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Test Coverage
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: the secureCodeBox authors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

package kubernetes

import (

    configv1 ""
    executionv1 ""
    apierrors ""
    metav1 ""
    utilruntime ""

// A notification to the Reconciler, that a monitored cloud resource changed
type Request struct {
    // The current state the container has in its lifecycle
    State string

    // Details about the running container instance
    Container ContainerInfo

// Information about the monitored instance of a container
type ContainerInfo struct {
    // A unique way to identify this container to make sure the state can be tracked properly
    Id string

    // Container image reference
    Image ImageInfo

// Reconciler interface so that it can be mocked in tests
type CloudReconciler interface {
    Reconcile(ctx context.Context, req Request) error

// Kubernetes reconciler that updates ScheduledScans based on the Requests it receives
type CloudScanReconciler struct {
    Config *config.AutoDiscoveryConfig
    Log    logr.Logger

    // Track which images are actually running and which instances use them
    // Technically a HashMap to a HashSet but Go doesn't have sets
    // Containers are tracked per image because each image only needs one scan
    // To achieve this, RunningContainers maps the normalized image references to a "set" wich
    // contains the unique container instance IDs, scans are deleted when the last instance stops
    RunningContainers map[string]map[string]struct{}

// Values that can be referenced in templates when scans are created. Adapted from the kubernetes
// AutoDiscovery, but not all values offered there make sense here.
type ContainerAutoDiscoveryTemplateArgs struct {
    Config     config.AutoDiscoveryConfig
    ScanConfig configv1.ScanConfig
    Target     ContainerInfo
    Image      ImageDetails
    ImageID    string

// Called with a Request if any monitored resource changed, updates kubernetes to match
func (r *CloudScanReconciler) Reconcile(ctx context.Context, req Request) error {
    r.Log.V(1).Info("Received reconcile request", "State", req.State, "Image", req.Container.Image.reference())

    // Decide what to do based on the current state we are notified about and the information we
    // saved about this container
    switch req.State {
    case "RUNNING":
        // Track this container and create a ScheduledScan for it
        return r.handleCreateRequest(ctx, req)
    case "PENDING", "STOPPED":
        // This container is not running, check if the ScheduledScan needs to be deleted
        return r.handleDeleteRequest(ctx, req)
        return fmt.Errorf("unexpected container state: %s", req.State)

// Create a Reconciler with a new kubernetes connection
func NewReconciler(cfg *config.AutoDiscoveryConfig, log logr.Logger) *CloudScanReconciler {
    client, cfgNamespace, err := getClient(log)
    if err != nil {
        log.Error(err, "Unable to create Kubernetes client")
    if cfg.Kubernetes.Namespace == "" {
        cfg.Kubernetes.Namespace = cfgNamespace

    return NewReconcilerWith(client, cfg, log)

// Create a Reconciler with a provided kubernetes client
func NewReconcilerWith(client client.Client, cfg *config.AutoDiscoveryConfig, log logr.Logger) *CloudScanReconciler {
    return &CloudScanReconciler{
        Client:            client,
        Config:            cfg,
        Log:               log,
        RunningContainers: make(map[string]map[string]struct{}),

// Check requests for RUNNING containers and start scans if needed
func (r *CloudScanReconciler) handleCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, req Request) error {
    // Make sure there is at least an empty "set"
    if r.RunningContainers[req.Container.Image.reference()] == nil {
        r.RunningContainers[req.Container.Image.reference()] = make(map[string]struct{})

    // Add this container instance to the "set" for this image
    r.RunningContainers[req.Container.Image.reference()][req.Container.Id] = struct{}{}

    // Create all configured scans
    var err error = nil
    for _, scanConfig := range r.Config.Kubernetes.ScanConfigs {
        scan := getScheduledScanForRequest(req, r.Config, scanConfig)
        r.Log.V(1).Info("Creating ScheduledScan", "Name", scan.ObjectMeta.Name)

        // Always try to create the scan and later check if it might have existed already
        res, thiserr := r.createScheduledScan(ctx, scan)
        if thiserr != nil {
            // Avoid TOCTOU problems by checking the err instead of checking before if the scan exists
            if apierrors.IsAlreadyExists(thiserr) {
                r.Log.V(1).Info("ScheduledScan already exists, nothing to do")
            } else {
                // What even is the AWS Monitor supposed to do with an error? Ignoring the message won't do
                // much anyway. Retry somehow?
                r.Log.Error(err, "Unexpected error while trying to create ScheduledScan")
                err = thiserr
        } else {
            r.Log.Info("Successfully created ScheduledScan", "Name", res.ObjectMeta.Name)
    return err

// Check requests for containers in other states but RUNNING and delete scans if needed
func (r *CloudScanReconciler) handleDeleteRequest(ctx context.Context, req Request) error {
    if r.RunningContainers[req.Container.Image.reference()] == nil {
        // We received a PENDING/STOPPED event but this container wasn't running before either
        r.Log.V(1).Info("Container was not running before, nothing to do")
        return nil

    // Remove this instance from the Running set
    delete(r.RunningContainers[req.Container.Image.reference()], req.Container.Id)
    if len(r.RunningContainers[req.Container.Image.reference()]) > 0 {
        // More containers using this image are running, keep the ScheduledScan
        r.Log.V(1).Info("There are still instances of this image running, keeping the ScheduledScan")
        return nil

    // Delete all ScheduledScans since this was the last one
    var err error = nil
    for _, scanConfig := range r.Config.Kubernetes.ScanConfigs {
        name := getScanName(req, scanConfig.Name)
        r.Log.V(1).Info("Deleting ScheduledScan", "Name", name)

        thiserr := r.deleteScheduledScan(ctx, name)
        if thiserr != nil {
            // If the scan was already gone ignore this, since we only wanted to delete it
            if apierrors.IsNotFound(thiserr) {
                r.Log.V(1).Info("ScheduledScan was already deleted, nothing to do")
            } else {
                // Same problem here, how should the AWS Monitor even handle other errors?
                r.Log.Error(thiserr, "Unexpected error while trying to delete ScheduledScan")
                err = thiserr
        } else {
            r.Log.Info("Successfully deleted ScheduledScan", "Name", name)
    return err

func (r *CloudScanReconciler) createScheduledScan(ctx context.Context, scheduledScan *executionv1.ScheduledScan) (*executionv1.ScheduledScan, error) {
    scheduledScan.ObjectMeta.Namespace = r.Config.Kubernetes.Namespace
    err := r.Client.Create(ctx, scheduledScan)
    return scheduledScan, err

func (r *CloudScanReconciler) deleteScheduledScan(ctx context.Context, name string) error {
    scan := &executionv1.ScheduledScan{
        ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
            Name:      name,
            Namespace: r.Config.Kubernetes.Namespace,

    return r.Client.Delete(ctx, scan)

// Generate a ScheduledScan based on the config and template values for a request the Reconciler received
func getScheduledScanForRequest(req Request, cfg *config.AutoDiscoveryConfig, scanConfig configv1.ScanConfig) *executionv1.ScheduledScan {
    templateArgs := ContainerAutoDiscoveryTemplateArgs{
        Config:     *cfg,
        ScanConfig: scanConfig,
        Target:     req.Container,
        Image:      req.Container.Image.details(),
        ImageID:    req.Container.Image.reference(),
    scanSpec := util.GenerateScanSpec(scanConfig, templateArgs)

    newScheduledScan := executionv1.ScheduledScan{
        ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
            Name:        getScanName(req, scanConfig.Name),
            Namespace:   cfg.Kubernetes.Namespace,
            Annotations: getScanAnnotations(scanConfig, templateArgs),
            Labels:      getScanLabels(scanConfig, templateArgs),
        Spec: scanSpec,
    return &newScheduledScan

func getScanName(req Request, name string) string {
    // adapted from the kubernetes container autodiscovery
    // function builds string like: _appName_-_customScanName_-at-_imageID_HASH_ eg: nginx-myTrivyScan-at-0123456789

    appName := req.Container.Image.shortName()
    hash := req.Container.Image.hash()

    // cutoff appname if it is longer than 20 chars
    maxAppLength := 20
    if len(appName) > maxAppLength {
        appName = appName[:maxAppLength]

    result := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s-at-%s", appName, name, hash)

    result = strings.ReplaceAll(result, ".", "-")
    result = strings.ReplaceAll(result, "/", "-")

    // limit scan name length to kubernetes limits
    if len(result) > 62 {
        result = result[:62]

    return result

// Templating helper function taken from the kubernetes AutoDiscovery
func getScanAnnotations(scanConfig configv1.ScanConfig, templateArgs ContainerAutoDiscoveryTemplateArgs) map[string]string {
    return util.ParseMapTemplate(templateArgs, scanConfig.Annotations)

// Templating helper function taken from the kubernetes AutoDiscovery
func getScanLabels(scanConfig configv1.ScanConfig, templateArgs ContainerAutoDiscoveryTemplateArgs) map[string]string {
    generatedLabels := util.ParseMapTemplate(templateArgs, scanConfig.Labels)
    generatedLabels[""] = "securecodebox-autodiscovery"

    return generatedLabels

// Connect to kubernetes
func getClient(log logr.Logger) (client.Client, string, error) {
    log.Info("Connecting to Kubernetes cluster...")

    kubeconfigArgs := genericclioptions.NewConfigFlags(false)
    cnfLoader := kubeconfigArgs.ToRawKubeConfigLoader()
    cnf, err := cnfLoader.ClientConfig()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, "", fmt.Errorf("failed to generate config from kubeconfig")

    namespace, _, err := cnfLoader.Namespace()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, "", fmt.Errorf("failed to read namespace from kubeconfig")

    scheme := runtime.NewScheme()
    client, err := client.New(cnf, client.Options{Scheme: scheme})
    if err != nil {
        return nil, "", err

    return client, namespace, nil