kring_size(k)
out = H3Indexes.of_size(max_hexagons)
Bindings::Private.k_ring(origin, k, out)
# Derives the hollow hexagonal ring centered at origin with sides of length k.
# An error is raised when one of the indexes returned is a pentagon or is
# in the pentagon distortion area.
# @param [Integer] origin Origin H3 index.
# @param [Integer] k K distance.
# @example Derive the hex ring for the H3 index at k = 1
# H3.hex_ring(617700169983721471, 1)
# [
# 617700170044014591, 617700170047946751, 617700169984245759,
# 617700169982672895, 617700169983983615, 617700170044276735
# ]
# @raise [ArgumentError] Raised if the hex ring contains a pentagon.
# @return [Array<Integer>] Array of H3 indexes within the hex ring.
def hex_ring(origin, k)
max_hexagons = max_hex_ring_size(k)
out = H3Indexes.of_size(max_hexagons)
pentagonal_distortion = Bindings::Private.hex_ring(origin, k, out)
raise(ArgumentError, "The hex ring contains a pentagon") if pentagonal_distortion
# Derive the maximum hex ring size for a given distance k.
# NOTE: This method is not part of the H3 API and is added to this binding for convenience.
# @param [Integer] k K distance.
# @example Derive maximum hex ring size for k distance 6.
# H3.max_hex_ring_size(6)
# 36
# @return [Integer] Maximum hex ring size.
def max_hex_ring_size(k) ? 1 : 6 * k
# Derives H3 indexes within k distance for each H3 index in the set.
# @param [Array<Integer>] h3_set Set of H3 indexes
# @param [Integer] k K distance.
# @param [Boolean] grouped Whether to group the output. Default true.
# @example Derive the hex ranges for a given H3 set with k of 0.
# H3.hex_ranges([617700169983721471, 617700169982672895], 1)
# {
# 617700169983721471 => [
# [617700169983721471],
# [
# 617700170047946751, 617700169984245759, 617700169982672895,
# 617700169983983615, 617700170044276735, 617700170044014591
# ]
# ],
# 617700169982672895 = > [
# [617700169982672895],
# [
# 617700169984245759, 617700169983197183, 617700169983459327,
# 617700169982935039, 617700169983983615, 617700169983721471
# ]
# ]
# }
# @example Derive the hex ranges for a given H3 set with k of 0 ungrouped.
# H3.hex_ranges([617700169983721471, 617700169982672895], 1, grouped: false)
# [
# 617700169983721471, 617700170047946751, 617700169984245759,
# 617700169982672895, 617700169983983615, 617700170044276735,
# 617700170044014591, 617700169982672895, 617700169984245759,
# 617700169983197183, 617700169983459327, 617700169982935039,
# 617700169983983615, 617700169983721471
# ]
# @raise [ArgumentError] Raised if any of the ranges contains a pentagon.
# @see #hex_range
# @return [Hash] Hash of H3 index keys, with array values grouped by k-ring.
def hex_ranges(h3_set, k, grouped: true)
h3_range_indexes = hex_ranges_ungrouped(h3_set, k)
return h3_range_indexes unless grouped
h3_range_indexes.each_slice(max_kring_size(k)).each_with_object({}) do |indexes, out|
h3_index = indexes.first
out[h3_index] = k_rings_for_hex_range(indexes, k)
# Derives the hex range for the given origin at k distance, sub-grouped by distance.
# @param [Integer] origin Origin H3 index.
# @param [Integer] k K distance.
# @example Derive hex range at distance 2
# H3.hex_range_distances(617700169983721471, 2)
# {
# 0 => [617700169983721471],
# 1 = >[
# 617700170047946751, 617700169984245759, 617700169982672895,
# 617700169983983615, 617700170044276735, 617700170044014591
# ],
# 2 => [
# 617700170048995327, 617700170047684607, 617700170048471039,
# 617700169988177919, 617700169983197183, 617700169983459327,
# 617700169982935039, 617700175096053759, 617700175097102335,
# 617700170043752447, 617700170043490303, 617700170045063167
# ]
# }
# @raise [ArgumentError] Raised when the hex range contains a pentagon.
# @return [Hash] Hex range grouped by distance.
def hex_range_distances(origin, k)
max_out_size = max_kring_size(k)
out = H3Indexes.of_size(max_out_size)
distances =, max_out_size)
pentagonal_distortion = Bindings::Private.hex_range_distances(origin, k, out, distances)
raise(ArgumentError, "Specified hexagon range contains a pentagon") if pentagonal_distortion
hexagons =
distances = distances.read_array_of_int(max_out_size)
Hash[ { |d, hs| [d,] }
# Derives the k-ring for the given origin at k distance, sub-grouped by distance.
# @param [Integer] origin Origin H3 index.
# @param [Integer] k K distance.
# @example Derive k-ring at distance 2
# H3.k_ring_distances(617700169983721471, 2)
# {
# 0 => [617700169983721471],
# 1 = >[
# 617700170047946751, 617700169984245759, 617700169982672895,
# 617700169983983615, 617700170044276735, 617700170044014591
# ],
# 2 => [
# 617700170048995327, 617700170047684607, 617700170048471039,
# 617700169988177919, 617700169983197183, 617700169983459327,
# 617700169982935039, 617700175096053759, 617700175097102335,
# 617700170043752447, 617700170043490303, 617700170045063167
# ]
# }
# @return [Hash] Hash of k-ring distances grouped by distance.
def k_ring_distances(origin, k)
max_out_size = max_kring_size(k)
out = H3Indexes.of_size(max_out_size)
distances =, max_out_size)
Bindings::Private.k_ring_distances(origin, k, out, distances)
hexagons =
distances = distances.read_array_of_int(max_out_size)
Hash[ { |d, hs| [d,] }
# Derives the H3 indexes found in a line between an origin H3 index
# and a destination H3 index (inclusive of origin and destination).
# @param [Integer] origin Origin H3 index.
# @param [Integer] destination Destination H3 index.
# @example Derive the indexes found in a line.
# H3.line(617700169983721471, 617700169959866367)
# [
# 617700169983721471, 617700169984245759, 617700169988177919,
# 617700169986867199, 617700169987391487, 617700169959866367
# ]
# @raise [ArgumentError] Could not compute line
# @return [Array<Integer>] H3 indexes
def line(origin, destination)
max_hexagons = line_size(origin, destination)
hexagons = H3Indexes.of_size(max_hexagons)
res = Bindings::Private.h3_line(origin, destination, hexagons)
raise(ArgumentError, "Could not compute line") if res.negative?
def k_rings_for_hex_range(indexes, k)
0.upto(k).map do |j|
start = ? 0 : max_kring_size(j - 1)
length = max_hex_ring_size(j)
indexes.slice(start, length)
def hex_ranges_ungrouped(h3_set, k)
h3_set = H3Indexes.with_contents(h3_set)
max_out_size = h3_set.size * max_kring_size(k)
out = H3Indexes.of_size(max_out_size)
if Bindings::Private.hex_ranges(h3_set, h3_set.size, k, out)
raise(ArgumentError, "One of the specified hexagon ranges contains a pentagon")