

0 mins
Test Coverage
// @flow

import type { Options } from "../options";
import * as N from "../types";
import { Position } from "../util/location";

import { types as ct, type TokContext } from "./context";
import { types as tt, type TokenType } from "./types";

type TopicContextState = {
  // When a topic binding has been currently established,
  // then this is 1. Otherwise, it is 0. This is forwards compatible
  // with a future plugin for multiple lexical topics.
  maxNumOfResolvableTopics: number,

  // When a topic binding has been currently established, and if that binding
  // has been used as a topic reference `#`, then this is 0. Otherwise, it is
  // `null`. This is forwards compatible with a future plugin for multiple
  // lexical topics.
  maxTopicIndex: null | 0,

export default class State {
  strict: boolean;
  curLine: number;

  // And, if locations are used, the {line, column} object
  // corresponding to those offsets
  startLoc: Position;
  endLoc: Position;

  init(options: Options): void {
    this.strict =
      options.strictMode === false ? false : options.sourceType === "module";

    this.curLine = options.startLine;
    this.startLoc = this.endLoc = this.curPosition();

  errors: SyntaxError[] = [];

  // Used to signify the start of a potential arrow function
  potentialArrowAt: number = -1;

  // Used to signify the start of an expression which looks like a
  // typed arrow function, but it isn't
  // e.g. a ? (b) : c => d
  //          ^
  noArrowAt: number[] = [];

  // Used to signify the start of an expression whose params, if it looks like
  // an arrow function, shouldn't be converted to assignable nodes.
  // This is used to defer the validation of typed arrow functions inside
  // conditional expressions.
  // e.g. a ? (b) : c => d
  //          ^
  noArrowParamsConversionAt: number[] = [];

  // Flags to track
  inParameters: boolean = false;
  maybeInArrowParameters: boolean = false;
  // This flag is used to track async arrow head across function declarations.
  // e.g. async (foo = function (await) {}) => {}
  // When parsing `await` in this expression, `maybeInAsyncArrowHead` is true
  // but `maybeInArrowParameters` is false
  maybeInAsyncArrowHead: boolean = false;
  inPipeline: boolean = false;
  inType: boolean = false;
  noAnonFunctionType: boolean = false;
  inPropertyName: boolean = false;
  hasFlowComment: boolean = false;
  isIterator: boolean = false;

  // For the smartPipelines plugin:
  topicContext: TopicContextState = {
    maxNumOfResolvableTopics: 0,
    maxTopicIndex: null,

  // For the F# plugin
  soloAwait: boolean = false;
  inFSharpPipelineDirectBody: boolean = false;

  // Labels in scope.
  labels: Array<{
    kind: ?("loop" | "switch"),
    name?: ?string,
    statementStart?: number,
  }> = [];

  // Leading decorators. Last element of the stack represents the decorators in current context.
  // Supports nesting of decorators, e.g. @foo(@bar class inner {}) class outer {}
  // where @foo belongs to the outer class and @bar to the inner
  decoratorStack: Array<Array<N.Decorator>> = [[]];

  // Positions to delayed-check that yield/await does not exist in default parameters.
  yieldPos: number = -1;
  awaitPos: number = -1;

  // Comment store.
  comments: Array<N.Comment> = [];

  // Comment attachment store
  trailingComments: Array<N.Comment> = [];
  leadingComments: Array<N.Comment> = [];
  commentStack: Array<{
    start: number,
    leadingComments: ?Array<N.Comment>,
    trailingComments: ?Array<N.Comment>,
    type: string,
  }> = [];
  // $FlowIgnore this is initialized when the parser starts.
  commentPreviousNode: N.Node = null;

  // The current position of the tokenizer in the input.
  pos: number = 0;
  lineStart: number = 0;

  // Properties of the current token:
  // Its type
  type: TokenType = tt.eof;

  // For tokens that include more information than their type, the value
  value: any = null;

  // Its start and end offset
  start: number = 0;
  end: number = 0;

  // Position information for the previous token
  // $FlowIgnore this is initialized when generating the second token.
  lastTokEndLoc: Position = null;
  // $FlowIgnore this is initialized when generating the second token.
  lastTokStartLoc: Position = null;
  lastTokStart: number = 0;
  lastTokEnd: number = 0;

  // The context stack is used to superficially track syntactic
  // context to predict whether a regular expression is allowed in a
  // given position.
  context: Array<TokContext> = [ct.braceStatement];
  exprAllowed: boolean = true;

  // Used to signal to callers of `readWord1` whether the word
  // contained any escape sequences. This is needed because words with
  // escape sequences must not be interpreted as keywords.
  containsEsc: boolean = false;

  // This property is used to throw an error for
  // an octal literal in a directive that occurs prior
  // to a "use strict" directive.
  octalPositions: number[] = [];

  // Names of exports store. `default` is stored as a name for both
  // `export default foo;` and `export { foo as default };`.
  exportedIdentifiers: Array<string> = [];

  // Tokens length in token store
  tokensLength: number = 0;

  curPosition(): Position {
    return new Position(this.curLine, this.pos - this.lineStart);

  clone(skipArrays?: boolean): State {
    const state = new State();
    const keys = Object.keys(this);
    for (let i = 0, length = keys.length; i < length; i++) {
      const key = keys[i];
      // $FlowIgnore
      let val = this[key];

      if (!skipArrays && Array.isArray(val)) {
        val = val.slice();

      // $FlowIgnore
      state[key] = val;

    return state;