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# s-valid changelog
## 1.3.0
* convert to es6 (mainly just let/const)
* replace blanket with istanbul for code coverage
* replace jshint with eslint
* add jscs for code style consistency linting
* remove gulp--just npm scripts now
* fix bug where parseInt required a radix

## 1.2.0
* made all methods modular
    * eg. `var email = require('s-valid').email` to only add the email method
* methods should throw (not just return false) when passed arguments of wrong type, so now they do.
* speed improvements to `valid.creditCard` by removing unnecessary regexp tests

## 1.1.0
* distinct mastercard and visa regular expressions
    * removed `mastercardVisa`

## 1.0.0
* **no more number methods**
    * `zip` takes strings (not numbers)
    * `creditCard` and `card.{type}` take strings
    * removed `integer` method (too simple)

## 0.6.0
* breaking changes
    * renamed `valueString` to `value`
    * renamed `numberString` to `numeric`
* other changes
    * added `alpha` method

## 0.5.0
* breaking changes
    * renamed `numberStringLoose` to `valueString`
    * removed number methods `positive` and `negative`

## 0.4.0
* breaking changes. removed the following string methods:
    * empty
    * notEmpty
    * space
    * length
    * maxChars
    * minChars

## 0.3.0
* breaking changes to credit card validation
    * `valid.creditCard` is now an alias (shortcut) for `valid.card.generic`
    * all specific creditCard methods are now in the `card` object rather than `creditCard` object (eg. use ``)

## 0.2.0
* breaking changes to credit card validation
    * the former `valid.creditCard` method is now `valid.creditCard.generic` and allows for more card types
    * specific card regexps have been added and can be used as follows:
        * `; // returns true or false`
        * `valid.creditCard.maestro(number); // returns true or false`
        * etc. works with: visa, mastercard, amex, maestro, jcb, unionpay, discover, solo, carteBlanche, dinersClub, and lasercard
        * Note that visa and mastercard share a regexp and are each aliases of `creditCard.mastercardVisa(number);`