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Test Coverage
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: the secureCodeBox authors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

include ./
include ./

all: help

.PHONY: npm-ci-all
npm-ci-all: ## Runs npm ci in all node module subfolders.
    @echo "Installing all NPM dependencies"

.PHONY: npm-test-all
npm-test-all: ## Runs all Jest based test suites.
    npm test -- --ci --colors --coverage --testPathIgnorePatterns /integration-tests/

.PHONY: test-all
test-all: install-operator install-sdks ## Runs all makefile based test suites (unit + integration Tests).
    @echo "Running make test for all scanner and hook modules..."
    @for dir in $(SCANNERS_TEST_LIST) $(HOOKS_TEST_LIST); do \
        echo "🧪 Test Suite for $${dir}" && cd  $$(dirname $$dir) &&     $(MAKE) -s test || exit 1; \

.PHONY: install-operator
install-operator: ## Install the operator for makefile based testing.
    @echo "Installing the operator for makefile based testing..."
    cd "$(OPERATOR_DIR)" && $(MAKE) -s docker-build docker-export kind-import helm-deploy

.PHONY: install-sdks
install-sdks: ## Install the SDKs for makefile based testing.
    @echo "Installing the SDKs (parser, hooks) for makefile based testing..."
    cd "$(PARSER_SDK_DIR)" && $(MAKE) -s docker-build
    cd "$(HOOK_SDK_DIR)" && $(MAKE) -s docker-build

.PHONY: readme
readme:    ## Generate based on Chart.yaml and template.
    "$(BIN_DIR)/" --readme $(PROJECT_DIR) $(HELM_DOCS_DIR)

.PHONY: hook-docs
hook-docs: ## Generate documentation for hooks.
    @for chart in $(HOOKS_CHART_LIST); do \
        "$(BIN_DIR)/" --hook "$${chart}" "$(HELM_DOCS_DIR)"; \

.PHONY: scanner-docs
scanner-docs: ## Generate documentation for scanners.
    @for chart in $(SCANNERS_CHART_LIST); do \
        "$(BIN_DIR)/" --scanner "$${chart}" "$(HELM_DOCS_DIR)"; \

.PHONY: operator-docs
operator-docs: ## Generate documentation for the operator.
    "$(BIN_DIR)/" --operator "$(OPERATOR_DIR)/Chart.yaml" "$(HELM_DOCS_DIR)"

.PHONY: auto-discovery-docs
auto-discovery-docs: ## Generate documentation for the auto-discovery.
    "$(BIN_DIR)/" --operator "$(AUTO_DISCOVERY_DIR)/cloud-aws/Chart.yaml" "$(HELM_DOCS_DIR)"
    "$(BIN_DIR)/" --operator "$(AUTO_DISCOVERY_DIR)/kubernetes/Chart.yaml" "$(HELM_DOCS_DIR)"

.PHONY: demo-target-docs
demo-target-docs: ## Generate documentation for demo targets.
    @for chart in $(DEMO_TARGETS_CHART_LIST); do \
        "$(BIN_DIR)/" --demo-target "$${chart}" "$(HELM_DOCS_DIR)"; \

.PHONY: docs
docs: readme hook-docs scanner-docs operator-docs auto-discovery-docs demo-target-docs ## Generate all documentation.

.PHONY: create-new-scanner
create-new-scanner: ## Creates templates for a new scanner, pass NAME=NEW-SCANNER to this target.
ifndef NAME
    $(error Scanner name not defined, please provide via make create-new-scanner NAME=NEW-SCANNER)
    rm -rf "$(SCANNERS_DIR)/$(NAME)"
    cp -r "$(TEMPLATES_DIR)/new-scanner/" "$(SCANNERS_DIR)/$(NAME)"
    find "$(SCANNERS_DIR)/$(NAME)" -type f ! -name tmp \
        -exec sed -n "s/new-scanner/$(NAME)/g;w $(SCANNERS_DIR)/$(NAME)/tmp" {} \; \
        -exec mv "$(SCANNERS_DIR)/$(NAME)/tmp" {} \;
    mv "$(SCANNERS_DIR)/$(NAME)/templates/new-scanner-parse-definition.yaml" \
    mv "$(SCANNERS_DIR)/$(NAME)/templates/new-scanner-scan-type.yaml" \

.PHONY: test-scanner
test-scanner: ## Shorthand to test a scanner w/o changing in its subdirectory.
ifndef NAME
    $(error Scanner name not defined, please provide via make test-scanner NAME=SCANNER_NAME)
    $(MAKE) test -C $(SCANNERS_DIR)/$(NAME)

.PHONY: test-hook
test-hook: ## Shorthand to test a hook w/o changing in its subdirectory.
ifndef NAME
    $(error Hook name not defined, please provide via make test-hook NAME=HOOK_NAME)
    $(MAKE) test -C $(HOOKS_DIR)/$(NAME)

.PHONY: lint
lint: ## Lint only changed files with respect to main branch
    npx mega-linter-runner 
    @printf "\033[36m\n\n\nThe generated reports can be found under ./report/linters_logs/ \n\n\033[0m"

.PHONY: lintfix
lintfix: ## Lint only changed files with respect to main branch and apply automatic fixes if possible
    npx mega-linter-runner --fix
    @printf "\033[36m\n\n\nThe generated reports can be found under ./report/linters_logs/ \n\n\033[0m"

.PHONY: lintall
lintall: ## Lint complete repo
    npx mega-linter-runner --env VALIDATE_ALL_CODEBASE=true
    @printf "\033[36m\n\n\nThe generated reports can be found under ./report/linters_logs/ \n\n\033[0m"

.PHONY: help
help: ## Display this help screen.
    @grep -h -E '^[a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?## .*$$' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | \
        awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "}; {printf "\033[36m%-30s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}'