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2 hrs
Test Coverage
  Core - JavaScript Foundation
  Copyright 2013-2014 Sebastian Werner

"use strict";

(function(global, undef)
  // Shorthand
  var hasOwnProperty = Object.hasOwnProperty;

  // Fix for IE bug with enumerables
  if (jasy.Env.isSet("engine", "trident"))
    var hasDontEnumBug = true;
    for (var key in {"toString": null}) {
      hasDontEnumBug = false;

    if (hasDontEnumBug)
      // Used to fix the JScript [[DontEnum]] bug
      var shadowed = "constructor,hasOwnProperty,isPrototypeOf,propertyIsEnumerable,toLocaleString,toString,valueOf".split(",");
      var shadowedLength = shadowed.length;

  var nativeKeys = Object.keys;
  if (!core.Main.isNative(nativeKeys)) {
    nativeKeys = null;

  // Method to create iterators through objects
  var createIterator = function(config)
    var code = '';

    code += config.init || '';

    if (config.has && nativeKeys && !config.nokeys)
      if (config.iter)
        code += 'for(var i=0,keys=Object.keys(object),l=keys.length,key;i<l;i++)'
        code += '{';
        code +=   'key=keys[i];';
        code +=    config.iter;
        code += '}';
        code += 'var keys=Object.keys(object);';
      if (config.stable) {
        code += 'var keys=[];';

      code += 'for(var key in object){';

      if (config.has) {
        code += 'if(,key)){';

      if (config.stable) {
        code += "keys.push(key);";
      } else if (config.iter) {
        code += config.iter;

      if (config.has) {
        code += '}';

      if (jasy.Env.isSet("engine", "trident") && hasDontEnumBug)
        code += 'for(var i=0;i<shadowedLength;i++) ';
        code += '{';
        code += 'var key=shadowed[key];';

        if (config.has) {
          code += 'if(,key)){';
        } else {
          code += 'if(key in object){';

        if (config.stable) {
          code += "keys.push(key);";
        } else if (config.iter) {
          code += config.iter;

        code += '}}';

      code += '}';

      if (config.stable)
        code += "for(var i=0,l=keys.length;i<l;i++){";
        code += "key=keys[i];";
        code += config.iter || "";
        code += "}";

    code += config.exit || "";

    // Wrap code to allow injection of scope variables and
    // for being able to support given arguments list.
    var wrapperCode = 'return function(object' + (config.args ? "," + config.args : "") + '){' + code + '};'

    if (jasy.Env.isSet("engine", "trident"))
      var compiledWrapper = Function("global", "hasOwnProperty", "shadowed", "shadowedLength", wrapperCode);
      return compiledWrapper(global, hasOwnProperty, shadowed, shadowedLength);
      var compiledWrapper = Function("global", "hasOwnProperty", wrapperCode);
      return compiledWrapper(global, hasOwnProperty);

  var callbackArgs = "callback,context";
  var contextFix = "if(!context)context=global;";
  var executeCallback = ",object[key],key,object);";

  var EmptyConstructor = new Function;

  if (Object.create)
     * {Object} Returns an completely empty object instance
    var createEmpty = function() {
      return Object.create(null);

     * {Object} Returns an object instance from the given @clazz {Class}
     * without executing its constructor method.
    var createFrom = function(clazz) {
      return Object.create(clazz);
  else if (Object.prototype.__proto__ === null)
    var createEmpty = function () {
      return { "__proto__": null };

    var createFrom = function(clazz)
      EmptyConstructor.prototype = clazz;
      var object = new EmptyConstructor;
      object.__proto__ = clazz;
      return object;
    // In old IE __proto__ can't be used to manually set `null`, nor does
    // any other method exist to make an object that inherits from nothing,
    // aside from Object.prototype itself. Instead, create a new global
    // object and *steal* its Object.prototype and strip it bare. This is
    // used as the prototype to create nullary objects.
    var EmptyClass = (function ()
      var iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
      var parent = document.body || document.documentElement; = 'none';
      iframe.src = 'javascript:';

      var empty = iframe.contentWindow.Object.prototype;

      iframe = null;

      delete empty.constructor;
      delete empty.hasOwnProperty;
      delete empty.propertyIsEnumerable;
      delete empty.isPrototypeOf;
      delete empty.toLocaleString;
      delete empty.toString;
      delete empty.valueOf;

      empty.__proto__ = null;

      function Empty() {}
      Empty.prototype = empty;
      return Empty;

    var createEmpty = function() {
      return new EmptyClass;

    var createFrom = function(clazz)
      EmptyConstructor.prototype = clazz;
      return new EmptyConstructor;

   * A collection of utility methods for native JavaScript objects.
     * {Map} Create a shallow-copied clone of the @object {Map}. Any nested
     * objects or arrays will be copied by reference, not duplicated.
    clone : createIterator(
      has : true,
      stable : false,
      init : "var clone={};",
      iter : "clone[key]=object[key];",
      exit : "return clone;"

     * Loops trough all entries - including inherited ones - of the given @object {Object} and executes the
     * given @callback {Function} in the given @context {Object} on each entry.
     * The @callback is called with these arguments: `value`, `key`, `object`.
    forAll : createIterator(
      stable : true,
      args : callbackArgs,
      init : contextFix,
      iter : executeCallback

     * Loops trough the entries of the given @object {Object} and executes the
     * given @callback {Function} in the given @context {Object} on each entry.
     * The @callback is called with these arguments: `value`, `key`, `object`.
    forEach : createIterator(
      has : true,
      stable : true,
      args : callbackArgs,
      init : contextFix,
      iter : executeCallback

     * {Array} Returns all the keys of the given @object {Object}.
    getKeys : createIterator(
      has : true,
      stable : true, // otherwise we might not have "keys"
      exit : "return keys;"

     * {Integer} Returns the length of the given @object {Object}.
    getLength : createIterator(
      has : true,
      stable : false,
      init : "var length=0;",
      iter : "length++;",
      exit : "return length;",
      nokeys : true

     * {Array} Returns all the values of the given @object {Object}.
    getValues : createIterator(
      has : true,
      stable : false,
      init : "var values=[];",
      iter : "values.push(object[key]);",
      exit : "return values;"

     * {Boolean} Returns whether the given @object {Object} is empty.
    isEmpty : createIterator(
      has : true,
      stable : false,
      iter : "return false;",
      exit : "return true;",
      nokeys : true

     * {Map} Returns a copy of the @object {Object},
     * filtered to only have values for the whitelisted @keys {String...}.
    pick : function(object, keys)
      var result = {};
      var args = arguments;

      for (var i=1, l=args.length; i<l; i++)
        var key = args[i];
        result[key] = object[key];

      return result;

     * {Map} Create a shallow-copied clone of the @object {Object} where all the
     * keys of @table {Map} will be translated to the value of that mapping.
     * It uses the original key when no translation is available.
     * Any nested objects or arrays will be copied by reference, not duplicated.
    translate : createIterator(
      has : true,
      stable : false,
      args : "table",
      init : "var result={};",
      iter : "result[table[key]||key]=object[key];",
      exit : "return result;"

     * {Map} Create a shallow-copied clone of the @object {Object} where for
     * every key in the original @object @mapper {Function} is called to
     * return the replacement key. It uses the original key when no translation is available.
     * Any nested objects or arrays will be copied by reference, not duplicated.
    map : createIterator(
      has : true,
      stable : false,
      args : "mapper",
      init : "var result={};",
      iter : "result[mapper(key)||key]=object[key];",
      exit : "return result;"

    createEmpty : createEmpty,
    createFrom : createFrom
