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# helloBooks

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## A Library app

Hello books is an application that provides users with access to books from wherever they are.
Being a virtual library, users can borrow and read their favorite books using any device.
HelloBooks exposes RESTful API endpoints such that anyone can customize their method of consuming
the resources.

### Built With

* [NodeJS]( - A JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine. Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient.
* [PostgreSQL]( - A powerful, open source object-relational database system.
* [Sequelize]( - A promise-based ORM for Node.js v4 and up. It supports the dialects PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite and MSSQL and features solid transaction support, relations, read replication and more.
* [ExpressJS]( - Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for Node.js.
* [Reactjs]( - A declarative component-based JavaScript library for building user interfaces

#### Getting Started

# Clone your fork of this repository

# Ensure NodeJS, PostgreSQL and Sequelize cli are globally installed

# Switch to project directory
cd helloBooks

# Install dependencies
npm install

# Set up environment variables
Follow the template in .env.example

# Run database migrations
npm run migrate:dev

# Start the app
- In development mode, run the following from two separate terminal windows/tabs
npm run start:client
npm run start:dev

navigate to http://localhost:8080 in your browser

- For production build, run:
npm run build
npm run start

#### Features

* Authentication is via [**JSON Web Tokens**](
* Login/Sign up to gain access to routes
* A library of books from different categories
* Ability to borrow books repeatedly
* Track your reading/borrowing history
* Admin access to add and modify book details

#### API Documentation

* <>

#### Testing

For client-side tests, run `npm run test:client`

For server-side tests, run `npm run test:server`

For both, run `npm test`

For end to end tests, start by running `npm run e2e-setup`

Then start the client by running `npm run start:client`.

In another terminal window, run `npm run start:server:e2e` to start the application server in test-mode.

In a third terminal window run `npm run e2e-server` to start the selenium server.

In a fourth terminal window run `npm run test:e2e`

#### Contributing

Hello books is open source and contributions are highly welcomed.

If you would like to contribute, follow the instructions below.

* Fork this project.
* Checkout a new branch
* Make your changes and commit.
* Keep commit messages atomic.
* Raise a pull request against development.

**NB:** All Pull requests must be made against development branch. Pull Requests against master would be rejected.

See project wiki for coding style guide, commit message, pull request and branch naming conventions.


#### Acknowledgments

* [Andela Fellowship](


#### License

This project is published under the MIT License. Ckeck the for details.