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## What is OWASP secureCodeBox?

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  <img alt="secureCodeBox Logo" src="" width="250px"/>

_[OWASP secureCodeBox][scb-github]_ is an automated and scalable open source solution that can be used to integrate various *security vulnerability scanners* with a simple and lightweight interface. The _secureCodeBox_ mission is to support *DevSecOps* Teams to make it easy to automate security vulnerability testing in different scenarios.

With the _secureCodeBox_ we provide a toolchain for continuous scanning of applications to find the low-hanging fruit issues early in the development process and free the resources of the penetration tester to concentrate on the major security issues.

The secureCodeBox project is running on [Kubernetes]( To install it you need [Helm](, a package manager for Kubernetes. It is also possible to start the different integrated security vulnerability scanners based on a docker infrastructure.

### Quickstart with secureCodeBox on Kubernetes

You can find resources to help you get started on our [documentation website]( including instruction on how to [install the secureCodeBox project]( and guides to help you [run your first scans]( with it.

## What is "Notification" Hook about?
Installing the Notification WebHook hook will add a ReadOnly Hook to your namespace which is capable of sending scan results containing `findings` as messages to different tools like messangers or even email.

You can customise the message templates on your behalf or use the already provided one.

## Deployment
The notification chart can be deployed via helm:

# Install HelmChart (use -n to configure another namespace)
helm upgrade --install notification secureCodeBox/notification

## Requirements

Kubernetes: `>=v1.11.0-0`

## Additional Chart Configurations

Installing the Notification hook will add a ReadOnly Hook to your namespace.

helm upgrade --install notification ./hooks/notification/ --values /path/to/your/values"

The `values.yaml` you need depends on the notification type you want to use.
Please take a look at the documentation for each type (e.g. for slack see [Configuration of a Slack Notification](#configuration-o-a-slack-notification))

### Available Notifier

- [Slack](#configuration-of-a-slack-notification)
- [Slack App](#configuration-of-a-slack-app-notification)
- [Email](#configuration-of-an-email-notification)
- [MS Teams](#configuration-of-a-ms-teams-notification)
- [Trello](#configuration-of-a-trello-notification)

### Configuration of a Notification

The general configuration of a notification looks something like this

  - name: slack
    type: slack
    template: slack-messageCard
    skipNotificationOnZeroFinding: true
      - matches:
            - category: "Open Port"
    endPoint: "SOME_ENV"

  - name: SOME_ENV
        name: some-secret
        key: some-key

The Notification Hook enables you to define multiple so called `notificationChannels`. A `notificationChannel` defines the Notification to a specific platform (e.g. Slack or Teams).

The `name` is used to for debugging failing notifications.
it can be a _string_ of you choice.

The `type` specifies the type of the notification (in this example slack).
See [Available Notifier](#available-notifier).

The `template` field defines the name of a Nunjucks template to send to your notification channel.
These templates are usually tied to their notification channel (slack templates will not work for teams).
The template `slack-messageCard` is provided by default.
Notice that for the name of the template we chose to omit the file type.
The template `slack-messageCard` will point to `slack-messageCard.njk` in the filesystem of the hook.

The `skipNotificationOnZeroFindings` if set to true will cause the notifier when there were no findings.
This can happen when the scan did not identify any or if all findings were filtered out using [rules](#rule-configuration).
Defaults to `false` if not set.
You can use `skipNotificationOnZeroFindings` to only send out notification for non duplicate findings, e.g. by combining the DefectDojo hook with this one and filtering out the `duplicate` attribute in the rules.

The `endPoint` specifies where the notification has to go to.
To protect the actual endPoint (e.g. a webhook url) this should point to an env name defined under `env`
For slack this would be your webhook URL to slack.

To define conditions when a notification should be created you can use `rules`.
If no rules are specified, this hook will assume that you always want to be notified.

Under `env` you have to define additional information needed for your templates such as the actual endpoint.
`env` will be mapped to the `env` implementation of Kubernetes.
This means that you can define key-value pairs as well as providing envs via secrets (See [Define Environment Variables for a Container | Kubernetes](

#### Rule Configuration

The rules can be defined in the values of the Chart.
The syntax and semantic for these rules are quite similar to CascadingRules (See: [secureCodeBox | CascadingRules](
To define Rules you will have to provide the `rules` field with one or more `matches` elements.
Each `matches` defines one Rule.
For example:

  - matches:
        - category: "Open Port"
            port: 23
            state: open

This Rule will match all Findings with an open port on 23.

##### matches

Within the `matches` you will have to provide `anyOf`
`anyOf` contains one or more conditions to be met by the finding to match the rule.
Notice that only one of these elements needs to match the finding for the rule to match.

#### Configuration of a Slack Notification (WebHook)

To configure a Slack notification set the `type` to `slack` and the `endPoint` to point to your env containing your Webhook URL to slack.
You can use one of the following default templates:

- `slack-messageCard`: Sends a message with a summary listing the number of findings per category and severity.
- `slack-individual-findings-with-defectdojo`: Sends a message with a list of all findings with a link to the finding in DefectDojo. Will only work correctly if the DefectDojo hook is installed in the same namespace.

##### Example Config

The below example shows how to create a helm values chart and load secrets for access.
You must have `endPoint` point to a [defined environment variable](, not a string.

# cat myvalues.yaml

  - name: nmapopenports
    type: slack
    template: slack-messageCard
    skipNotificationOnZeroFinding: true
      - matches:
            - category: "Open Port"
    endPoint: POINTER_TO_ENV
    - name: POINTER_TO_ENV
          name: myslacksecret
          key: SLACK_WEB_HOOK

# cat values_slack_secrets.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
    name: myslacksecret
type: Opaque

kubectl apply -f values_slack_secrets.yaml
helm upgrade --install nwh secureCodeBox/notification-hook --values myvalues.yaml

#### Configuration of a Slack App Notification

The `slack-app` notifier is an _alternate_ way to send notifications to slack using the slack api directly rather then using webhooks.
Use `slack-app` over the normal `slack` if you want to send notifications into different slack channels on a per scan basis.

##### Slack App Configuration

To set it up, you'll need to create a new slack app at []( and add the `chat:write` "Bot Token Scope" to it on the "OAuth & Permissions" tab. Then add the bot to your workspace, this will give you the access token (should begin with a `xoxb-`).

To configure a Slack notification set the `type` to `slack-app` and reference the secret via the `SLACK_APP_TOKEN` env var.

##### Example Config

  - name: slack
    type: slack-app
    template: slack-messageCard
    rules: []

  # you can create the secret via: kubectl create secret generic slack-app-token --from-literal="token=xoxb-..."
        name: slack-app-token
        key: token
  # configures which channel the messages are send to if the scan doesn't specify a channel
    value: "#example-channel"

##### Supported Notification Channels

The `slack-app` notifier supports the same message templates as the `slack` notifier.
See [slack](#configuration-of-a-slack-notification) for the supported message types.

##### Scan / Channel Config

You can configure to which channel the message is sent to by setting the `` to the channel the message should be sent to, the following example will send its notifications to the `#juice-shop-dev` channel in the slack workspace of the configured token.

> Note: The channel needs to have the app you've create invited to it. Otherwise the app will not be permitted to write to it.

apiVersion: ""
kind: Scan
  name: "nmap-juice-shop"
  annotations: "#juice-shop-dev"
  scanType: "nmap"
    - juice-shop.default.svc

#### Configuration Of An Email Notification

To configure an email notification set the `type` to `email` and the `endPoint` to point to your env containing your target email address.
You can use one of the following default templates:

- `email`: Sends a email with a summary listing the number of findings per category and severity.

Additional to this configuration you will have to provide a special smtp configuration URL.
This config reflects the transporter configuration of nodemailer (See [nodemailer | SMTP Transport](
This configuration needs to be specified under `env` in the values yaml.
The identifier for this config has to be `SMTP_CONFIG`.
A basic configuration could look like this:

  - name: email
    type: email
    template: email
    rules: []
    endPoint: ""
  - name: SMTP_CONFIG
    # you can create the secret via: kubectl create secret generic email-credentials --from-literal="smtp-config=smtp://user:pass@smtp.domain.tld/"
        name: email-credentials
        key: smtp-config

To provide a custom `from` field for your email you can specify `EMAIL_FROM` under env.
For example:

  - name: SMTP_CONFIG
        name: email-credentials
        key: smtp-config
  - name: EMAIL_FROM
    value: secureCodeBox

You can overwrite the default email recipient of the notification mail for every scan by setting a `` annotation on the scan to another email address:

apiVersion: ""
kind: Scan
  name: "nmap-juice-shop"
  annotations: ""
  scanType: "nmap"
    - juice-shop.default.svc

#### Configuration Of A MS Teams Notification

To configure a MS Teams notification you need to set the type to `ms-teams`.
In `endPoint` you need to specify the MS Teams webhook.
To use the template provided by the secureCodeBox set template to `msteams-messageCard`.

The default template allows you to specify an additional set of information.
If you use an external web based vulnerability management system with some kind of dashboard, you can set the variable `VULNMANAG_ENABLED` to true and point the `VULNMANAG_DASHBOARD_URL` to the URL of your vulnerability management.
This will add a button in the notification that links directly to your dashboard.
You can also add a button that opens your findings directly in your dashboard.
To do this you need to specify `dashboardFingingsUrl`.
You will have to replace the id of the scan in this url with `{{ uid }}` so that nunjucks can parse these urls.

A basic configuration could look like this:

  - name: ms-teams
    type: ms-teams
    template: msteams-messageCard
    rules: []
    endPoint: "https://example/sadf12"
    value: true
    value: "somedashboard.url"
    value: "somedashboard.url/findings/{{ uid }}"

#### Configuration of a Trello Notification

A Trello notification is used to create Trello cards for each finding that matches the defined rules. This allows integrating SecureCodeBox into your development workflow. Each finding will be created as a card with the following information:

Card Name: <severity>: <name>
Card Body: <location> <category> <description> <attributes>

##### Requirements

- Please read the [Trello API documentation]( for a description on how to setup your Trello key and token.
- Identify your target card list where the new cards will be created and get the list ID. To find the card list and label ids use the Trello JSON hack as described here
- Read the [Trello Cards API]( for more information on the card creation options.

##### Configuration

To configure a Trello notification set the `type` to `trello` and the `endPoint` to point to your env containing the Trello cards API endpoint. You also need to define the following env vars (if an env var is not defined it will take the default value, if required and not set the notification won't be sent):

- TRELLO_CARDS_ENDPOINT: The Trello cards API endpoint. Default:
- TRELLO_KEY: Your Trello API key. Read the requirements above. Required.
- TRELLO_TOKEN: Your Trello API token. Read the requirements above. Required.
- TRELLO_LIST: Trello unique Id of the list where the cards will be placed. Required.
- TRELLO_LABELS: Comma separated list of Trello label IDs to apply to the card. If empty no labels will be applied. Default: ""
- TRELLO_POS: The position of the card in the list as defined by the Trello cards API. Options: top, bottom, or a positive float. Default: top.
- TRELLO_TITLE_PREFIX: An optional  arbitrary text to add to the title of the card. Default "".

##### Example Config

The below example shows how to create a helm values chart and load secrets for access.
You must have `endPoint` point to a [defined environment variable](, not a string.

# cat trello_values.yaml
  - name: nmapopenports
    type: trello
    skipNotificationOnZeroFinding: true
      - matches:
            - category: "Open Port"
    - name: TRELLO_KEY
          name: trello
          key: key
    - name: TRELLO_TOKEN
          name: trello
          key: token
    - name: TRELLO_LIST
      value: 123a456b789c013d
    - name: TRELLO_LABELS
      value: "111a111b222c333f,555a666b777c888d"
    - name: TRELLO_POS
      value: top
      value: "Alert! "
# cat trello_secrets.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
    name: trello
type: Opaque
kubectl apply -f trello_secrets.yaml
helm upgrade --install nwh secureCodeBox/notification-hook --values trello_values.yaml

#### Configuration Of A Notification

To configure a []( notification you need to set the type to `rocket-chat`.
In `endPoint` you need to specify url to your instances `post.message` endpoint. E.g. ``
To use the template provided by the secureCodeBox set template to `rocket-chat`.
The notifier requires a rocket chat api token to work correctly, see example below on how this is configured.

You can configure the channel the hook sends the message to by setting the `` on the scan.
If the channel is not set the hook wil send the notification to the default channel configured, see config example below.

A basic configuration could look like this:

  - name: rocket-chat
    type: rocket-chat
    template: rocket-chat
    rules: []
    endPoint: ""
    # you can create the secret via: kubectl create secret generic rocket-chat --from-literal="token=token-goes-here"
        name: rocket-chat
        key: token
    value: "XcNTAqEhyBD14aqcZ"
    # channel used to send in notifications if no channel is set for the individual scan.
    value: "#securecodebox"

### Custom Message Templates

CAUTION: Nunjucks templates allow code to be injected! Use templates from trusted sources only!

The Notification Hook enables you to write your own message templates if the templates provided by default are not sufficient.
Templates for this hook are written using the [Nunjucks]( templating engine.

To fill your template with data we provide the following objects.

| object   | Details                                                                                                                                                                           |
| -------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
| findings | An array of the findings matching your rules (See [Finding secureCodeBox API Specification](                                       |
| scan     | An Object containing information about the scan that triggered the notification (See [Scan secureCodeBox API Specification](     |
| args     | contains `process.env` (See: [process.env nodejs]( you can use this to access data defined in `env` of the `values.yaml` |

## Values

| Key | Type | Default | Description |
| customTemplateMap.exists | bool | `false` |  |
| | string | `"config-map-name"` |  |
| env[0].name | string | `"SOME_ENV_KEY"` |  |
| env[0].valueFrom.secretKeyRef.key | string | `"some-key"` |  |
| env[0] | string | `"some-secret"` |  |
| env[1].name | string | `"SMTP_CONFIG"` |  |
| env[1].valueFrom.secretKeyRef.key | string | `"smtp-config-key"` |  |
| env[1] | string | `"some-secret"` |  |
| hook.affinity | object | `{}` | Optional affinity settings that control how the hook job is scheduled (see: |
| hook.env | list | `[]` | Optional environment variables mapped into the hook (see: |
| hook.extraVolumeMounts | list | `[]` | Optional VolumeMounts mapped into the hook (see: |
| hook.extraVolumes | list | `[]` | Optional Volumes mapped into the hook (see: |
| hook.image.pullPolicy | string | `"IfNotPresent"` | Image pull policy. One of Always, Never, IfNotPresent. Defaults to Always if :latest tag is specified, or IfNotPresent otherwise. More info: |
| hook.image.repository | string | `""` | Hook image repository |
| hook.image.tag | string | defaults to the charts version | Image tag |
| hook.labels | object | `{}` | Add Kubernetes Labels to the hook definition |
| hook.priority | int | `0` | Hook priority. Higher priority Hooks are guaranteed to execute before low priority Hooks. |
| hook.resources | object | `{ requests: { cpu: "200m", memory: "100Mi" }, limits: { cpu: "400m", memory: "200Mi" } }` | Optional resources lets you control resource limits and requests for the hook container. See |
| hook.tolerations | list | `[]` | Optional tolerations settings that control how the hook job is scheduled (see: |
| hook.ttlSecondsAfterFinished | string | `nil` | seconds after which the Kubernetes job for the hook will be deleted. Requires the Kubernetes TTLAfterFinished controller: |
| imagePullSecrets | list | `[]` | Define imagePullSecrets when a private registry is used (see: |
| notificationChannels[0].endPoint | string | `"SOME_ENV_KEY"` |  |
| notificationChannels[0].name | string | `"slack"` |  |
| notificationChannels[0].rules[0].matches.anyOf[0].category | string | `"Open Port"` |  |
| notificationChannels[0].template | string | `"slack-messageCard"` |  |
| notificationChannels[0].type | string | `"slack"` |  |

## Contributing

Contributions are welcome and extremely helpful 🙌
Please have a look at [Contributing](./

## Community

You are welcome, please join us on... 👋

- [GitHub][scb-github]
- [OWASP Slack (Channel #project-securecodebox)][scb-slack]
- [Mastodon][scb-mastodon]

secureCodeBox is an official [OWASP][scb-owasp] project.

## License

Code of secureCodeBox is licensed under the [Apache License 2.0][scb-license].
