

Test Coverage
# Woah, what's going on here?

A monorepo, muhahahahahaha. See the [monorepo design doc](/doc/design/ for reasoning.

- [Core Packages](#core-packages)
- [Other](#other)
- [Presets](#presets)
- [Plugins](#plugins)
  - [Transform Plugins](#transform-plugins)
  - [Syntax Plugins](#syntax-plugins)

### Core Packages

| Package | Version | Dependencies |
| [`@babel/core`](/packages/babel-core) | [![npm](]( | [![Dependency Status](]( |
| [`@babel/parser`](/packages/babel-parser) | [![npm](]( | [![Dependency Status](]( |
| [`@babel/traverse`](/packages/babel-traverse) | [![npm](]( | [![Dependency Status](]( |
| [`@babel/generator`](/packages/babel-generator) | [![npm](]( | [![Dependency Status](]( |

[`@babel/core`](/packages/babel-core) is the Babel compiler itself; it exposes the `babel.transform` method, where `transformedCode = transform(src).code`.

The compiler can be broken down into 3 parts:
- The parser: [`@babel/parser`](/packages/babel-parser)
- The transformer[s]: All the plugins/presets
  - These all use [`@babel/traverse`](/packages/babel-traverse) to traverse through the AST
- The generator: [`@babel/generator`](/packages/babel-generator)

The flow goes like this:

input string -> `@babel/parser` parser -> `AST` -> transformer[s] -> `AST` -> `@babel/generator` -> output string

Check out the [`babel-handbook`]( for more information on this.

#### Other

| Package | Version | Dependencies |
| [`@babel/cli`](/packages/babel-cli) | [![npm](]( | [![Dependency Status](]( |
| [`@babel/types`](/packages/babel-types) | [![npm](]( | [![Dependency Status](]( |
| [`@babel/polyfill`](/packages/babel-polyfill) | [![npm](]( | [![Dependency Status](]( |
| [`@babel/runtime`](/packages/babel-runtime) | [![npm](]( | [![Dependency Status](]( |
| [`@babel/register`](/packages/babel-register) | [![npm](]( | [![Dependency Status](]( |
| [`@babel/template`](/packages/babel-template) | [![npm](]( | [![Dependency Status](]( |
| [`@babel/helpers`](/packages/babel-helpers) | [![npm](]( | [![Dependency Status](]( |
| [`@babel/code-frame`](/packages/babel-code-frame) | [![npm](]( | [![Dependency Status](]( |

- [`@babel/cli`](/packages/babel-cli) is the CLI tool that runs `@babel/core` and helps with outputting to a directory, a file, stdout and more (also includes `@babel/node` cli). Check out the [docs](
- [`@babel/types`](/packages/babel-types) is used to validate, build and change AST nodes.
- [`@babel/polyfill`](/packages/babel-polyfill) is [literally a wrapper](/packages/babel-polyfill/src/index.js) around [`core-js`]( and [regenerator-runtime]( Check out the [docs](
- [`@babel/runtime`](/packages/babel-runtime) is similar to the polyfill except that it doesn't modify the global scope and is to be used with [`@babel/plugin-transform-runtime`](/packages/babel-plugin-transform-runtime) (usually in library/plugin code). Check out the [docs](
- [`@babel/register`](/packages/babel-register) is a way to automatically compile files with Babel on the fly by binding to Node.js `require`. Check out the [docs](
- [`@babel/template`](/packages/babel-template) is a helper function that allows constructing AST nodes from a string presentation of the code; this eliminates the tedium of using `@babel/types` for building AST nodes.
- [`@babel/helpers`](/packages/babel-helpers) is a set of pre-made `@babel/template` functions that are used in some Babel plugins.
- [`@babel/code-frame`](/packages/babel-code-frame) is a standalone package used to generate errors that print the source code and point to error locations.

### [Presets](

After Babel 6, the default transforms were removed; if you don't specify any plugins/presets, Babel will just return the original source code.

The transformer[s] used in Babel are the independent pieces of code that transform specific things. For example: the [`es2015-arrow-functions`](/packages/babel-plugin-transform-arrow-functions) transform specifically changes arrow functions into regular functions. A preset is simply an array of plugins that make it easier to run a whole a set of transforms without specifying each one manually.

| Package | Version | Dependencies | Description |
| [`@babel/preset-env`](/packages/babel-preset-env) | [![npm](]( | [![Dependency Status](]( | automatically determines plugins and polyfills you need based on your supported environments |

> You can find community maintained presets on [npm](

### [Plugins](

Plugins are the heart of Babel and what make it work.

> You can find community plugins on [npm](

#### Transform Plugins

There are many kinds of plugins: ones that convert ES6/ES2015 to ES5, transform to ES3, minification, JSX, flow, experimental features, and more. Check out our [website for more](

#### Syntax Plugins

These just enable the transform plugins to be able to parse certain features (the transform plugins already include the syntax plugins so you don't need both): `@babel/plugin-syntax-x`. Check out our [website for more](

### Helpers

These are mostly for internal use in various plugins: `@babel/helper-x`.