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2 days
Test Coverage
  Core - JavaScript Foundation
  Copyright 2010-2012 Zynga Inc.
  Copyright 2012-2014 Sebastian Werner

"use strict";

    var setters = {};
    var getters = {};
    var resetters = {};
    var validators = {};

    var up = function(name) {
        return name.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + name.slice(1);

     * Generic setter/getter support for property API.
     * Include this if your class uses properties and want to be able to generically
     * set/get them based on the property names
        members :
             * {var} Generic setter. Supports two possible use cases for @property {String|Map} and @value {var?}:
             *     set("property", value);
             *     set({
             *       property1: value1,
             *       property2: value2
             *     });
             * Returns the value from the setter (if single property is used)
            set : function(property, value)
                if (arguments.length == 2)
                    if (jasy.Env.isSet("debug")) {
                        core.Assert.isType(property, "String");

                    var method = setters[property];
                    if (!method) {
                        method = setters[property] = "set" + up(property);

                    if (jasy.Env.isSet("debug")) {
                        core.Assert.isType(this[method], "Function", "Invalid property to set: " + property);

                    return this[method](value);
                    if (jasy.Env.isSet("debug")) {
                        core.Assert.isType(property, "Map");

                    for (var name in property)
                        var method = setters[name];
                        if (!method) {
                            method = setters[name] = "set" + up(name);

                        if (jasy.Env.isSet("debug")) {
                            core.Assert.isType(this[method], "Function", "Invalid property to set: " + name);


             * {Boolean} Rudimentary check whether a given @property {String} getter is available.
            hasGetter : function(property)
                var method = getters[property];
                if (!method) {
                    method = getters[property] = "get" + up(property);

                return !!this[method];

             * {var} Generic getter for @property {String|Array}.
             * Supports three possible use cases:
             *     var propertyValue = obj.get("property");
             *     var listOfValues = obj.get(["property1", "property2"]);
             *     var listOfAllValues = obj.get();
            get : function(property)
                if (typeof property == "string")
                    var method = getters[property];
                    if (!method) {
                        method = getters[property] = "get" + up(property);

                    if (jasy.Env.isSet("debug")) {
                        core.Assert.isType(this[method], "Function", "Invalid property to get " + property + " on " + this);

                    return this[method]();
                    if (!property)
                        property = core.Object.getKeys(core.Class.getProperties(this.constructor));
                    else if (jasy.Env.isSet("debug"))
                        core.Assert.isType(property, "Array");

                    var ret = {};

                    for (var i=0, l=property.length; i<l; i++)
                        var name = property[i];
                        var method = getters[name];
                        if (!method) {
                            method = getters[name] = "get" + up(name);

                        if (jasy.Env.isSet("debug")) {
                            core.Assert.isType(this[method], "Function", "Invalid property to get " + name + " on " + this);

                        ret[name] = this[method]();

                    return ret;

             * {var} Generic resetter for @property {String|Array?all} being valid.
             * Supports three possible use cases:
             *     var resetSingle = obj.reset("property");
             *     var resetGiven = obj.reset(["property1", "property2"]);
             *     var resetAll = obj.reset();
            reset : function(property)
                if (typeof property == "string")
                    var method = resetters[property];
                    if (!method) {
                        method = resetters[property] = "reset" + up(property);

                    if (jasy.Env.isSet("debug")) {
                        core.Assert.isType(this[method], "Function", "Invalid property to reset " + property + " on " + this);

                    return this[method]();
                    if (!property)
                        property = core.Object.getKeys(core.Class.getProperties(this.constructor));
                    else if (jasy.Env.isSet("debug"))
                        core.Assert.isType(property, "Array");

                    for (var i=0, l=property.length; i<l; i++)
                        var name = property[i];
                        var method = resetters[name];
                        if (!method) {
                            method = resetters[name] = "reset" + up(name);

                        if (jasy.Env.isSet("debug")) {
                            core.Assert.isType(this[method], "Function", "Invalid property to reset " + name + " on " + this);


             * {var} Generic validator for @property {String|Array?all} being valid.
             * Supports three possible use cases:
             *     var singleIsValid = obj.isValid("property");
             *     var givenAreValid = obj.isValid(["property1", "property2"]);
             *     var allAreValid = obj.isValid();
             * When validating a list of properties (all or custom list) it's optionally possible
             * to @raise {Boolean?false} an error with the exact property not validating.
            isValid : function(property, raise)
                if (typeof property == "string")
                    var method = validators[property];
                    if (!method) {
                        method = validators[property] = "isValid" + up(property);

                    if (jasy.Env.isSet("debug")) {
                        core.Assert.isType(this[method], "Function", "Invalid property to validate: " + property);

                    return this[method]();
                else if (property == null || core.Main.isTypeOf(property, "Array"))
                    if (!property)
                        property = core.Object.getKeys(core.Class.getProperties(this.constructor));
                        var all = true;

                    for (var i=0, l=property.length; i<l; i++)
                        var name = property[i];
                        var method = validators[name];
                        if (!method) {
                            method = validators[name] = "isValid" + up(name);

                        if (all && !this[method]) {

                        if (jasy.Env.isSet("debug")) {
                            core.Assert.isType(this[method], "Function", "Invalid property to validate: " + name);

                        if (!this[method]())
                            if (raise) {
                                throw new Error("Property " + name + " in " + this + " is not valid!");
                            } else {
                                return false;

                    return true;
                else if (jasy.Env.isSet("debug"))
                    throw new Error("Invalid value for validation: " + property);