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6 days
Test Coverage
  Core - JavaScript Foundation
  Copyright 2010-2012 Zynga Inc.
  Copyright 2012-2014 Sebastian Werner

"use strict";


    /** {Integer} Number of properties created. For debug proposes. */
    var MultiCounter = 0;

    /** {Integer} Maps multi property names to global property IDs */
    var propertyNameToId = {};

     * {Map} Configuration for property fields
    var priorityToFieldConfig =
        // Override
        4 : {},

        // User (aka Instance-specific value)
        3: {},

        // Theme, see {}
        2: {
            get : "getThemedValue"

        // Inheritance, see {}
        1 : {
            get : "getInheritedValue"

     * Maps the name of a field to its priority
    var fieldToPriority =
        inherited : 1,
        theme : 2,
        user : 3,
        override : 4

    // Shared variables (constants)
    var initKeyPrefix = "$$init-";
    var store = "$$data";

    // Improve compressibility
    var Undefined;
    var PropertyUtil =;


     * Updates children of a obj {Object} where the given property has been modified
     * from the @oldValue {var} to the @newValue {var}. The property configuration
     * is made available via @config {Map}.
    var changeInheritedHelper = function(obj, newValue, oldValue, config)
        // TODO: Improved this lookup via $$children
        if (!obj._getChildren) {
        var children = obj._getChildren();
        var length = children.length;
        if (!length) {

        var inheritedPriority = fieldToPriority.inherited;

        var, propertyApply=config.apply,;
        var propertyId = propertyNameToId[propertyName];
        var propertyInitKey = initKeyPrefix + propertyName;

        var child, childData, childOldPriority, childOldValue, childOldGetter, childNewValue;
        var Util =;

        for (var i=0, l=children.length; i<l; i++)
            child = children[i];

            // Block child if it does not support the changed property
            if (!Util.getPropertyDefinition(child.constructor, propertyName)) {

            childData = child[store];
            if (!childData) {
                childData = child[store] = {};

            // Quick lookup (higher priority value exist)
            childOldPriority = childData[propertyId];
            if (childOldPriority !== Undefined && childOldPriority > inheritedPriority) {

            // Compute child's old value

            if (childOldPriority === inheritedPriority)
                childOldValue = oldValue;
            else if (childOldPriority !== Undefined)
                childOldGetter = priorityToFieldConfig[childOldPriority].get;
                if (childOldGetter) {
                    childOldValue = child[childOldGetter](propertyName);
                } else {
                    childOldValue = child[propertyId+childOldPriority];
                childOldValue = child[propertyInitKey];

            // Compute child's new value

            childNewValue = newValue;
            if (childNewValue === Undefined)
                childNewValue = child[propertyInitKey];
                childData[propertyId] = Undefined;
                // Remember that we use the inherited value here
                childData[propertyId] = inheritedPriority;

            // Publish change

            if (childNewValue !== childOldValue)
                // Call apply
                if (propertyApply) {
                    child[propertyApply](childNewValue, childOldValue, propertyName);

                // Fire event
                if (propertyFire)
                    var eventObject =, childNewValue, childOldValue, propertyName);

                // Go into recursion
                changeInheritedHelper(child, childNewValue, childOldValue, config);


     * Multi-level property which support multiple values per property with integrated priorization. The following fields
     * are available for properties depending on their configuration:
     * * `inherited`
     * * `theme`
     * * `user`
     * * `override`
     * Higher values mean higher priority e.g. user values override themed values. There is an additional value
     * which is the init value and is stored property-wide (read: class specific - not instance specific).
     * Additional configuration flags (compared to simple properties):
     * * `inheritable`: Whether the property value should be inheritable. If the property does not have a user defined or an init value, the property will try to get the value from the parent of the current object.
     * * `themeable`: Whether the property allows a themable value read dynamically from a theming system.
     * The object containing this property needs to implement a method `getThemedValue`.
     * #break(
            PUBLIC API

         * Adds a new multi-field property with the given @name {String} (Camel-case and no special characters) and configuration (@config {Map}) to the @clazz {Class}.
         * Please note that you need to define one of "init" or "nullable". Otherwise you might get errors during runtime function calls.
        create : function(config)

            // Increase counter

            // Generate property ID
            // Identically named property might store data on the same field as in this case this is typically on different
            // classes. We reserve four slots for storing instance-specific data: inheritance, theme, user and override
            var propertyId = propertyNameToId[name];
            if (!propertyId)
                propertyId = propertyNameToId[name] =;

                // Number of fields + meta field to store where we store the data
       += 5;

            var name =;
            var members = {};

            // Shorthands: Better compression/obfuscation/performance
            var propertyNullable = config.nullable;
            var propertyInit = config.init;
            var propertyFire =;
            var propertyApply = config.apply;
            var propertyInheritable = config.inheritable;

                 FACTORY METHODS :: SETTER

            var setter = function(modifyPriority)
                return function(newValue)
                    var context = this;

                    if (jasy.Env.isSet("debug")) {
              , config, arguments);

                    var data = context[store];
                    if (!data) {
                        data = context[store] = {};
                        // Read old value
                        var oldPriority = data[propertyId];
                        if (oldPriority !== Undefined)
                            var oldGetter = priorityToFieldConfig[oldPriority].get;
                            if (oldGetter) {
                                var oldValue = context[oldGetter](name);
                            } else {
                                var oldValue = data[propertyId+oldPriority];

                    // context.debug("Save " + name + "[" + modifyPriority + "]=" + newValue);

                    // Store new value
                    data[propertyId+modifyPriority] = newValue;

                    // Ignore lower-priority changes
                    if (oldPriority === Undefined || oldPriority <= modifyPriority)
                        // Whether the storage field was changed
                        if (oldPriority !== modifyPriority) {
                            data[propertyId] = modifyPriority;

                        // Fallback to init value on prototype chain (when supported)
                        // This is always the value on the current class, not explicitely the class which creates the property.
                        // This is mainly for supporting init value overrides with "refined" properties
                        if (oldValue === Undefined && propertyInit !== Undefined) {
                            oldValue = propertyInit;

                        // this.debug("Value Compare: " + newValue + " !== " + oldValue);
                        // Whether the value has been modified
                        if (newValue !== oldValue)
                            // Call apply
                            if (propertyApply) {
                                context[propertyApply](newValue, oldValue,;

                            // Fire event
                            if (propertyFire)
                                var eventObject =, newValue, oldValue, propertyName);

                            // Inheritance support
                            if (propertyInheritable) {
                                changeInheritedHelper(context, newValue, oldValue, config);

                    return newValue;

                 FACTORY METHODS :: RESETTER

            var resetter = function(modifyPriority)
                return function(value)
                    var context = this;

                    if (jasy.Env.isSet("debug")) {
              , config, arguments);

                    var data = context[store];

                    // context.debug("Delete " + name + "[" + modifyPriority + "]");

                    // Only need to react when current field is resetted
                    var oldPriority = data[propertyId];
                    if (oldPriority === modifyPriority)
                        // Read old value
                        var oldValue = data[propertyId+oldPriority];

                        // We lost the current value, now we need to find the next stored value
                        var newValue, newGetter;
                        for (var newPriority=modifyPriority-1; newPriority>0; newPriority--)
                            newGetter = priorityToFieldConfig[newPriority].get;
                            if (newGetter) {
                                newValue = context[newGetter] ? context[newGetter](name) : Undefined;
                            } else {
                                newValue = data[propertyId+newPriority];

                            if (newValue !== Undefined) {

                        // No value has been found
                        if (newValue === Undefined)
                            newPriority = Undefined;

                            // Let's try the class-wide init value
                            if (propertyInit !== Undefined) {
                                newValue = propertyInit;
                            else if (jasy.Env.isSet("debug"))
                                // Still no value. We warn about that the property is not nullable.
                                if (!propertyNullable) {
                                    context.error("Missing value for: " + name + " (during reset())");

                        // Update current field
                        data[propertyId] = newPriority;

                    // Remove value from store
                    // This is placed here, because we need to keep the old value first and only want to do this when needed.
                    // Do not use delete operator for performance reasons: just modifying the value to undefined is enough.
                    data[propertyId+modifyPriority] = Undefined;

                    // Only need to react when current field is resetted
                    if (oldPriority === modifyPriority && oldValue !== newValue)
                        // Call apply
                        if (propertyApply) {
                            context[propertyApply](newValue, oldValue,;

                        // Fire event
                        if (propertyFire)
                            var eventObject =, newValue, oldValue, propertyName);

                        // Inheritance support
                        if (propertyInheritable) {
                            changeInheritedHelper(context, newValue, oldValue, config);

                 FACTORY METHODS :: GETTER

            var getter = function()
                var context = this;

                if (jasy.Env.isSet("debug")) {
          , config, arguments);

                var data = context[store];

                var currentPriority = data && data[propertyId];
                if (currentPriority === Undefined)
                    // Fallback to init value on prototype chain (when supported)
                    // This is always the value on the current class, not explicitely the class which creates the property.
                    // This is mainly for supporting init value overrides with "refined" properties
                    if (propertyInit !== Undefined) {
                        return propertyInit;

                    // Alternatively chose null, if possible
                    if (propertyNullable) {
                        return null;

                    if (jasy.Env.isSet("debug"))
                        context.error("Missing value for: " + name +
                            " (during get()). Either define an init value, make the property nullable or define a fallback value.");


                // Special get() support for themable/inheritable properties
                var currentGetter = priorityToFieldConfig[currentPriority].get;
                if (currentGetter)
                    if (jasy.Env.isSet("debug"))
                        var value = context[currentGetter](name);
                        if (value === Undefined) {
                            throw new Error("Ooops. Invalid value at getter: " + name + " in " + context + " via getter: " + currentGetter);

                        return value;
                        return context[currentGetter](name);
                    return data[propertyId+currentPriority];


            members.get = getter;

            // There are exactly two types of init methods:
            // 1. Initializing the value given in the property configuration (calling apply methods, firing events, etc.)
            // 2. Initializing the value during instance creation (useful for instance-specific non-shared values)
            if (propertyInit !== Undefined)
                members.init = function()
                    var context = this;
                    var data = context[store];
                    if (data)
                        // Check whether there is already another value assigned.
                        // In this case the whole function could be left early.
                        var oldPriority = data[propertyId];
                        if (oldPriority !== Undefined) {

                    // Call apply
                    if (propertyApply) {
                        context[propertyApply](propertyInit, Undefined,;

                    // Fire event
                    if (propertyFire)
                        var eventObject =, propertyInit, Undefined,;

                    // Inheritance support
                    if (propertyInheritable) {
                        changeInheritedHelper(context, propertyInit, Undefined, config);

            members.set = setter(3);
            members.reset = resetter(3);

         * Returns a value of the @obj {Object} from a specific @field {String}
         * (one of "init", "inheritance", "theme", "user" or "override") for the given @propertyName {String} -
         * ignoring any priorities.
        getSingleValue : function(obj, propertyName, field)
            var key = propertyNameToId[propertyName] + fieldToPriority[field];
            if (jasy.Env.isSet("debug"))
                if (typeof key != "number" || isNaN(key)) {
                    throw new Error("Invalid property or field: " + propertyName + ", " + field);

            return obj[store][key];

         * Imports a list of values. Useful for batch-applying a whole set of properties. Supports
         * <code>undefined</code> values to reset properties.
         * - @obj {Object} Any object
         * - @values {Map} Map of properties to apply
         * - @oldValues {Map} Map of old property values. Just used for comparision. Required for theme changes. In case of a state change the old value is not available otherwise.
         * - @field {String} Storage field to modify
        importData : function(obj, values, oldValues, field)
            // Check existence of data structure
            var data = obj[store];
            if (!data) {
                data = obj[store] = {};

            // Commonly used variables
            var modifyPriority = fieldToPriority[field];

            var propertyName, propertyId, newValue, oldValue, oldPriority, propertyInit;

            // Import every given property
            for (propertyName in values)
                propertyId = propertyNameToId[propertyName];

                if (jasy.Env.isSet("debug"))
                    if (propertyId === undefined) {
                        throw new Error(obj + ": Invalid property to import: " + propertyName);

                // Ignore if there is a higher priorized value
                // Earliest return option: Higher priorized value set
                oldPriority = data[propertyId];
                if (oldPriority > modifyPriority) {

                newValue = values[propertyName];

                // If nothing is set at the moment and no new value is given then simply ignore the property for the moment
                if (oldPriority === Undefined && newValue === Undefined) {

                // Read out old value
                if (oldPriority != null)
                    if (oldValues && oldPriority == modifyPriority) {
                        oldValue = oldValues[propertyName];
                        var oldGetter = priorityToFieldConfig[oldPriority].get;
                        if (oldGetter) {
                            oldValue = obj[oldGetter] ? obj[oldGetter](propertyName) : Undefined;
                        } else {
                            oldValue = data[propertyId+oldPriority];
                    oldValue = Undefined;

                // Compare old and new value
                // Second earliest return option: New value given and identical to old
                if (oldValue === newValue) {

                // Reset implementation block
                if (newValue === Undefined)
                    // We lost the current value, now we need to find the next stored value
                    var newValue, newGetter;

                    for (var newPriority=modifyPriority-1; newPriority>0; newPriority--)
                        newGetter = priorityToFieldConfig[newPriority].get;
                        if (newGetter) {
                            newValue = obj[newGetter] ? obj[newGetter](propertyName) : Undefined;
                        } else {
                            newValue = data[propertyId+newPriority];

                        if (newValue !== Undefined) {

                    // No value has been found
                    if (newValue === Undefined)
                        newPriority = Undefined;

                        // Let's try the property-wide init value
                        if (propertyInit !== Undefined)
                            newValue = propertyInit;
                        else if (jasy.Env.isSet("debug"))
                            // Still no value. We warn about that the property is not nullable.
                            var config = PropertyUtil.getPropertyDefinition(obj.constructor, propertyName);
                            if (!config.nullable) {
                                obj.error("Missing value for: " + propertyName + " (during reset() - from theme system)");

                    // Be sure that priority is right
                    data[propertyId] = newPriority;

                // Set implementation block
                else if (oldPriority != modifyPriority)
                    data[propertyId] = modifyPriority;

                // Call change helper
                // Third earlist "return" option, ok, not really a return option, but we at least omit useless change calls
                // when values are identical
                if (newValue !== oldValue)
                    var config = PropertyUtil.getPropertyDefinition(obj.constructor, propertyName);

                    // Call apply
                    if (config.apply) {
                        obj[config.apply](newValue, oldValue,;

                    // Fire event
                    if (
                        var eventObject =, newValue, oldValue,;

                    // Inheritance support
                    if (config.inheritable) {
                        changeInheritedHelper(obj, newValue, oldValue, config);


         * {Map} Returns a list (a map type for faster lookup) of all inheritable properties supported by the given @clazz {core.Class}.
         * You may choose to access inheritable properties via:
         * `obj.__inheritables ||`
         * for better performance.
        getInheritableProperties : function(clazz)
            var result = clazz.__inheritables = {};

            // Find all local properties which are inheritable
            var props = clazz.$$properties;
            if (props)
                for (var name in props)
                    if (props[name].inheritable) {
                        result[name] = props[name];

            var superClass = clazz.superclass;
            if (superClass && superClass !== Object)
                var remote = superClass.__inheritables || this.getInheritableProperties(superClass);
                for (var name in remote) {
                    result[name] = remote[name];

            return result;

         * Process an object whenever the parent has changed.
         * Should be called by the object itself which was modified. Required are both parents, the old and the new one
         * to make this work correctly. All given objects need to support the "$$parent" and "$$data" object fields.
         * This function is quite optimized for reduced additional function calls. The only expensive scenarios are when
         * a property is currently inherited or the new parent offers a value which needs to aquired using a get()
         * call (e.g. themed or itself inherited). This means it is basically cheap for initial application creation,
         * but is more expensive as soon as the application is running and objects are moved around dynamically.
         * - @obj {Object} The modified object
         * - @newParent {Object} The current parent
         * - @oldParent {Object} The new parent
        moveObject : function(obj, newParent, oldParent)
            // Fast compare (e.g. both null - should not happen, but still)
            if (newParent == oldParent) {

            // Runtime variables
            var inheritedPriority,
                clazz, properties, propertyName, propertyId, propertyConfig,
                data, oldPriority, oldValue, newValue,
                newParentData, newParentPriority, newParentGetter;

            // Fill with shared values through processing of all properties
            inheritedPriority = fieldToPriority.inherited;

            // Cache data field from object
            data = obj[store];
            if (!data) {
                data = obj[store] = {};

            // Cache data field from new parent
            newParentData = newParent ? newParent[store] : Undefined;

            // Iterate through all inheritable properties
            clazz = obj.constructor;
            properties = clazz.__inheritables || this.getInheritableProperties(clazz);
            for (propertyName in properties)
                propertyId = propertyNameToId[propertyName];

                // READ OLD VALUE

                oldPriority = data ? data[propertyId] : Undefined;
                if (oldPriority === Undefined)
                    // Fallback to class-wide init value
                    oldValue = properties[propertyName].init;
                else if (oldPriority == inheritedPriority)
                    // If we have used an inherited value, just ask the old parent for its value
                    oldValue = oldParent.get(propertyName);
                    // Higher priority field exists

                // READ NEW VALUE

                // Read new parent's value
                newValue = Undefined;
                if (newParent)
                    newParentPriority = newParentData ? newParentData[propertyId] : Undefined;
                    if (newParentPriority === Undefined)
                        // try to read old value from init value
                        parentConstructor = newParent.constructor;
                        parentProperties = parentConstructor.__inheritables || this.getInheritableProperties(parentConstructor);
                        newValue = parentProperties[propertyName].init;
                        // Deal with special getters (value comes from inheritable/themeable)
                        newParentGetter = priorityToFieldConfig[newParentPriority].get;
                        if (newParentGetter) {
                            newValue = newParent[newParentGetter] ? newParent[newParentGetter](propertyName) : Undefined;
                        } else {
                            newValue = newParentData[propertyId+newParentPriority];

                        if (newValue === Undefined) {
                            newValue = newParent[propertyInitKey];

                // In cases where we have no new parent or the new parent don't has a value
                // itself as well, then we try to use our init value as the new value
                if (newValue === Undefined)
                    newValue = obj[propertyInitKey];

                    if (data[propertyId] !== Undefined) {
                        data[propertyId] = Undefined;
                    data[propertyId] = inheritedPriority;

                // PERFORM CHANGES

                // Compare values
                if (newValue !== oldValue)
                    // obj.debug("Refresh: " + propertyName + ": " + oldValue + " => " + newValue);

                    propertyConfig = properties[propertyName];

                    // Call apply
                    if (propertyConfig.apply) {
                        obj[propertyConfig.apply](newValue, oldValue, propertyName);

                    // Fire event
                    if (
                        var eventObject =, newValue, oldValue, propertyName);

                    // Update children
                    changeInheritedHelper(obj, newValue, oldValue, propertyConfig);