

6 hrs
Test Coverage
"use strict";

module.exports = function (api) {
  const env = api.env();

  const includeCoverage = process.env.BABEL_COVERAGE === "true";

  const envOptsNoTargets = {
    loose: true,
    modules: false,
    shippedProposals: true,
    exclude: ["transform-typeof-symbol"],
  const envOpts = Object.assign({}, envOptsNoTargets);

  const compileDynamicImport = env === "test" || env === "development";

  let convertESM = true;
  let ignoreLib = true;
  let includeRegeneratorRuntime = false;

  let transformRuntimeOptions;

  const nodeVersion = "6.9";
  // The vast majority of our src files are modules, but we use
  // unambiguous to keep things simple until we get around to renaming
  // the modules to be more easily distinguished from CommonJS
  const unambiguousSources = [

  switch (env) {
    // Configs used during bundling builds.
    case "standalone":
      includeRegeneratorRuntime = true;
    // fall through
    case "rollup":
      convertESM = false;
      ignoreLib = false;
      // rollup-commonjs will converts node_modules to ESM
      if (env === "rollup") envOpts.targets = { node: nodeVersion };
    case "production":
      // Config during builds before publish.
      envOpts.targets = {
        node: nodeVersion,
    case "development":
      envOpts.debug = true;
      envOpts.targets = {
        node: "current",
    case "test":
      envOpts.targets = {
        node: "current",

  if (includeRegeneratorRuntime) {
    const babelRuntimePkgPath = require.resolve("@babel/runtime/package.json");

    transformRuntimeOptions = {
      helpers: false, // Helpers are handled by rollup when needed
      regenerator: true,
      version: require(babelRuntimePkgPath).version,

  const config = {
    // Our dependencies are all standard CommonJS, along with all sorts of
    // other random files in Babel's codebase, so we use script as the default,
    // and then mark actual modules as modules farther down.
    sourceType: "script",
    comments: false,
    ignore: [
      // These may not be strictly necessary with the newly-limited scope of
      // babelrc searching, but including them for now because we had them
      // in our .babelignore before.
      ignoreLib ? "packages/*/lib" : null,
    presets: [["@babel/env", envOpts]],
    plugins: [
      // TODO: Use @babel/preset-flow when
      // is fixed
      ["@babel/proposal-class-properties", { loose: true }],
        { useBuiltIns: true, loose: true },
      compileDynamicImport ? dynamicImportUrlToPath : null,
      compileDynamicImport ? "@babel/plugin-proposal-dynamic-import" : null,

      convertESM ? "@babel/transform-modules-commonjs" : null,
    overrides: [
        test: [
        plugins: [
          ["@babel/transform-for-of", { assumeArray: true }],
        test: ["./packages/babel-cli", "./packages/babel-core"],
        plugins: [
          // Explicitly use the lazy version of CommonJS modules.
            ? ["@babel/transform-modules-commonjs", { lazy: true }]
            : null,
        test: "./packages/babel-polyfill",
        presets: [["@babel/env", envOptsNoTargets]],
        test: unambiguousSources,
        sourceType: "unambiguous",
      includeRegeneratorRuntime && {
        exclude: /regenerator-runtime/,
        plugins: [["@babel/transform-runtime", transformRuntimeOptions]],

  // we need to do this as long as we do not test everything from source
  if (includeCoverage) {
    config.auxiliaryCommentBefore = "istanbul ignore next";

  return config;

// !!! WARNING !!! Hacks are coming

// import() uses file:// URLs for absolute imports, while require() uses
// file paths.
// Since this isn't handled by @babel/plugin-transform-modules-commonjs,
// we must handle it here.
// However, fileURLToPath is only supported starting from Node.js 10.
// In older versions, we can remove the pathToFileURL call so that it keeps
// the original absolute path.
// NOTE: This plugin must run before @babel/plugin-transform-modules-commonjs,
// and assumes that the target is the current node version.
function dynamicImportUrlToPath({ template }) {
  const currentNodeSupportsURL = !!require("url").pathToFileURL;

  if (currentNodeSupportsURL) {
    return {
      visitor: {
        CallExpression(path) {
          if (path.get("callee").isImport()) {
  } else {
    // TODO: Remove in Babel 8 (it's not needed when using Node 10)
    return {
      visitor: {
        CallExpression(path) {
          if (path.get("callee").isIdentifier({ name: "pathToFileURL" })) {