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# Azure Functions Node.js Client Library

List, deploy and delete [Azure Functions]( via Node.js.

**NOTE**: this is not an official Microsoft library. If you're looking for the Azure Functions CLI, see [azure-functions-cli](

## Getting Setup

Install the module by doing:

npm install azure-functions
### Creating an Azure Service Principal

You'll need to create an Azure Service Principal to authenticate into your Azure account. Checkout [this guide]( on how you can set this up.

With the Azure CLI you just need to do:

npm install azure-cli -g
# set mode to azure resource manager
azure config mode arm
# authenticate
azure login
azure ad app create --name "functions" --home-page "" --identifier-uris "" --password <INVENT_A_CLIENT_SECRET>
# output
data:    AppId:          4fd39843-c338-417d-b549-a545f584a745
data:    ObjectId:       4f8ee977-216a-45c1-9fa3-d023089b2962
data:    DisplayName:    exampleapp
info:    ad app create command OK
# create the service principal. This guid is your CLIENT_ID
azure ad sp create 4fd39843-c338-417d-b549-a545f584a745
# output
info:    Executing command ad sp create
- Creating service principal for application 4fd39843-c338-417d-b549-a545f584a74+
data:    Object Id:        7dbc8265-51ed-4038-8e13-31948c7f4ce7
data:    Display Name:     exampleapp
data:    Service Principal Names:
data:                      4fd39843-c338-417d-b549-a545f584a745
info:    ad sp create command OK
# assign a role to this service principal. You need to provide enough access
# to read/write to the Functions App resource
azure role assignment create --objectId 7dbc8265-51ed-4038-8e13-31948c7f4ce7 -o Owner -c /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/

## Working with Functions

Each api in this SDK returns a Promise.

### Get a Function

Getting a function will return a function object.

var AzureFunctions = require('azure-functions');
var azFunctions = new AzureFunctions('RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME',
        subscriptionId: 'SUBSCRIPTION_ID',
        clientId: 'CLIENT_ID',
        clientSecret: 'CLIENT_SECRET',
        domain: 'AD_DOMAIN'

return azFunctions.getFunction('unittesthttp')
    .then(func => {
        return azFunctions.getFunction('unittesthttp2');
    .then(func => {

/** func object:
   "location":"West US",

### List All Functions

Listing functions returns an array of function objects as shown above.

var AzureFunctions = require('azure-functions');
var azFunctions = new AzureFunctions('RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME',
        subscriptionId: 'SUBSCRIPTION_ID',
        clientId: 'CLIENT_ID',
        clientSecret: 'CLIENT_SECRET',
        domain: 'AD_DOMAIN'

return azFunctions.listFunctions('unittesthttp')
    .then(functionListing => {

/** functionListing Object:
   "location":"West US",
   "location":"West US",

### Create a Function

Given a function name and bindings array you can create functions. See the [bindings section](## Function Bindings) for a list of available bindings.

You can deploy sizeable function, up to several megabytes big. This is useful if you are compiling your functions into a single file.

var AzureFunctions = require('azure-functions');
var azFunctions = new AzureFunctions(nconf.get('RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME'),
    nconf.get('FUNCTION_APP_NAME'), {
        subscriptionId: nconf.get('SUBSCRIPTION_ID'),
        clientId: nconf.get('CLIENT_ID'),
        clientSecret: nconf.get('CLIENT_SECRET'),
        domain: nconf.get('AD_DOMAIN')

return azFunctions.deployFunction('functionname', 'var x = \'foo\'; console.log(\'whatever\');', [{
        type: 'http',
        direction: 'in',
        name: 'req'
    .then(func => {

/** func Object
   "location":"West US",

### Delete a Function

Deleting a function is very straight-forward.

var AzureFunctions = require('azure-functions');
var azFunctions = new AzureFunctions(nconf.get('RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME'),
    nconf.get('FUNCTION_APP_NAME'), {
        subscriptionId: nconf.get('SUBSCRIPTION_ID'),
        clientId: nconf.get('CLIENT_ID'),
        clientSecret: nconf.get('CLIENT_SECRET'),
        domain: nconf.get('AD_DOMAIN')

return azFunctions.deleteFunction('functionname')
    .then(() => {
        console.log('deleted functionname');

## Function Triggers

With Azure Functions you can bind a variety of events from Azure services to Azure functions.

You need to provide this as the `bindings` array to the `createFunction` method.

### Blob Trigger

[{   path: 'path-within-storage-account',
    connection: 'storage-account-connection-string',
    name: 'blob-argument-name-for-function',
    type: 'blobTrigger',
    direction: 'in' 

### Eventhub Trigger

[{   path: 'eventhub-name',
    connection: 'service-bus-connection-string',
    type: 'eventHubTrigger',
    name: 'event-parameter-name-for-function',
    direction: 'in' 

### Webhook Trigger

Webhooks must have their input as an `httpTrigger` and output as `http`.
{   webHookType: 'genericJson',
    type: 'httpTrigger',
    direction: 'in',
    name: 'req' 
{ type: 'http', direction: 'out', name: 'res' }

### Github Webhook Trigger

[{   webHookType: 'github',
    type: 'httpTrigger',
    direction: 'in',
    name: 'req' },
{ type: 'http', direction: 'out', name: 'res' }]

### Storage Account Queue Trigger

[{  queueName: 'queue-name',
    connection: 'storage-account-name',
    name: 'message-parameter-name-for-function',
    type: 'queueTrigger',
    direction: 'in' }]

### Service Bus Queue Trigger

[{  queueName: 'samples-input',
    connection: 'service-bus-connection-string',
    name: 'message-parameter-name-for-function',
    type: 'serviceBusTrigger',
    direction: 'in' }]

### Timer Trigger

[{ schedule: '0 * * * * *',
    name: 'timer-parameter-name-for-function',
    type: 'timerTrigger',
    direction: 'in' }]