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3 hrs
Test Coverage
  Core - JavaScript Foundation
  Copyright 2010-2012 Zynga Inc.
  Copyright 2012-2014 Sebastian Werner

/* jshint -W041 */

"use strict";

    function raise(message) {
        throw new Error(message);

     * Collection of assertions which could be used to verify incoming arguments, etc.
     * Modelled after the Python API at
         * Raises an exception when the two values @a {var} and @b {var} are not equal (`!=`)
         * Customizable with a custom @message {String?} for the exception text.
        isEqual: function(a, b, message)
            if (a != b) {
                raise(message || "Values must be equal: " + a + " and " + b + "!");

         * Raises an exception when the two values @a {var} and @b {var} are equal (`==`).
         * Customizable with a custom @message {String?} for the exception text.
        isNotEqual: function(a, b, message)
            if (a == b) {
                raise(message || "Values must not be equal: " + a + " and " + b + "!");

         * Raises an exception when the two values @a {var} and @b {var} are not identical (`!==`)
         * Customizable with a custom @message {String?} for the exception text.
        isIdentical: function(a, b, message)
            if (a !== b) {
                raise(message || "Values must be identical: " + a + " and " + b + "!");

         * Raises an exception when the two values @a {var} and @b {var} are identical (`===`).
         * Customizable with a custom @message {String?} for the exception text.
        isNotIdentical: function(a, b, message)
            if (a === b) {
                raise(message || "Values must not be identical: " + a + " and " + b + "!");

         * Raises an exception when the value @a {var} is not trueish (`!= true`).
         * Customizable with a custom @message {String?} for the exception text.
        isTrue: function(a, message)
            if (a != true) {
                raise(message || "Value must be true: " + a + "!");

         * Raises an exception when the value @a {var} is not falsy (`!= false`).
         * Customizable with a custom @message {String?} for the exception text.
        isFalse: function(a, message)
            if (a != false) {
                raise(message || "Value must be false: " + a + "!");

         * Raises an exception when the value @a {var} is `undefined`.
         * Customizable with a custom @message {String?} for the exception text.
        isNotUndefined : function(a, message)
            if (a === undef) {
                raise(message || "Value " + a + " must not be undefined!");

         * Raises an exception when the value @a {var} is not `null`.
         * Customizable with a custom @message {String?} for the exception text.
        isNull: function(a, message)
            if (a != null) {
                raise(message || "Value " + a + " must be null!");

         * Raises an exception when the value @a {var} is `null`.
         * Customizable with a custom @message {String?} for the exception text.
        isNotNull: function(a, message)
            if (a == null) {
                raise(message || "Value " + a + " must not be null!");

         * Raises an exception when the value @a {var} is not in @object {Object|Array|String}.
         * Customizable with a custom @message {String?} for the exception text.
        isIn: function(a, object, message)
            if (!(a in object || object.indexOf && object.indexOf(a) != -1)) {
                raise(message || "Value " + a + " is not in given object!");

         * Raises an exception when the value @a {var} is in @object {Object|Array|String}.
         * Customizable with a custom @message {String?} for the exception text.
        isNotIn: function(a, object, message)
            if (a in object || object.indexOf && object.indexOf(a) != -1) {
                raise(message || "Value " + a + " must not be in given object!");

         * Raises an exception when the value @a {var} does not match the regular expression @regexp {RegExp}.
         * Customizable with a custom @message {String?} for the exception text.
        matches: function(a, regexp, message)
            if (!regexp.match(a)) {
                raise(message || "Value " + a + " must match " + regexp);

         * Raises an exception when the value @a {var} matches the regular expression @regexp {RegExp}.
         * Customizable with a custom @message {String?} for the exception text.
        notMatches: function(a, regexp, message)
            if (regexp.match(a)) {
                raise(message || "Value " + a + " must not match " + regexp);

         * Raises an exception when the value @a {var} is not an instance of @clazz {String}
         * Customizable with a custom @message {String?} for the exception text.
        isInstance: function(a, clazz, message)
            if (!(a instanceof clazz)) {
                raise(message || "Value " + a + " must be instance of: " + clazz);

         * Raises an exception when the value @a {var} is not of @type {String} (checked via {core.Main#isTypeOf})
         * Customizable with a custom @message {String?} for the exception text.
        isType: function(a, type, message)
            if (!core.Main.isTypeOf(a, type)) {
                raise(message || "Value " + a + " must match type: " + type);

         * Raises an exception when the value @a {var} is of @type {String} (checked via {core.Main#isTypeOf})
         * Customizable with a custom @message {String?} for the exception text.
        isNotType: function(a, type, message)
            if (core.Main.isTypeOf(a, type)) {
                raise(message || "Value " + a + " must not match type: " + type);

         * {String} Validates the @object {Map} to don't hold other keys than the ones defined by @allowed {Array|String}.
         * Returns first non matching key which was found or `undefined` if all keys are valid.
        doesOnlyHaveKeys : function(object, allowed, message)
            if (typeof allowed == "string") {
                allowed = allowed.split(/,| /);

            core.Object.forEach(object, function(value, key)
                if (allowed.indexOf(key) == -1) {
                    raise(message || "Unallowed key found: " + key);

         * Raises an exception when the given value @a {var} is not empty.
         * Customizable with a custom @message {String?} for the exception text.
        isNotEmpty: function(a, message)
            // Strings, Arrays
            if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty(a, "length"))
                if (a.length === 0) {
                    raise(message || "Value " + a + " must not be empty!");
            else if (core.Main.isTypeOf(a, "Map"))
                if (!core.Object.isEmpty(a)) {
                    raise(message || "Value " + a + " must not be empty!");
