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2 hrs
Test Coverage
  Core - JavaScript Foundation
  Copyright 2010-2012 Zynga Inc.
  Copyright 2012-2014 Sebastian Werner
  Based on the work of:
  Hogan.JS by Twitter, Inc.
  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0

"use strict";

(function ()
    var escapeMatcher = /[\\\"\n\r]/g;

    var escapeMap = {
        "\\" : '\\\\',
        "\"" : '\\\"',
        "\n" : '\\n',
        "\r" : '\\r'

    var escapeReplacer = function(str) {
        return escapeMap[str];

    var accessTags =
        "#" : 1, // go into section / loop start
        "?" : 1, // if / has
        "^" : 1, // if not / has not
        "$" : 1, // insert variable
        "=" : 1  // insert raw / non escaped

    // Tags which support children
    var innerTags =
        "#" : 1,
        "?" : 1,
        "^" : 1

    function walk(node, labels, nostrip)
        var code = '';

        for (var i=0, l=node.length; i<l; i++)
            var current = node[i];
            var tag = current.tag;

            if (tag == null)
                code += 'buf+="' + current.replace(escapeMatcher, escapeReplacer) + '";';
            else if (tag == '\n')
                code += 'buf+="\\n";';
                var name =;
                var escaped = name.replace(escapeMatcher, escapeReplacer);

                if (tag in accessTags)
                    var accessor = name == "." ? 2 : ~name.indexOf('.') ? 1 : 0;
                    var accessorCode = '"' + escaped + '",' + accessor + ',data';

                    if (tag in innerTags) {
                        var innerCode = walk(current.nodes, labels, nostrip);

                    if (tag == '?') {
                        code += 'if(this._has(' + accessorCode + ')){' + innerCode + '}';
                    } else if (tag == '^') {
                        code += 'if(!this._has(' + accessorCode + ')){' + innerCode + '}';
                    } else if (tag == '#') {
                        code += 'this._section(' + accessorCode + ',partials,labels,function(data,partials,labels){' + innerCode + '});';
                    } else if (tag == '=') {
                        code += 'buf+=this._data(' + accessorCode + ');';
                    } else if (tag == '$') {
                        code += 'buf+=this._variable(' + accessorCode + ');';
                else if (tag == '>')
                    code += 'buf+=this._partial("' + escaped + '",data,partials,labels);';
                else if (tag == '_')
                    // Support either static labels and dynamic labels
                    var resolved = labels && labels[escaped];
                    if (typeof resolved == "string") {
                        code += walk(core.template.Parser.parse(resolved, true), labels);
                    } else {
                        code += 'buf+=this._label("' + escaped + '",data,partials,labels);';

        return code;

     * This is the Compiler of the template engine and transforms the token tree into a compiled template instance.
         * {core.template.Template} Translates the @code {Array} tree from {core.template.Parser#parse} into actual JavaScript
         * code (in form of a {core.template.Template} instance) to insert dynamic data fields. It uses
         * the original @text {String} for template construction. There is also the possibility to inject
         * static @labels {Map} at compile time level or resolve them dynamically at every rendering.
         * Optionally you can keep white spaces (line breaks, leading, trailing, etc.) by
         * enabling @nostrip {Boolean?false}. Additionally one can define a template @name {String} for
         * improved debugging capabilities.
        compile : function(text, labels, nostrip, name)
            var tree = core.template.Parser.parse(text, nostrip);
            var wrapped = 'var buf="";' + walk(tree, labels, nostrip) + 'return buf;';

            return new core.template.Template(new Function('data', 'partials', 'labels', wrapped), text, name);