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1 wk
Test Coverage
package main

import (


// 0. Assess what CRAM files are being requested
// 1. Download CRAM files
// 2. Download imeta files for each cram file
// 3. Establish unique sample names exist
// 4. Convert the CRAM files to fastq
// 5. Symlink the fastqs to two different folders depending on 'Library_type'
// 6. Align extracted fastqs with STAR or BWA depending on 'Library_type'
// 7. Samtools Quickcheck generated bams
// 8. Index realigned bam files
// 8. Generate counts matrix of RNA bams

// fileExists checks if a file exists and is not a directory before we
// try using it to prevent further errors.
func fileExists(filename string) bool {
    info, err := os.Stat(filename)
    if os.IsNotExist(err) {
        return false
    return !info.IsDir()
func stringInSlice(a string, list []string) bool {
    for _, b := range list {
        if b == a {
            return true
    return false

func writeCheckpoint(cram_list []cram_file, step int) {
    checkpoint_file := fmt.Sprintf("checkpoint_%d.json", step)
    rankingsJson, _ := json.MarshalIndent(cram_list, "", "  ")
    err := ioutil.WriteFile(checkpoint_file, rankingsJson, 0644)
    if err != nil {
    log.Println(fmt.Sprintf("Checkpoint saved for step %d", step))

func bjobsIsCompleted(
    submitted_jobs_map map[string]string,
    attribute_name string,
    cram_list *[]cram_file,
) {
    // while there are still jobs in submitted_jobs_map, iterate over reading through all job outputs and only leave when all have completed successfully
    for len(submitted_jobs_map) > 0 {
        for i := range *cram_list {
            func_cram := &((*cram_list)[i])
            bjobs_output_filename := submitted_jobs_map[func_cram.Filename]

            dat, err := ioutil.ReadFile(bjobs_output_filename)
            if err == nil {
                // when job has finished (either successfully or with exit code, remove from the waiting list 'submitted_jobs_map'
                if strings.Contains(string(dat), "Terminated at") {
                    delete(submitted_jobs_map, func_cram.Filename)

                    // if job has finished and successfully completed then set the specified attribute_name to true
                    if strings.Contains(string(dat), "Successfully completed.") {
                    } else {
                        log.Println(fmt.Sprintf("Error with bsub job: %s", bjobs_output_filename))
        // sleep for 5 seconds after going through every job's output before retrying
        time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)

func quickcheck_alignments(cram_list []cram_file, i int, samtools_exec string) {
    cram := &cram_list[i]

    bam_filename := cram.Realigned_bam_path
    output, err := exec.Command(samtools_exec, "quickcheck", bam_filename).CombinedOutput()

    if err != nil {
        // Display everything we got if error.
        log.Println("Error when running command.  Output:")
        log.Printf("Got command status: %s\n", err.Error())
        cram.Realigned_quickcheck_success = false
    } else {
        cram.Realigned_quickcheck_success = true

func indexBam(cram_list []cram_file, i int, samtools_exec string) {
    cram := &cram_list[i]

    bam_filename := cram.Realigned_bam_path
    output, err := exec.Command(samtools_exec, "index", bam_filename).CombinedOutput()

    if err != nil {
        // Display everything we got if error.
        log.Println("Error when running command.  Output:")
        log.Printf("Got command status: %s\n", err.Error())
        cram.Realigned_index_success = false
    } else {
        cram.Realigned_index_success = true

type cram_file struct {
    Filename                     string
    Runid                        string
    Runlane                      string
    Irods_path                   string
    File_exists_in_irods         bool
    Cram_is_phix                 bool
    Cram_dl_path                 string
    Cram_download_success        bool
    Imeta_path                   string
    Library_type                 string
    Sample_name                  string
    Imeta_downloaded             bool
    Imeta_parsed                 bool
    Fastq_1_path                 string
    Fastq_2_path                 string
    Fastq_extracted_success      bool
    Symlinked_fq_1               string
    Symlinked_fq_2               string
    Realigned_bam_path           string
    Realigned_succesful          bool
    Realigned_quickcheck_success bool
    Realigned_index_success      bool

var cram_list []cram_file

var wg sync.WaitGroup

func main() {
    // we want to load a config file named "irods_downloader_config.yaml" if it exists in WD or in ~/.config
    viper.AddConfigPath(".")              // look for config in the working directory first
    viper.AddConfigPath("$HOME/.config/") // if not found then look in .config folder

    viper.SetDefault("star_align_libraries", []string{"GnT scRNA"})
    viper.SetDefault("bwa_align_libraries", []string{"GnT Picoplex"})

    viper.SetDefault("attribute_with_sample_name", "sample_supplier_name")
    viper.SetDefault("star_ram", "50000")
    viper.SetDefault("bwa_exec", "/software/CASM/modules/installs/bwa/bwa-0.7.17/bin/bwa")
    viper.SetDefault("bwa_ram", "50000")
    viper.SetDefault("featurecounts_ram", "20000")

    // read in config file if found, else use defaults
    if err := viper.ReadInConfig(); err != nil {
        log.Fatalln("Unable to read config file")

    // Config file found and successfully parsed
    star_align_libraries := viper.GetStringSlice("star_align_libraries")
    bwa_align_libraries := viper.GetStringSlice("bwa_align_libraries")

    attribute_with_sample_name := viper.GetString("attribute_with_sample_name")
    samtools_exec := viper.GetString("samtools_exec")
    star_exec := viper.GetString("star_exec")
    star_ram := viper.GetString("star_ram")
    star_genome_dir := viper.GetString("star_genome_dir")
    bwa_exec := viper.GetString("bwa_exec")
    bwa_ram := viper.GetString("bwa_ram")
    bwa_genome_ref := viper.GetString("bwa_genome_ref")
    featurecounts_exec := viper.GetString("featurecounts_exec")
    featurecounts_ram := viper.GetString("featurecounts_ram")
    genome_annot := viper.GetString("genome_annot")

    var run string
    var lane string
    var current_step int

    // flags declaration using flag package
    flag.StringVar(&run, "r", "run", "Specify sequencing run")
    flag.StringVar(&lane, "l", "lane", "Specify sequencing lane")

    flag.Parse() // after declaring flags we need to call it
    if (strings.TrimSpace(run) == "run") || (strings.TrimSpace(lane) == "lane") {
        log.Fatalln("No lane or run argument was provided")

    current_step = 0
    // if iRODS has already been polled and list of objects to download has been assesed
    // then load session information and continue
    if fileExists(fmt.Sprintf("checkpoint_%d.json", current_step)) {
        jsonFile, err := os.Open(fmt.Sprintf("checkpoint_%d.json", current_step))
        byteValue, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(jsonFile)
        err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(byteValue), &cram_list)
        if err != nil {

        log.Println(fmt.Sprintf("Checkpoint exists for step %d, loading progress", current_step))

    } else {
        log.Println(fmt.Sprintf("Starting step %d", current_step))

        log.Println(fmt.Sprintf("Polling iRODS for crams associated with run: %s, and lane: %s", run, lane))
        output, err := exec.Command(
            "imeta", "qu", "-z", "seq", "-d",
            "id_run", "=", run, "and", "lane", "=", lane,
            "and", "type", "=", "cram").CombinedOutput()

        if err != nil {
            // Display everything we got if error.
            log.Println("Error when running command.  Output:")
            log.Printf("Got command status: %s\n", err.Error())

        if strings.TrimSpace(string(output)) == "No rows found" {
            log.Fatalln("No iRODS data retrieved with given lane and run")

        var collection, filename string
        split_output := bytes.Split(output, []byte("----"))

        // for each cram file returned by iRODS, parse into its own object and write its run, lane,
        // and iRODS path as object metadata. Add each of these objects to the cram_list array
        log.Println("Parsing iRODS output to generate list of crams")
        for _, line := range split_output {
            collection = ""
            filename = ""
            for _, l := range strings.Split(strings.TrimSuffix(string(line), "\n"), "\n") {
                if strings.HasPrefix(l, "collection:") {
                    collection = strings.TrimSpace(strings.ReplaceAll(l, "collection:", ""))
                    if !strings.HasPrefix(collection, "/seq/") {
                        log.Fatalf("Revieved unexpected collection '%s' for file '%s'", collection, line)

                if strings.HasPrefix(l, "dataObj:") {
                    filename = strings.TrimSpace(strings.ReplaceAll(l, "dataObj:", ""))
                    if !strings.HasSuffix(filename, ".cram") {
                        log.Fatalf("Revieved unexpected filename '%s' when expecting cram", line)

            if filename == "" || collection == "" {
                log.Fatalf("Filename or collection was empty for line: %s", line)

            filename = strings.ReplaceAll(filename, ":", "")
            split_filename := strings.Split(filename, "_")
            phix_status := false
            if stringInSlice("phix.cram", split_filename) {
                phix_status = true
            if strings.HasSuffix(filename, "#0.cram") {
                phix_status = true
            run_lane := strings.Split(split_filename[1], "#")[0] // this gets between _ and # which is lane
            run_lane = strings.TrimSpace(run_lane)

            cram_list = append(cram_list, cram_file{
                Filename:     filename,
                Runid:        strings.Split(collection, "/seq/")[1],
                Runlane:      run_lane,
                Irods_path:   strings.TrimSpace(collection + "/" + filename),
                Cram_is_phix: phix_status,

        cram_list_len := len(cram_list)
        if cram_list_len < 1 {
            log.Fatalln("There are less than 1 items in run's cram list")

        cram_exists_map := make(map[string]string)
        // for each cram in iRODS check it exists with the "ils" command and write result to object metadata
        log.Println("Verifying each iRODS cram file exists")
        for i := range cram_list {
            cram := &cram_list[i]
            if cram.Cram_is_phix == false {
                output, err := exec.Command("ils", cram.Irods_path).CombinedOutput()
                if err == nil {
                    cram.File_exists_in_irods = true
                    cram_exists_map[cram.Filename] = cram.Irods_path
                } else if err != nil {
                    // Display everything we got if error.
                    log.Println("Error when running command.  Output:")
                    log.Printf("Got command status: %s\n", err.Error())

        if len(cram_exists_map) < 1 {
            log.Fatalln("There are no crams in cram exists list")

        // write copy of array of cram objects to JSON file
        writeCheckpoint(cram_list, current_step)

    current_step = 1
    // if CRAMS downloaded then load session information and continue
    if fileExists(fmt.Sprintf("checkpoint_%d.json", current_step)) {
        jsonFile, err := os.Open(fmt.Sprintf("checkpoint_%d.json", current_step))
        byteValue, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(jsonFile)
        err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(byteValue), &cram_list)
        if err != nil {

        log.Println(fmt.Sprintf("Checkpoint exists for step %d, loading progress", current_step))

    } else {
        log.Println(fmt.Sprintf("Starting step %d", current_step))

        // download each of the cram files
        log.Println("Starting download of iRODS CRAM files")
        cram_dl_dir := "A_iRODS_CRAM_Downloads/"
        err := os.Mkdir(cram_dl_dir, 0755)
        if err != nil {

        undownloaded_cram_map := make(map[string]string)
        for i := range cram_list {
            cram := &cram_list[i]
            if cram.File_exists_in_irods {
                undownloaded_cram_map[cram.Filename] = cram_dl_dir + "/" + cram.Filename + ".o"
                cram.Cram_dl_path = cram_dl_dir + "/" + cram.Filename
                output, err := exec.Command(
                    "-o", cram_dl_dir+"/"+cram.Filename+".o",
                    "-e", cram_dl_dir+"/"+cram.Filename+".e",
                    "-R'select[mem>2000] rusage[mem=2000]'", "-M2000",
                    "iget", "-K", cram.Irods_path, cram.Cram_dl_path).CombinedOutput()

                if err != nil {
                    // Display everything we got if error.
                    log.Println("Error when running command.  Output:")
                    log.Printf("Got command status: %s\n", err.Error())

        if len(undownloaded_cram_map) < 1 {
            log.Fatalln("There are less than 1 items in cram download list")

        // verify the cram files downloaded correctly and write download status to object metadata
        log.Println("Waiting for CRAM downloads to finish")
        // this updates in place the specified attribute for objects in cram_list for the
        // jobs that have finished successfully
        bjobsIsCompleted(undownloaded_cram_map, "Cram_download_success", &cram_list)

        writeCheckpoint(cram_list, current_step)

    current_step = 2
    // if imeta already downloaded then load session information and continue
    if fileExists(fmt.Sprintf("checkpoint_%d.json", current_step)) {
        jsonFile, err := os.Open(fmt.Sprintf("checkpoint_%d.json", current_step))
        byteValue, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(jsonFile)
        err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(byteValue), &cram_list)
        if err != nil {

        log.Println(fmt.Sprintf("Checkpoint exists for step %d, loading progress", current_step))

    } else {
        log.Println(fmt.Sprintf("Starting step %d", current_step))

        log.Println("Getting imeta for each downloaded cram")
        for i := range cram_list {
            cram := &cram_list[i]
            if cram.Cram_download_success {

                cmd := exec.Command("imeta", "ls", "-d", cram.Irods_path)

                cram.Imeta_path = cram.Cram_dl_path + ".imeta"
                imeta_file, err := os.Create(cram.Imeta_path)
                if err != nil {
                defer imeta_file.Close()

                // Send stdout to the outfile. cmd.Stdout will take any io.Writer.
                cmd.Stdout = imeta_file
                err = cmd.Run()
                if err != nil {
                    // Display everything we got if error.
                    log.Println("Error when running command.  Output:")
                    log.Printf("Got command status: %s\n", err.Error())
                cram.Imeta_downloaded = true

        writeCheckpoint(cram_list, current_step)

    current_step = 3
    // if unique sample names already established
    if fileExists(fmt.Sprintf("checkpoint_%d.json", current_step)) {
        jsonFile, err := os.Open(fmt.Sprintf("checkpoint_%d.json", current_step))
        byteValue, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(jsonFile)
        err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(byteValue), &cram_list)
        if err != nil {

        log.Println(fmt.Sprintf("Checkpoint exists for step %d, loading progress", current_step))

    } else {

        log.Println("Parsing imeta file to obtain library_type and sample name")
        for i := range cram_list {
            cram := &cram_list[i]
            if cram.Imeta_downloaded {

                library_type := ""
                sample_name := ""

                imeta, _ := ioutil.ReadFile(cram.Imeta_path)
                split_imeta := bytes.Split(imeta, []byte("----"))
                for _, line := range split_imeta {
                    if bytes.Contains(line, []byte("attribute: library_type")) {
                        line_split := strings.Split(strings.TrimSuffix(string(line), "\n"), "\n")
                        for _, l := range line_split {
                            if strings.Contains(l, "value:") {
                                library_type = strings.ReplaceAll(l, "value:", "")
                                library_type = strings.TrimSpace(library_type)
                                cram.Library_type = library_type
                        if library_type != "" {
                for _, line := range split_imeta {
                    if bytes.Contains(line, []byte("attribute: "+attribute_with_sample_name)) {
                        line_split := strings.Split(strings.TrimSuffix(string(line), "\n"), "\n")
                        for _, l := range line_split {
                            if strings.Contains(l, "value:") {
                                sample_name = strings.ReplaceAll(l, "value:", "")
                                sample_name = strings.TrimSpace(sample_name)
                                cram.Sample_name = sample_name
                                cram.Imeta_parsed = true
                        // as this loop goes line by line, this break means it stops when the first sample_name is found.
                        if sample_name != "" {

        log.Println("Checking there are no duplicate sample names in parsed imeta information")
        sample_names_map := make(map[string][]string)
        for i := range cram_list {
            cram := &cram_list[i]
            if cram.Imeta_downloaded {
                if cram.Library_type != "" {
                    sample_names_map[cram.Library_type] = []string{}

        if len(sample_names_map) == 0 {
            log.Fatalln("There are no library_type information for samples")

        for i := range cram_list {
            cram := &cram_list[i]
            if cram.Imeta_downloaded {
                if cram.Library_type != "" {
                    if stringInSlice(cram.Sample_name, sample_names_map[cram.Library_type]) {
                        log.Printf("Duplicate sample_names found for %s", cram.Sample_name)
                        log.Fatalln("There are duplicate values in sample_names, double check your choice of 'attribute_with_sample_name'")
                    sample_names_map[cram.Library_type] = append(sample_names_map[cram.Library_type], cram.Sample_name)

        writeCheckpoint(cram_list, current_step)

    current_step = 4
    // if fastq have already been split then load checkpoint instead of rerunning
    if fileExists(fmt.Sprintf("checkpoint_%d.json", current_step)) {
        jsonFile, err := os.Open(fmt.Sprintf("checkpoint_%d.json", current_step))
        byteValue, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(jsonFile)
        err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(byteValue), &cram_list)
        if err != nil {

        log.Println(fmt.Sprintf("Checkpoint exists for step %d, loading progress", current_step))

    } else {
        log.Println(fmt.Sprintf("Starting step %d", current_step))

        log.Println("Extracting fastq from downloaded crams")
        err := os.Mkdir("B_Fastq_Extraction", 0755)
        if err != nil {

        // extract fastq from downloaded cram files
        fastq_cram_map := make(map[string]string)
        for i := range cram_list {
            cram := &cram_list[i]
            if cram.Imeta_parsed {

                fastq_cram_map[cram.Filename] = "B_Fastq_Extraction/B_cram_to_fastq_" + cram.Filename + ".o"
                fq_filename := strings.ReplaceAll(cram.Filename, ".cram", "")
                cram.Fastq_1_path = "B_Fastq_Extraction/" + fq_filename + ".1.fq.gz"
                cram.Fastq_2_path = "B_Fastq_Extraction/" + fq_filename + ".2.fq.gz"

                output, err := exec.Command(
                    "-o", "B_Fastq_Extraction/B_cram_to_fastq_"+cram.Filename+".o",
                    "-e", "B_Fastq_Extraction/B_cram_to_fastq_"+cram.Filename+".e",
                    "-R'select[mem>2000] rusage[mem=2000]'", "-M2000",
                    "-n", "4",
                    samtools_exec, "fastq", "-c", "7", "-@", "4",
                    "-1", cram.Fastq_1_path,
                    "-2", cram.Fastq_2_path,
                    "-0", "/dev/null",
                    "-s", "/dev/null",
                    "-n", cram.Cram_dl_path).CombinedOutput()

                if err != nil {
                    // Display everything we got if error.
                    log.Println("Error when running command.  Output:")
                    log.Printf("Got command status: %s\n", err.Error())

        // verify extracting the crams into fastq finished successfully
        log.Println("Verifying success of extracting fastq")

        bjobsIsCompleted(fastq_cram_map, "Fastq_extracted_success", &cram_list)

        writeCheckpoint(cram_list, current_step)

    current_step = 5
    // if symlinks already created then load session information and continue
    // if fastq have already been split then load checkpoint instead of rerunning
    if fileExists(fmt.Sprintf("checkpoint_%d.json", current_step)) {
        jsonFile, err := os.Open(fmt.Sprintf("checkpoint_%d.json", current_step))
        byteValue, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(jsonFile)
        err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(byteValue), &cram_list)
        if err != nil {

        log.Println(fmt.Sprintf("Checkpoint exists for step %d, loading progress", current_step))

    } else {

        log.Println("Symlinking fastq into different folders based on library_type")
        for i := range cram_list {
            cram := &cram_list[i]
            if cram.Fastq_extracted_success && cram.Library_type != "" {
                lib_type_dir := strings.ReplaceAll(cram.Library_type, " ", "_")
                lib_type_dir = "C_Split_by_Library_Type/" + lib_type_dir
                _ = os.MkdirAll(lib_type_dir, 0755)
                os.Symlink("../../"+cram.Fastq_1_path, lib_type_dir+"/"+cram.Sample_name+".1.fq.gz")
                os.Symlink("../../"+cram.Fastq_2_path, lib_type_dir+"/"+cram.Sample_name+".2.fq.gz")
                cram.Symlinked_fq_1 = lib_type_dir + "/" + cram.Sample_name + ".1.fq.gz"
                cram.Symlinked_fq_2 = lib_type_dir + "/" + cram.Sample_name + ".2.fq.gz"

        writeCheckpoint(cram_list, current_step)

    current_step = 6
    // if alignments already performed then load session information and continue
    if fileExists(fmt.Sprintf("checkpoint_%d.json", current_step)) {
        jsonFile, err := os.Open(fmt.Sprintf("checkpoint_%d.json", current_step))
        byteValue, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(jsonFile)
        err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(byteValue), &cram_list)
        if err != nil {

        log.Println(fmt.Sprintf("Checkpoint exists for step %d, loading progress", current_step))

    } else {

        _ = os.MkdirAll("D_realignments/", 0755)
        log.Println("Running alignments between extracted fastq and specified reference")
        realignment_map := make(map[string]string)
        for i := range cram_list {
            cram := &cram_list[i]
            if cram.Symlinked_fq_1 != "" && cram.Symlinked_fq_2 != "" {

                out_folder := "D_realignments/" + strings.ReplaceAll(cram.Library_type, " ", "_") + "/"
                _ = os.MkdirAll(out_folder, 0755)

                bam_output := out_folder + cram.Sample_name + ".bam"
                job_out := out_folder + "/D_realignement_RNA_" + cram.Sample_name + ".o"
                job_err := out_folder + "/D_realignement_RNA_" + cram.Sample_name + ".e"

                if stringInSlice(cram.Library_type, star_align_libraries) {
                    output, err := exec.Command(
                        "-o", job_out,
                        "-e", job_err,
                        "-n", "10",
                        "-R'select[mem>"+star_ram+"] rusage[mem="+star_ram+"]'", "-M"+star_ram,
                        star_exec, "--runThreadN", "21",
                        "--outSAMattributes", "NH", "HI", "NM", "MD",
                        "--limitBAMsortRAM", star_ram+"000000",
                        "--genomeDir", star_genome_dir,
                        "--readFilesCommand", "zcat",
                        "--outFileNamePrefix", out_folder+"/"+cram.Filename,
                        "--readFilesIn", cram.Symlinked_fq_1, cram.Symlinked_fq_2,
                        "--outStd", "BAM_SortedByCoordinate",
                        "|", samtools_exec, "sort", "-@3", "-l7", "-o", bam_output).CombinedOutput()

                    if err != nil {
                        // Display everything we got if error.
                        log.Println("Error when running command.  Output:")
                        log.Printf("Got command status: %s\n", err.Error())

                    cram.Realigned_bam_path = bam_output
                    realignment_map[cram.Filename] = job_out

                } else if stringInSlice(cram.Library_type, bwa_align_libraries) {
                    output, err := exec.Command(
                        "-o", job_out,
                        "-e", job_err,
                        "-R'select[mem>"+bwa_ram+"] rusage[mem="+bwa_ram+"]'", "-M"+bwa_ram,
                        "-n", "10",
                        bwa_exec, "mem", "-t", "10",
                        "|", samtools_exec, "sort", "-@3", "-l7", "-o", bam_output).CombinedOutput()

                    if err != nil {
                        // Display everything we got if error.
                        log.Println("Error when running command.  Output:")
                        log.Printf("Got command status: %s\n", err.Error())

                    cram.Realigned_bam_path = bam_output
                    realignment_map[cram.Filename] = job_out

        // check on alignment jobs until they have finished
        bjobsIsCompleted(realignment_map, "Realigned_succesful", &cram_list)

        writeCheckpoint(cram_list, current_step)

    current_step = 7
    // if quickcheck has already been performed then load session information and continue
    if fileExists(fmt.Sprintf("checkpoint_%d.json", current_step)) {
        jsonFile, err := os.Open(fmt.Sprintf("checkpoint_%d.json", current_step))
        byteValue, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(jsonFile)
        err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(byteValue), &cram_list)
        if err != nil {

        log.Println(fmt.Sprintf("Checkpoint exists for step %d, loading progress", current_step))

    } else {
        log.Println("Running samtools quickcheck on completed bams")

        for i := range cram_list {
            cram := &cram_list[i]
            if cram.Realigned_succesful {
                go quickcheck_alignments(cram_list, i, samtools_exec)
        wg.Wait() // wait until all quickcheck processes have finished

        writeCheckpoint(cram_list, current_step)

    current_step = 8
    // if quickcheck has already been performed then load session information and continue
    if fileExists(fmt.Sprintf("checkpoint_%d.json", current_step)) {
        jsonFile, err := os.Open(fmt.Sprintf("checkpoint_%d.json", current_step))
        byteValue, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(jsonFile)
        err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(byteValue), &cram_list)
        if err != nil {

        log.Println(fmt.Sprintf("Checkpoint exists for step %d, loading progress", current_step))

    } else {
        log.Println("Indexing quickchecked bams")

        for i := range cram_list {
            cram := &cram_list[i]
            if cram.Realigned_quickcheck_success {
                indexBam(cram_list, i, samtools_exec)
        wg.Wait() // wait until all quickcheck processes have finished

        writeCheckpoint(cram_list, current_step)

    current_step = 9
    // if counts matrix has already been built then load session info
    if fileExists(fmt.Sprintf("checkpoint_%d.json", current_step)) {
        jsonFile, err := os.Open(fmt.Sprintf("checkpoint_%d.json", current_step))
        byteValue, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(jsonFile)
        err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(byteValue), &cram_list)
        if err != nil {

        log.Println(fmt.Sprintf("Checkpoint exists for step %d, loading progress", current_step))

    } else {
        log.Println("Running featurecounts on completed RNA bams")
        var rna_bams_featurecounts_input []string

        for i := range cram_list {
            cram := &cram_list[i]
            // if quickcheck worked then add its realigned and sorted bam path to list of bams to include in counts matrix
            if cram.Realigned_quickcheck_success {
                if stringInSlice(cram.Library_type, star_align_libraries) {
                    rna_bams_featurecounts_input = append(rna_bams_featurecounts_input, cram.Realigned_bam_path)


        if len(rna_bams_featurecounts_input) < 1 {
            log.Fatalln("Less than  1 bams in RNA category, not enough for featurecounts, aborting.")

        err := os.Mkdir("E_Counts_matrix_RNA", 0755)
        if err != nil {

        matrix_out := "E_Counts_matrix_RNA/featurecounts_matrix.tsv"
        job_out := "E_Counts_matrix_RNA/featurecounts_run.o"
        job_err := "E_Counts_matrix_RNA/featurecounts_run.e"

        featureCountsCmd := []string{
            "-o", job_out,
            "-e", job_err,
            "-R'select[mem>" + featurecounts_ram + "] rusage[mem=" + featurecounts_ram + "]'", "-M" + featurecounts_ram,
            "-n", "14",
            "-Q", "30",
            "-t", "exon",
            "-g", "gene_name",
            "-F", "GTF",
            "-a", genome_annot,
            "-o", matrix_out}

        // append bam paths to end of command options, as this is what featureCounts expects
        featureCountsCmd = append(featureCountsCmd, rna_bams_featurecounts_input...)

        output, err := exec.Command("bsub", featureCountsCmd...).CombinedOutput()

        if err != nil {
            // Display everything we got if error.
            log.Println("Error when running command.  Output:")
            log.Printf("Got command status: %s\n", err.Error())

        // wait for featurecounts job to finish
        for {
            dat, err := ioutil.ReadFile(job_out)
            if err == nil {
                if strings.Contains(string(dat), "Terminated at") {
            time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)

        // if featurecounts exited successfuly write new checkpoint file
        // this doesn't have any new information but its presence will indicate not to repeat the featurecounts step
        dat, err := ioutil.ReadFile(job_out)
        if err == nil {
            if strings.Contains(string(dat), "Successfully completed.") {
                writeCheckpoint(cram_list, current_step)
            } else {
                log.Fatalln("Featurecounts did not exit successfully")