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Test Coverage
name: '🚓  New Security Scanner request'
about: 'Suggest an idea for a new security scanner to integrate in this project.'
labels: 'scanner'

## 🚓  New Scanner implementation request
Thank you for contributing to our project 🙌

Before opening a new issue, please make sure that we do not have any duplicates already open. You can ensure this by searching the issue list for this repository. If there is a duplicate, please close your issue and add a comment to the existing issue instead. Also, please, have a look at our FAQs and existing questions before opening a new question.

### Is your feature request related to a problem
<!-- Please describe a clear and concise description of what the problem is. 
     Use commmon user story patterns like
      - As a <role> I can <capability>, so that <receive benefit>
      - In order to <receive benefit> as a <role>, I can <goal/desire>
      - As <who> <when> <where>, I <want> because <why>
     For example... As a secureCodeBox user i'm always frustrated when [...] -->

### Describe the solution you'd like
<!-- A clear and concise description of what you want to happen. -->

### Describe alternatives you've considered
<!-- A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered. -->

### Additional context
<!-- Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here. -->

## Steps to implement a new scanner
Hint: A general guide how to implement a new SCB scanner is documented [here](

- [ ] Create a new Helm Chart with the `make create-new-scanner NAME=new-scanner` command in the project directory (replace `new-scanner` with the name of the scanner)
- [ ] Add a basic description of your scanner Helm chart in the `Chart.yaml`
- [ ] (optional) Add/Edit fields in `values.yaml`
- [ ] (optional) Add some cascading rules, see [here](
- [ ] Add (optional) a `Dockerfile` for the scanner if there is no existing one publicly available on DockerHub in the `scanner` directory
- [ ] Use the [parser-SDK]( to implement a new findings parser (currently based on NodeJS) in the `parser` directory
- [ ] Add unit tests with at minimum 80% test coverage
- [ ] Add some example `scan.yaml` and `finding.yaml` files in the [example folder](
- [ ] Implement a [new integration or E2E test]( for the hook [here](
- [ ] Add a brief overview of the scanner and its configuration options in `.helm-docs.gotmpl`