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4 days
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// Variables
var version             = auto_load_next_post_params.alnp_version,
    content_container   = auto_load_next_post_params.alnp_content_container,
    post_title_selector = auto_load_next_post_params.alnp_title_selector,
    nav_container       = auto_load_next_post_params.alnp_navigation_container,
    comments_container  = auto_load_next_post_params.alnp_comments_container,
    remove_comments     = auto_load_next_post_params.alnp_remove_comments,
    track_pageviews     = auto_load_next_post_params.alnp_google_analytics,
    is_customizer       = auto_load_next_post_params.alnp_is_customizer,
    is_mobile           = auto_load_next_post_params.alnp_is_mobile,
    event_on_load       = auto_load_next_post_params.alnp_event_on_load,
    event_on_entering   = auto_load_next_post_params.alnp_event_on_entering,
    post_title          = window.document.title,
    curr_url            = window.location.href,
    orig_curr_url       = window.location.href,
    post_count          = 0,
    post_url            = curr_url,
    overridden_post_url = '',
    stop_reading        = false,
    scroll_up           = false,
    article_container   = 'article',
    ready               = auto_load_next_post_params.alnp_load_in_footer,
    disable_mobile      = auto_load_next_post_params.alnp_disable_mobile;

(function($) {

    // Ensure auto_load_next_post_params exists to continue.
    if ( typeof auto_load_next_post_params === 'undefined' ) {
        return false;

    // Stop Auto Load Next Post from running if disabled for mobile devices.
    if ( is_mobile == 'yes' && disable_mobile ) {
        return false;

     * Ensure the main required selectors are set before continuing.
     * 1. Content Container
     * 2. Post Title
     * 3. Post Navigation
    if ( content_container.length <= 0 ) {
        console.error( 'Auto Load Next Post requires that you set the content container selector.' );
        return false;

    if ( post_title_selector.length <= 0 ) {
        console.error( 'Auto Load Next Post requires that you set the post title selector.' );
        return false;

    if ( nav_container.length <= 0 ) {
        console.error( 'Auto Load Next Post requires that you set the post navigation container selector.' );
        return false;

    // Do we load right away or wait until the page has finished loading?
    if ( ready == false ) {
        // Run Auto Load Next Post once the document is ready.
        $( document ).ready(function () {

    // Run Auto Load Next Post.
    if ( ready ) {

    // This function runs the Auto Load Next Post script.
    function run_alnp() {
        if ( $( 'article' ).length <= 0 ) {
            console.log( 'HTML5 semantics for article has not been found. Setting compatible HTML semantic.' );
            article_container = 'div';

        if ( is_customizer == 'yes' ) {
            console.log( 'You are previewing with the customizer.' );

        console.log( 'Auto Load Next Post is version: ' + version );

        // Don't do anything if post was loaded looking for comments.
        if ( orig_curr_url.indexOf( '#comments' ) > -1 || orig_curr_url.match(/#comment-*([0-9]+)/) ) {
            console.log( 'Auto Load Next Post is disabled while requested to view comments.' );

        // Don't do anything if post was loaded to post a comment.
        if ( orig_curr_url.indexOf( '#respond' ) > -1 ) {
            console.log( 'Auto Load Next Post is disabled while requested to respond and post a comment.' );

        // Add a post divider.
        $( content_container ).prepend( '<hr style="height:0px;margin:0px;padding:0px;border:none;" data-powered-by="alnp" data-initial-post="true" data-title="' + post_title + '" data-url="' + orig_curr_url + '"/>' );

        // Mark the first article as the initial post.
        $( content_container ).find( article_container ).attr( 'data-initial-post', true );

        // Find the post ID of the initial loaded article.
        var initial_post_id = $( content_container ).find( article_container ).attr( 'id' );

        // Apply post ID to the first post divider if found.
        if ( typeof initial_post_id !== 'undefined' && initial_post_id.length > 0 ) {
            initial_post_id = initial_post_id.replace( 'post-', '' ); // Make sure that only the post ID remains.
            console.log( 'Initial Post ID: ' + initial_post_id );
            $( content_container ).find( 'article[data-initial-post]' ).prev().attr( 'data-post-id', initial_post_id );

        console.log( 'Post URL: ' + post_url );

        console.log( 'Post Count: ' + post_count );

        // Remove Comments.
        if ( remove_comments === 'yes' ) {
            $( comments_container ).remove();

            // Remove Disqus comments if found.
            if ( $( '#disqus_thread' ).length > 0 ) {
                $( '#disqus_thread' ).remove();

            if ( $( comments_container ).length <= 0 ) {
                console.log( 'Comments have been removed' );

        // Initialise scrollSpy

        $( 'body' ).on( 'alnp-enter', function( e ) {
            console.log( 'Entering new post' );

        $( 'body' ).on( 'alnp-leaving', function( e ) {
            console.log( 'Leaving post' );

         * Track pageviews with Google Analytics.
         * It will first detect if Google Analytics is installed before
         * attempting to send a pageview.
         * The tracker detects both classic and universal tracking methods.
         * Also supports Google Analytics by Monster Insights should it be used.
        $( 'body' ).on( 'alnp-post-changed', function( e, post_title, post_url, post_id, post_count, stop_reading ) {
            if ( track_pageviews != 'yes' ) {

            // If we are previewing in the customizer then dont track.
            if ( is_customizer == 'yes' ) {
                console.log( 'Google Analytics tracking is disabled when previewing in the customizer.' );

            console.log( 'Google Analytics tracking is enabled' );

            if ( typeof _gaq === 'undefined' && typeof ga === 'undefined' && typeof __gaTracker === 'undefined' ) {
                console.error( 'Google Analytics was not found installed on your site!' );

            console.log( 'Post URL before clean: ' + post_url );

            // Clean Post URL before tracking.
            post_url = post_url.replace(/https?:\/\/[^\/]+/i, '');

            console.log( 'Post URL after clean: ' + post_url );

            // This uses Google's classic Google Analytics tracking method.
            if ( typeof _gaq !== 'undefined' && _gaq !== null ) {
                console.log( 'Google Analytics is installed but you are using a classic version. Recommend upgrading!' );
                _gaq.push(['_trackPageview', post_url]);

            // This uses Google Analytics Universal Analytics tracking method.
            if ( typeof ga !== 'undefined' && ga !== null ) {
                console.log( 'Google Analytics Universal Analytics is installed. Yahoo!' );
                ga( 'send', 'pageview', post_url );

            // This uses Monster Insights method of tracking Google Analytics.
            if ( typeof __gaTracker !== 'undefined' && __gaTracker !== null ) {
                console.log( 'Google Analytics by MonsterInsights is installed. Awesome!' );
                __gaTracker( 'send', 'pageview', post_url );

        // If the browser back button is pressed or the user scrolled up then change history state.
        $( 'body' ).on( 'mousewheel', function( e ) {
            scroll_up = e.originalEvent.wheelDelta > 0;

        // Update the History ONLY if we are NOT in the customizer.
        if ( ! is_customizer ) {
            // Note: We are using statechange instead of popstate
            History.Adapter.bind( window, 'statechange', function() {
                var state = History.getState(); // Note: We are using History.getState() instead of event.state


                // If they returned back to the first post, then when you click the back button go to the url from which they came.
                if ( scroll_up ) {
                    var states = History.savedStates;
                    var prev_state_index = states.length - 2;
                    var prev_state = states[prev_state_index];

                    console.log( 'Previous URL: ', prev_state.url );

                    if ( prev_state.url === orig_curr_url ) {
                        window.location = document.referrer;

                // If the previous URL does not match the current URL then go back.
                if ( state.url != curr_url ) {
                    var previous_post = $( 'hr[data-url="' + state.url + '"]' ).next( article_container ).find( post_title_selector );

                    // Is there a previous post?
                    if ( previous_post.length > 0 ) {
                        var previous_post_title = previous_post[0].dataset.title;
                        console.log( 'Previous Post: ' + previous_post_title );

                        History.pushState(null, previous_post_title, state.url);

                        // Scroll to the top of the previous article.
                        $( 'html, body' ).animate({ scrollTop: (previous_post.offset().top - 100) }, 1000, function() {
                            $( 'body' ).trigger( 'alnp-previous-post', [ previous_post ] );
    } // END run_alnp()

     * ScrollSpy.
     * 1. Load a new post once the post comes near the end.
     * 2. If a new post has loaded and comes into view, change the URL in the browser
     *    address bar and the post title for history.
     * This is done by looking for the post divider.
    function scrollspy() {
        // Do not enter once the initial post has loaded.
        if ( post_count > 0 ) {
            $( 'hr[data-powered-by="alnp"]' ).on( 'scrollSpy:enter', alnp_enter );

        $( 'hr[data-powered-by="alnp"]' ).on( 'scrollSpy:exit', alnp_leave ); // Loads next post.
        $( 'hr[data-powered-by="alnp"]' ).scrollSpy();
    } // END scrollspy()

    // Trigger multiple events
    function triggerEvents(events, params) {
        if (typeof events !== 'string') return;

        var body = jQuery( 'body' );

        events = events.split(',');

        for (var i = 0; i < events.length; i++) {
            //support all browsers, "replace" instead of "trim"
            events[i] = events[i].replace(/^\s\s*/, '').replace(/\s\s*$/, '');
            body.trigger(events[i], params);

        return this;

    // Entering a post
    function alnp_enter() {
        var divider = $(this);

        $( 'body' ).trigger( 'alnp-enter', [ divider ] );

        triggerEvents(event_on_entering, [ divider ]);

        changePost( divider, 'enter' );
    } // END alnp_enter()

    // Leaving a post
    function alnp_leave() {
        var divider = $(this);

        $( 'body' ).trigger( 'alnp-leave', [ divider ] );

        changePost( divider, 'leave' );
    } // END alnp_leave()

    // Change Post
    function changePost( divider, $direction ) {
        var el           = $(divider);
        var this_url     = el.attr( 'data-url' );
        var this_title   = el.attr( 'data-title' );
        var this_post_id = el.attr( 'data-post-id' );
        var initial_post = el.attr( 'data-initial-post' );
        var offset       = el.offset();
        var scrollTop    = $( document ).scrollTop();

        // If exiting or entering from the top, then change the URL.
        if ( ( - scrollTop ) <= 200 && curr_url != this_url ) {
            curr_url = this_url;

            // Update the History ONLY if we are NOT in the customizer.
            if ( ! is_customizer ) {
                History.pushState(null, this_title, this_url);

            $( 'body' ).trigger( 'alnp-post-changed', [ this_title, this_url, this_post_id, post_count, stop_reading, initial_post ] );

        console.log( 'Direction: ' + $direction);

        // Look for the next post to load if any when leaving previous post.
        if ( $direction == 'leave' ) {
    } // END changePost()

     * This is the main function.
    function auto_load_next_post() {
        // If the user can not read any more then stop looking for new posts.
        if ( stop_reading ) {

        // Reset the overridden post URL.
        overridden_post_url = '';
        if ( !overridden_post_url ) {
            console.log( 'Post is not overridden!' );

        // This helps prevent causing an undefined URL.
        if ( $( nav_container ).length <= 0 ) {
            console.log( 'Post navigation container was not found!' );

        // Grab the url for the next post in the post navigation.
        post_url = $( nav_container ).find( 'a[rel="prev"]').attr( 'href' );

        // If the post url returns nothing then try finding the alternative and set that as the next post.
        if ( !post_url ) {
            post_url = $( nav_container ).find( 'a[rel="previous"]').attr( 'href' );

        // If we are in the customizer then clean the post url before fetching the post.
        if ( is_customizer == 'yes' ) {
            post_url = post_url.substring(0, post_url.indexOf("?"));

        // Override the post url via a trigger.
        $( 'body' ).trigger( 'alnp-post-url', [ post_count, post_url ] );

        // If post URL is overridden then update post_url variable.
        if ( overridden_post_url ) {
            console.log( 'Post has been overridden!' );
            post_url = overridden_post_url;

        // For some browsers, `post_url` is undefined; for others,
        // `post_url` is false. So we check for both possibilites.
        if ( typeof post_url !== typeof undefined && post_url !== false ) {
            console.log( 'Post URL was defined. Next Post URL: ' + post_url );
        } else {
            console.error( 'Unable to find another post to load!' );

        // If the post navigation is not found then dont continue.
        if ( !post_url ) return;

        // Define next post URL to load.
        var np_url = '';

        // Check to see if pretty permalinks, if not then add alnp=1
        if ( post_url.indexOf( '?p=' ) > -1 ) {
            np_url = post_url + '&alnp=1';
        } else {
            var partial_endpoint = 'alnp/';

            if ( post_url.charAt(post_url.length - 1) != '/' )
                partial_endpoint = '/' + partial_endpoint;

            np_url = post_url + partial_endpoint;

        // Remove the post navigation HTML once the next post has loaded.
        $( nav_container ).remove();
        if ( $( nav_container ).length <= 0 ) {
            console.log( 'Post Navigation Removed!' );

        $.get( np_url , function( data ) {
            var post = $( "<div>" + data + "</div>" );

            // Allows the post data to be modified before being appended.
            $( 'body' ).trigger( 'alnp-post-data', [ post ] );

            data = post.html(); // Returns the HTML data of the next post that was loaded.

            var post_divider = '<hr style="height:0px;margin:0px;padding:0px;border:none;" data-powered-by="alnp" data-initial-post="false" data-url="' + post_url + '"/>';
            var post_html    = $( post_divider + data );
            var post_title   = post_html.find( post_title_selector ); // Find the post title of the loaded article.
            var post_ID      = $( post ).find( article_container ).attr( 'id' ); // Find the post ID of the loaded article.
            var triggerParams = [ post_title.text(), post_url, post_ID, post_count ];

            if ( typeof post_ID !== typeof undefined && post_ID !== "" ) {
                post_ID = post_ID.replace( 'post-', '' ); // Make sure that only the post ID remains.
                console.log( 'Post ID: ' + post_ID );
            } else {
                console.error( 'Post ID was not found.' );

            // Check if the post title exists.
            if ( post_title.length > 0 ) {
                console.log( 'Post Title: ' + post_title.text() );
            } else {
                console.log( 'Post title was not found!' );

            $( content_container ).append( post_html ); // Add next post.

            $( article_container + '[id="post-' + post_ID + '"]' ).attr( 'data-initial-post', false ); // Set article as not the initial post.

            // Remove Comments.
            if ( remove_comments === 'yes' ) {
                $( comments_container ).remove();

                // Remove Disqus comments if found.
                if ( $( '#disqus_thread' ).length > 0 ) {
                    $( '#disqus_thread' ).remove();
                if ( $( comments_container ).length <= 0 ) {
                    console.log( 'Comments Removed' );

            // Get the hidden "HR" element and add the missing post title and post id attributes.
            $( 'hr[data-url="' + post_url + '"]').attr( 'data-title', post_title.text() ).attr( 'data-post-id', post_ID );

            scrollspy(); // Need to set up ScrollSpy now that the new content has loaded.

            post_count = post_count+1; // Updates the post count.
            console.log( 'Post Count: ' + post_count );

            // Run an event once the post has loaded.
            $( 'body' ).trigger( 'alnp-post-loaded', triggerParams );

            // Trigger user defined events
            triggerEvents(event_on_load, triggerParams);

    } // END auto_load_next_post()
