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Test Coverage
=== 4.8.0 / 2023-09-28

* 2 minor enhancements:

  * Added ability to pass down option overrides through
  * Removed ancient File.binread alias.

* 1 bug fix:

  * Added missing rdoc.

=== 4.7.0 / 2023-07-18

* 3 minor enhancements:

  * Extend flog to process complex numbers. (petergoldstein)
  * Only penalize magic numbers if they're not assigned to a const (excludes 0/-1).
  * Renamed :lit_fixnum to :magic_number.

=== 4.6.6 / 2022-07-03

* 1 minor enhancement:

  * Added support for to_proc w/ hash(?!?). (t-kinoshita)

* 2 bug fixes:

  * Removed to_proc_normal (eg &:sym/call) as benchmarks are much better.
  * ruby3: Fixed anonymous block pass. (prtngn)

=== 4.6.5 / 2022-04-09

* 1 minor enhancement:

  * Changed :iter scoring from branch to block_call (same score).

* 1 bug fix:

  * Fixed support for ruby 3 (only affected block_pass / to_proc_normal).

=== 4.6.4 / 2019-12-14

* 2 minor enhancements:

  * Added basic support for safe_call (nic-potter).
  * Added extra complexity penalty to safe_call processing.

=== 4.6.3 / 2019-09-14

* 1 minor enhancement:

  * Removed --18 and --19 options to cmdline. No real value anymore.

* 2 bug fixes:

  * Fixed some sexp access under STRICT_SEXP=2.
  * Fixed option / arg processing bug that caused a hang (reading from stdin).

=== 4.6.2 / 2018-02-14

* 1 bug fix:

  * Don't process stdin if cmdline args expand to nothing.

=== 4.6.1 / 2017-02-08

* 1 bug fix:

  * Fixed max line number in range report. AKA I'm an idiot.

=== 4.6.0 / 2017-02-01

* 2 minor enhancements:

  * Bumped dependency on sexp_processor to 4.8 and up.
  * Include new Sexp#line_max info for in_method so DSLs can record line span.

=== 4.5.0 / 2017-01-19

* 3 minor enhancements:

  * Added -t=N and --threshold N processing to FlogCLI.
  * Added tweakable threshold to Flog (still defaults to 60%).
  * Renamed Flog::THRESHOLD to Flog::DEFAULT_THRESHOLD (but kept an alias around).

=== 4.4.1 / 2017-01-13

* 1 bug fix:

  * Fixed scoring of Rational lits.

=== 4.4.0 / 2016-05-16

* 1 minor enhancement:

  * Switched to path_expander to deal with cmdline args. See path_expander for details.

=== 4.3.2 / 2015-01-30

* 1 bug fix:

  * Fixed rdoc url (phiggins)

=== 4.3.1 / 2015-01-09

* 1 bug fix:

  * Fixed to_proc_normal scoring on ruby 2.2+. (teoljungberg)

=== 4.3.0 / 2014-07-18

* 1 minor enhancement:

  * Added methods_only param to FlogTask. (jocranford)

=== 4.2.1 / 2014-05-29

* 2 bug fixes:

  * Fixed grouping by class name. (guilhermesimoes)
  * Removed dead rubyforge setting in Rakefile

=== 4.2.0 / 2013-10-18

* 3 minor enhancements:

  * Added --extended / -e to put file:line output on next line (for rubymine & friends)
  * Extracted MethodBasedSexpProcessor and pushed up to sexp_processor gem.
  * Updated dependency on sexp_processor to ~> 4.4.

=== 4.1.2 / 2013-09-05

* 2 bug fixes:

  * Don't even record a score if method stack is empty and user used --methods-only.
  * Fixed Flog task's default method. (jasonrobertfox)

=== 4.1.1 / 2013-07-11

* 1 minor enhancement:

  * Added max_method to delegators.

* 1 bug fix:

  * Fixed FlogTask to use FlogCLI. (envygeeks)

=== 4.1.0 / 2013-05-10

* 3 minor enhancements:

  * Cleaned up tests by adding assert_hash_in_epsilon. yay!
  * Fixed method_location is now cleared on #reset. (makaroni4)
  * to_proc_normal is now penalized based on RUBY_VERSION. Scores were benchmarked.

* 1 bug fix:

  * Fixed code/home urls in readme/gem.

=== 4.0.0 / 2013-04-18

* 1 major enhancement:

  * Renamed Flog#methods to #method_scores. (makaroni4)

* 4 minor enhancements:

  * Added accessors for methods, scores. Now available for CIs! (makaroni4)
  * Refactored calculations down to 2 methods: total_score and totals. (makaroni4)
  * Refactored to #calculate, #threshold. (makaroni4)
  * Track stack of nested sclass scopes for parser (pithyless)

=== 3.2.3 / 2013-03-21

* 1 bug fix:

  * Don't blow up if a path doesn't exist or isn't readable.

=== 3.2.2 / 2013-01-22

* 1 bug fix:

  * Fixed stupid error when run on empty file.

=== 3.2.1 / 2012-12-19

* 1 bug fix:

  * Relaxed (and fixed) the ruby_parser dependency.

=== 3.2.0 / 2012-12-18

* 4 minor enhancements:

  * Ensure rake/tasklib is loaded when defining FlogTask. (ferrous26)
  * Fixed reporting / recording of methods in singleton class blocks. (mihu)
  * Refactored error handling code to flog_ruby. Calls flog_ruby! for actual work
  * Refactored ruby processing code to flog_ruby!

* 1 bug fix:

  * Fixed flogging of || iters. (JacobNinja)

=== 3.1.0 / 2012-11-16

* 4 minor enhancements:

  * --quiet option is now false by default, and changed to silence parse warnings.
  * Added max_score and max_method. (aselder)
  * FlogTask can now take a method to use to figure out score, allowing for total or max_score.
  * Switched to capturing RubyParser::SyntaxError (RP 3.0 change).

* 2 bug fixes:

  * Avoid redefined warning for File::RUBY19. (svendahlstrand)
  * Fixed flog to default to RubyParser if not specified. Allows cleaner programmatic access.

=== 3.0.0 / 2012-11-02

* 1 minor enhancement:

  * Added a timeout handler to skip when RubyParser times out on a large file

* 1 bug fix:

  * Fixed handling of plain literals in masgn in args.

=== 3.0.0.b3 / 2012-10-22

* 4 minor enhancements:

  * Added .rake as a supported extension.
  * Create a new parser for every file, preventing state barkification
  * Extended DSL support to include hash args (eg task :blah => :dep).
  * Extended DSL support to report nested names (eg namespace(blah)::task#woot)

=== 3.0.0.b2 / 2012-08-07

* 1 bug fix:

  * Fix for sexp structure changes (no arglists).

=== 3.0.0.b1 / 2012-07-26

* 4 minor enhancements:

  * Added --18 and --19 flags to specify parser. Defaults to hybrid.
  * Explicitly use Ruby18Parser to remove deprecation warnings.
  * Modified processor to deal with cleaner sexps from RP 3.x.
  * Use File.binread ( in 1.8) to bypass encoding errors

* 2 bug fixes:

  * Cleaned up some 1.9 warnings.
  * Fixed failing tests against ruby_parser 3

=== 2.5.3 / 2011-09-21

* 1 minor enhancement:

  * class_stack now always pushes on symbols or strings for class names.

* 1 bug fix:

  * Fixed klass_name returning an ugly mix of sexps and strings.

=== 2.5.2 / 2011-08-11

* 1 minor enhancement:

  * Improved parse error output. (impurist)

=== 2.5.1 / 2011-02-18

* 3 minor enhancements:

  * Added RegexpError to error handler.
  * Improved error output and suggest --continue
  * Record the flog score for the full class name, not just suffix. (dkubb)

* 1 bug fix:

  * Fixed block_pass when passed a multi-level const (xavier)

=== 2.5.0 / 2010-09-01

* 1 major enhancement:

  * Added plugin system. Define a module under Flog to extend it.

* 3 minor enhancements:

  * Added special case penalty for wtf to_proc: blah(&b = proc {...}) (benjaminb)
  * Improved tests and test coverage.
  * Unfactored & refactored report code. Much cleaner and  more maintainable now.

* 2 bug fixes:

  * Fixed API change for FlogTask (andreacampi)
  * Fixed bad edgecase handler for block_pass (benjaminb)

=== 2.4.0 / 2009-12-15

* 4 minor enhancements:

  * Cleaned method_name to return "#method" or "::method".
  * DSL reporting now handles regexp literals for 'method' names (Marty Andrews)
  * Improved tests for process_iter's myriad complexities.
  * More doco!

* 1 bug fix:

  * Fixed DSL reporting excluding solo-blocks. (eg a single rake task)

=== 2.3.0 / 2009-12-09

* 1 major enhancement:

  * Added file:line info to the flog report (Marty Andrews)

* 13 minor enhancements:

  * Added .autotest.
  * Deleted pre-gauntlet scripts.
  * Flog#method_name now at least tries show when it is a class method.
  * Flog.parse_options now takes args directly.
  * Removed Flog#increment_total_score_by.
  * Removed Flog#output_summary.
  * Removed Flog#process_attrset.
  * Removed Flog#record_method_score.
  * Removed Flog#summarize_method.
  * Removed Flog::default_options.
  * Renamed Flog#analyze_list to process_until_empty.
  * Renamed Flog#options to #option
  * Rewrote entire test suite (3100 lines down!). Cleaner and less brittle.

=== 2.2.0 / 2009-08-14

* 1 minor enhancement:

  * #mass pushed up to sexp_processor

* 5 bug fixes:

  * --group didn't use canonical class name.
  * Fixed bin/flog to use flog, not flog_files (removed in last rev)
  * Fixed crasher when processing a block with empty goalposts.
  * Switching to ruby_parser broke ERB syntax error handling. (imccoy)
  * skip empty files instead of crashing. yay?

=== 2.1.2 / 2009-06-24

* 1 bug fix:

  * Fixed dependency spec on ruby_parser. (jan)

=== 2.1.1 / 2009-06-23

* 2 minor enhancements:

  * Added mass accessor for gauntlet and other automated processors
  * Switched from ParseTree to ruby_parser. Only 3x slower\! :(

=== 2.1.0 / 2009-03-16

* 5 minor enhancements:

  * Added --group to aggregate and sort by class scores.
  * Added flog_task.rb
  * Made -q default, removed -n.
  * Made report output more readable and processable.
  * Moved option processing from bin/flog to lib/flog.rb for better testing.

* 1 bug fix:

  * removed extra attr_readers for total and average. doh

=== 2.0.0 / 2009-01-20

* 1 major enhancement:

  * Pulled in and merged Rick Bradley's awesome flame project into flog.

* 1 minor enhancement:

  * Added gauntlet plugin

* 1 bug fix:

  * "hugh sasse".split(/\s/).map{|x|x.capitalize}.join(" ") # :-)

=== 1.2.0 / 2008-10-22

* 14 minor enhancements:

  * Added -c flag to continue dispite errors.
  * Added -m to only report code in methods (skips #none).
  * Added -n flag to give NO method details (summary only)
  * Added -n to skip method details... pussies should learn grep.
  * Added -q to quiet method details (total per method only)
  * Added avg & stddev to total.
  * Added avg score per method to report.
  * Added lots of doco from contributors. Thanks Hugh Sasse!
  * Fixed class names when const2/3.
  * Fixed unified ruby changes
  * Refactored flog with help from flay.
  * Refactored get_source_index
  * Refactored into gem_updater.rb and cleaned up.
  * Works with new incremental rubygems, albiet slower than before.

=== 1.1.0 / 2007-08-21

* 3 major enhancements:

  * Added assignments and branches and a lot of other stuff. rad.
  * Added process_iter section for DSL style blocks (rake tasks etc).
  * Made Flog usable as a library.

* 12 minor enhancements:

  * Added -a flag to turn off threshold culling for other tools.
  * Added -s for summarizing the score.
  * Added -v feedback to know what file you're flogging.
  * Added branching penalty so tons of nested conditionals get beat down.
  * Added send (3).
  * Capture and ignore SyntaxErrors from template/generator code. Stupid DHH.
  * Report can now take an IO object.
  * block_args now penalizes all non-benign forms of block_pass. 
  * Added usage to bin/flog. Moved -I processing to bin/flog.
  * Added unpack.rb and update_scores.rb at base level (not installed)
  * Added scoring for block_pass.
  * Converted totals to use distance formula on ABC's.

* 3 bug fixes:

  * Ran flog on every latest gem available. Found a bunch of problems.
  * Use a stack for both class/module and method accounting.
  * block_args weren't processing the arg

=== 1.0.2 / 2007-08-01

* 1 bug fix:

  * stupid rubygems bin wrapper... *sigh*

=== 1.0.1 / 2007-08-01

* 1 bug fix:

  * New Rule: NEVER release new software when exhausted: Fixed dependency list. 

=== 1.0.0 / 2007-08-01

* 1 major enhancement:

  * Birthday!