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Test Coverage
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: the secureCodeBox authors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

# This is a config you can use to run / test / debug the auto-discovery locally while developing
# You will need to set the AWS_REGION and SQS_QUEUE_URL environment variables to fitting values though

#  # -- url of the SQS queue which receives the state changes. Can be overridden by setting the SQS_QUEUE_URL environment variable.
#  queueUrl: ""
#  # -- aws region to connect to. Can be overridden by setting the AWS_REGION environment variable.
#  region: "eu-central-1"
  # -- the namespace in which the scans for the cloud resources should get created, unless running in development or you manually define additional Roles and RoleBindings, only the namespace the AutoDiscovery is running in is supported
  namespace: "integration-tests"
    - scanType: trivy-sbom-image
      # -- unique name to distinguish scans
      name: "trivy"
      # -- parameters used for the scans created by the containerAutoDiscovery
        - "{{ .ImageID }}"
      # -- interval in which scans are automatically repeated. If the target is updated (meaning a new image revision is deployed) the scan will repeated beforehand and the interval is reset.
      repeatInterval: "168h"
      # -- labels to be added to the scans started by the auto-discovery
      labels: {}
      # -- annotations to be added to the scans started by the auto-discovery
      annotations: {}
      # -- hookSelector allows to specify a LabelSelector with which the hooks are selected
      hookSelector: {}