

1 hr
Test Coverage
// this file contains hooks that handle ancestry cleanup of parent nodes when removing children

 * Pre hooks should be used for either rejecting removal or delegating removal

export const hooks = [
  function (self, parent) {
    const removeParent =
      // while (NODE);
      // removing the test of a while/switch, we can either just remove it entirely *or* turn the
      // `test` into `true` unlikely that the latter will ever be what's wanted so we just remove
      // the loop to avoid infinite recursion
      (self.key === "test" && (parent.isWhile() || parent.isSwitchCase())) ||
      // export NODE;
      // just remove a declaration for an export as this is no longer valid
      (self.key === "declaration" && parent.isExportDeclaration()) ||
      // label: NODE
      // stray labeled statement with no body
      (self.key === "body" && parent.isLabeledStatement()) ||
      // let NODE;
      // remove an entire declaration if there are no declarators left
      (self.listKey === "declarations" &&
        parent.isVariableDeclaration() &&
        parent.node.declarations.length === 1) ||
      // NODE;
      // remove the entire expression statement if there's no expression
      (self.key === "expression" && parent.isExpressionStatement());

    if (removeParent) {
      return true;

  function (self, parent) {
    if (parent.isSequenceExpression() && parent.node.expressions.length === 1) {
      // (node, NODE);
      // we've just removed the second element of a sequence expression so let's turn that sequence
      // expression into a regular expression
      return true;

  function (self, parent) {
    if (parent.isBinary()) {
      // left + NODE;
      // NODE + right;
      // we're in a binary expression, better remove it and replace it with the last expression
      if (self.key === "left") {
      } else {
        // key === "right"
      return true;

  function (self, parent) {
    if (
      (parent.isIfStatement() &&
        (self.key === "consequent" || self.key === "alternate")) ||
      (self.key === "body" &&
        (parent.isLoop() || parent.isArrowFunctionExpression()))
    ) {
        type: "BlockStatement",
        body: [],
      return true;