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## What is OWASP secureCodeBox?

<p align="center">
  <img alt="secureCodeBox Logo" src="" width="250px"/>

_[OWASP secureCodeBox][scb-github]_ is an automated and scalable open source solution that can be used to integrate various *security vulnerability scanners* with a simple and lightweight interface. The _secureCodeBox_ mission is to support *DevSecOps* Teams to make it easy to automate security vulnerability testing in different scenarios.

With the _secureCodeBox_ we provide a toolchain for continuous scanning of applications to find the low-hanging fruit issues early in the development process and free the resources of the penetration tester to concentrate on the major security issues.

The secureCodeBox project is running on [Kubernetes]( To install it you need [Helm](, a package manager for Kubernetes. It is also possible to start the different integrated security vulnerability scanners based on a docker infrastructure.

### Quickstart with secureCodeBox on Kubernetes

You can find resources to help you get started on our [documentation website]( including instruction on how to [install the secureCodeBox project]( and guides to help you [run your first scans]( with it.

## Example

<p align="center">
  <img width="950" src="./auto-discovery-demo.svg" alt="AutoDiscovery CLI Example">

This example deploys [JuiceShop]( to a new Kubernetes Namespace.
(You can find the kubernetes manifests for the deployment [here](./demo/juice-shop.yaml))

The AutoDiscovery will automatically pick up this new deployment and then starts a ZAP Scan against it.
The scan created uses our `zap-advanced` ScanType by default, this can be changed with the `config.serviceAutoDiscovery.scanConfig.scanType` config on the autoDiscovery helm release.

When the ContainerAutoDiscovery is enabled, the AutoDiscovery can also create a trivy scan for each unique container image (having multiple pods with the same container will only create one scan). The scan type can be defined with `config.containerAutoDiscovery.scanConfig.scanType`.

## Deployment
The auto-discovery-kubernetes chart can be deployed via helm:

# Install HelmChart (use -n to configure another namespace)
helm upgrade --install auto-discovery-kubernetes secureCodeBox/auto-discovery-kubernetes

## Requirements

Kubernetes: `>=v1.11.0-0`

### In / Excluding Resources from the AutoDiscovery

The AutoDiscovery allows different modes to determine if a resource is supposed to be scanned.
These modes allow you to gradually roll out the AutoDiscovery in a cluster.
This allows to roll it out in cluster without a "big bang" where the AutoDiscovery starts a scan for every app in the cluster which would likely exhaust the clusters compute resources.

The three different modes are:

1. `enabled-per-namespace` (default): [See section](#enabled-per-namespace-mode-default)
2. `enabled-per-resource`: [See section](#enabled-per-resource-mode)
3. `all`: [See section](#all-mode)

#### Enabled per Namespace Mode (default)

Enable this by setting `config.resourceInclusion.mode=enable-per-namespace`.

This mode will start scans for resources in namespaces with the annotation ``.

# enable AutoDiscovery in namespace "juice-shop"
kubectl annotate namespace juice-shop

If you want to exclude a certain resource in a otherwise AutoDiscovery enabled namespace, you can exclude it by annotating it with ``.

# disable AutoDiscovery for service "foobar"
kubectl -n juice-shop annotate service foobar

#### Enabled per Resource Mode

Enable this by setting `config.resourceInclusion.mode=enabled-per-resource`.

This mode will start scans for every resources with the annotation ``.

# enable AutoDiscovery for service "juice-shop"
kubectl -n juice-shop annotate service juice-shop

#### All Mode

Enable this by setting `config.resourceInclusion.mode=all`.

This mode will start scans for **every** resources in the cluster **unless** it has the annotation ``.

> ⚠️ Using this setting in larger cluster will likely start a large number of scans in the cluster. This could block all available compute resource in your cluster and seriously affect your applications availability.

# *disable* AutoDiscovery for service "juice-shop"
kubectl -n juice-shop annotate service juice-shop

## Values

| Key | Type | Default | Description |
| config.apiVersion | string | `""` |  |
| | string | `"docker-desktop"` |  |
| config.containerAutoDiscovery.enabled | bool | `false` |  |
| config.containerAutoDiscovery.passiveReconcileInterval | string | `"1m"` | interval in which every pod is re-checked for updates, currently used to periodically check if the configured scantype is installed in the namespace of the pod |
| config.containerAutoDiscovery.scanConfigs[0].annotations | object | `{"":"{{ .Target.Name }}","":"{{if (index .Target.Labels ``) }}{{ index .Target.Labels `` }}{{end}}","":"{{ .Cluster.Name }} | {{ .Namespace.Name }} | {{ .Target.Name }}","":"cluster/{{ .Cluster.Name }},namespace/{{ .Namespace.Name }}"}` | annotations to be added to the scans started by the auto-discovery, all annotation values support templating |
| config.containerAutoDiscovery.scanConfigs[0].hookSelector | object | `{}` | hookSelector allows to specify a LabelSelector with which the hooks are selected, see: Both matchLabels and matchExpressions are supported. All values in the matchLabels map support templating. MatchExpressions support templating in the `key` field and in every entry in the `values` list. If a value in the list renders to an empty string it is removed from the list. |
| config.containerAutoDiscovery.scanConfigs[0].labels | object | `{}` | labels to be added to the scans started by the auto-discovery, all label values support templating |
| config.containerAutoDiscovery.scanConfigs[0].name | string | `"trivy"` | unique name to distinguish scans |
| config.containerAutoDiscovery.scanConfigs[0].parameters | list | `["{{ .ImageID }}"]` | parameters used for the scans created by the containerAutoDiscovery, all parameters support templating |
| config.containerAutoDiscovery.scanConfigs[0].repeatInterval | string | `"168h"` | interval in which scans are automatically repeated. If the target is updated (meaning a new image revision is deployed) the scan will repeated beforehand and the interval is reset. |
| config.containerAutoDiscovery.scanConfigs[0].scanType | string | `"trivy-image-autodiscovery"` |  |
| config.containerAutoDiscovery.scanConfigs[0].volumeMounts | list | `[]` | volumeMounts to add to the scan job, see: the fields: `name`, `mountPath`, `subPath`, `subPathExpr` of each volumeMount support templating |
| config.containerAutoDiscovery.scanConfigs[0].volumes | list | `[]` | volumes to add to the scan job, see: the fields: `name`, `secret.secretName`, `` of each volume support templating |
| | string | `":8081"` |  |
| config.imagePullSecretConfig.mapImagePullSecretsToEnvironmentVariables | bool | `true` |  |
| config.imagePullSecretConfig.passwordEnvironmentVariableName | string | `"TRIVY_PASSWORD"` |  |
| config.imagePullSecretConfig.usernameEnvironmentVariableName | string | `"TRIVY_USERNAME"` |  |
| config.kind | string | `"AutoDiscoveryConfig"` |  |
| config.leaderElection.leaderElect | bool | `true` |  |
| config.leaderElection.resourceName | string | `""` |  |
| config.metrics.bindAddress | string | `""` |  |
| config.resourceInclusion.mode | string | `"enabled-per-namespace"` |  |
| config.serviceAutoDiscovery.enabled | bool | `true` |  |
| config.serviceAutoDiscovery.passiveReconcileInterval | string | `"1m"` | interval in which every service is re-checked for updated pods, if service object is updated directly this the service will get reconciled immediately |
| config.serviceAutoDiscovery.scanConfigs[0] | object | `{"annotations":{"":"{{ .Target.Name }}","":"{{if (index .Target.Labels ``) }}{{ index .Target.Labels `` }}{{end}}","":"{{ .Cluster.Name }} | {{ .Namespace.Name }} | {{ .Target.Name }}","":"cluster/{{ .Cluster.Name }},namespace/{{ .Namespace.Name }}"},"hookSelector":{},"labels":{},"name":"zap","parameters":["-t","{{ .Host.Type }}://{{ .Service.Name }}.{{ .Service.Namespace }}.svc:{{ .Host.Port }}"],"repeatInterval":"168h","scanType":"zap-advanced-scan","volumeMounts":[],"volumes":[]}` | scanType used for the scans created by the serviceAutoDiscovery |
| config.serviceAutoDiscovery.scanConfigs[0].annotations | object | `{"":"{{ .Target.Name }}","":"{{if (index .Target.Labels ``) }}{{ index .Target.Labels `` }}{{end}}","":"{{ .Cluster.Name }} | {{ .Namespace.Name }} | {{ .Target.Name }}","":"cluster/{{ .Cluster.Name }},namespace/{{ .Namespace.Name }}"}` | annotations to be added to the scans started by the auto-discovery, all annotation values support templating |
| config.serviceAutoDiscovery.scanConfigs[0].hookSelector | object | `{}` | HookSelector allows to specify a LabelSelector with which the hooks are selected, see: Both matchLabels and matchExpressions are supported. All values in the matchLabels map support templating. MatchExpressions support templating in the `key` field and in every entry in the `values` list. If a value in the list renders to an empty string it is removed from the list. |
| config.serviceAutoDiscovery.scanConfigs[0].labels | object | `{}` | labels to be added to the scans started by the auto-discovery, all label values support templating |
| config.serviceAutoDiscovery.scanConfigs[0].name | string | `"zap"` | unique name to distinguish scans |
| config.serviceAutoDiscovery.scanConfigs[0].parameters | list | `["-t","{{ .Host.Type }}://{{ .Service.Name }}.{{ .Service.Namespace }}.svc:{{ .Host.Port }}"]` | parameters used for the scans created by the serviceAutoDiscovery, all parameters support templating |
| config.serviceAutoDiscovery.scanConfigs[0].repeatInterval | string | `"168h"` | interval in which scans are automatically repeated. If the target is updated (meaning a new image revision is deployed) the scan will repeated beforehand and the interval is reset. |
| config.serviceAutoDiscovery.scanConfigs[0].volumeMounts | list | `[]` | volumeMounts to add to the scan job, see: the fields: `name`, `mountPath`, `subPath`, `subPathExpr` of each volumeMount support templating |
| config.serviceAutoDiscovery.scanConfigs[0].volumes | list | `[]` | volumes to add to the scan job, see: the fields: `name`, `secret.secretName`, `` of each volume support templating |
| image.pullPolicy | string | `"IfNotPresent"` | Image pull policy. One of Always, Never, IfNotPresent. Defaults to Always if :latest tag is specified, or IfNotPresent otherwise. More info: |
| image.repository | string | `"securecodebox/auto-discovery-kubernetes"` |  |
| image.tag | string | `nil` |  |
| imagePullSecrets | list | `[]` | Define imagePullSecrets when a private registry is used (see: |
| podSecurityContext | object | `{}` | Sets the securityContext on the operators pod level. See: |
| resources | object | `{"limits":{"cpu":"100m","memory":"100Mi"},"requests":{"cpu":"100m","memory":"20Mi"}}` | CPU/memory resource requests/limits (see:, |
| securityContext | object | `{"allowPrivilegeEscalation":false,"capabilities":{"drop":["all"]},"privileged":false,"readOnlyRootFilesystem":true,"runAsNonRoot":true}` | Sets the securityContext on the operators container level. See: |
| securityContext.allowPrivilegeEscalation | bool | `false` | Ensure that users privileges cannot be escalated |
| securityContext.capabilities.drop[0] | string | `"all"` | This drops all linux privileges from the operator container. They are not required |
| securityContext.privileged | bool | `false` | Ensures that the operator container is not run in privileged mode |
| securityContext.readOnlyRootFilesystem | bool | `true` | Prevents write access to the containers file system |
| securityContext.runAsNonRoot | bool | `true` | Enforces that the Operator image is run as a non root user |

## Contributing

Contributions are welcome and extremely helpful 🙌
Please have a look at [Contributing](./

## Community

You are welcome, please join us on... 👋

- [GitHub][scb-github]
- [OWASP Slack (Channel #project-securecodebox)][scb-slack]
- [Mastodon][scb-mastodon]

secureCodeBox is an official [OWASP][scb-owasp] project.

## License

Code of secureCodeBox is licensed under the [Apache License 2.0][scb-license].

## Development

### Run the AutoDiscovery locally

To avoid having to build & deploy the AutoDiscovery every time you make a code change you can run it locally.
It automatically connects to your current cluster configured in your kube config.

make run

### Running the tests

# execute the tests locally
make test

# view the test coverage
go tool cover -html=cover.out