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package gerrors

import ""

// Code is gerrors internal error type.
// If a customized core call back function is used, customized error codes
// should be of this type as well.
type Code int

// CoreError is an interface that every error mapper should implement.
// Each mapper for an error maps that error code to the rest of error's
// information. That information should implement this interface to make
// error's data accessible.
type CoreError interface {
    // GetInternalCode returns the gerrors internal code of type Code.
    GetInternalCode() Code

    // GetIdentifier returns a human-readable that explains the code
    // in words. (one or two words)
    GetIdentifier() string

    // GetDefaultMessage returns a default longer message that explains
    // the error code. If a new error is being created with a nil initial
    // error, this default message will be used to explain the error.
    GetDefaultMessage() string

// CoreGRPCError can provide support for gRPC error messages.
// If the provided error mapper implements this interface, the error
// can be converted to a gRPC error.
type CoreGRPCError interface {
    // GetGRPCCode returns a gRPC error code that can be matched to
    // an internal gerrors error code.
    GetGRPCCode() codes.Code

// Lookuper is an interface that shows how a mapper should be implemented.
// Every mapper should have a lookup method to translate [Code] to [CoreError].
type Lookuper interface {
    Lookup(code Code) CoreError

// gerrorCore is the default implementation of CoreError and CoreGRPCError.
type gerrorCore struct {
    internalCode   Code
    identifier     string
    defaultMessage string
    grpcCode       codes.Code

// Mapper is the data type that maps gerrors error code to the core error
// which holds more information about the error code.
// This type will be used by different methods to translate the error code
// to the underlying error details.
type Mapper struct {
    mapping      map[Code]CoreError
    unknownError Code

const (
    // Unknown generates an unhandled error and is useful whenever the error
    // we want to generate is unknown to us.
    // It translates to GRPC Unknown codes.Code.
    // If Grpc method is called on an error that i not of gerrors type,
    // this error code will be used to convert the error to gerrors,
    // regardless of whether a custom core callback is provided or not.
    Unknown Code = iota + 1

    // NotFound generate a not found error and is useful whenever some database
    // or similar lookup fails because of no record.
    // It translates to GRPC NotFound codes.Code.

    // InvalidArgument generates an invalid argument error and is useful whenever
    // the provided argument by caller is not of a valid type and therefore cannot
    // be processed.
    // It translates to GRPC InvalidArgument codes.code.

    // Marshal generates a marshaling error and is useful whenever there is an error
    // related to marshaling or unmarshaling of some data to some other data.
    // It translates to GRPC Internal codes.Code.

    // Storage generates a storage error and is useful for whenever there is an error
    // because of some storage operation which could be a file-system, database, redis,
    // etc.
    // It translates to GRPC Internal codes.Code.

    // Threshold generates an out of range error and is useful for whenever some
    // received argument is out of your expected range. The value is still a valid
    // type and format, but out of your expected range.
    // It translates to GRPC OutOfRange codes.code.

    // Unimplemented generate an unimplemented error and is useful for whenever
    // there is a request from user that has not been implemented yet.
    // This error type is used by GRPC internal packages in some special cases as well.
    // It translates to GRPC Unimplemented codes.code.

    // Unauthorized generate an unauthorized error and is useful for whenever
    // the request is not permitted for the requester. It might be that there
    // is no authorized user in the context or header at all or that user is not
    // allowed to perform the operation in question.
    // It translates to grpc Unauthenticated codes.Code.

    // Internal generates an internal error and is useful for whenever there is
    // an error that is related to non user-facing error. System is solely responsible
    // for causing these kind of errors.
    // It translates to GRPC Internal codes.Code.

    // Unavailable generates an unavailable error and is useful for whenever
    // the requested action is not available to the requester.
    // It translates to GRPC Unavailable codes.Code.

    // ExternalRequest generates an internal error and is useful for whenever
    // system fails when calling a third-party service. The third-party service
    // can be within organization or outside of organization.
    // It translates to GRPC Internal codes.Code.

// NewMapper initiates the Mapper with all available one-to-one mapping
// information from an error code to error details.
// mapping is a map that maps the [Code] to [CoreError]. This can be customized
// based on your needs.
// unknownErrorCode will be used whenever mapper cannot translate a [Code]
// to [CoreError] and this unknown code is used as a fallback.
func NewMapper(unknownErrorCode Code, mapping map[Code]CoreError) *Mapper {
    return &Mapper{
        mapping:      mapping,
        unknownError: unknownErrorCode,

// Lookup helps [Mapper] to implement [Lookuper] interface that can be passed to
// [Formatter] and acts as the translator for translating [Code] to [CoreError].
func (m *Mapper) Lookup(code Code) CoreError {
    var selectedInfo CoreError

    if rec, ok := m.mapping[code]; ok {
        selectedInfo = rec
    } else {
        selectedInfo = m.mapping[m.unknownError]

    return selectedInfo

// GetInternalCode is part of CoreError interface implementation.
// It returns the internal code of the error. e.g. Unknown, NotFound, etc.
func (g *gerrorCore) GetInternalCode() Code {
    return g.internalCode

// GetIdentifier is part of CoreError interface implementation.
// It returns the identifier of the error. e.g. "unhandled", "no-record", etc.
func (g *gerrorCore) GetIdentifier() string {
    return g.identifier

// GetDefaultMessage is part of CoreError interface implementation.
// It returns the default message of the error.
func (g *gerrorCore) GetDefaultMessage() string {
    return g.defaultMessage

// GetGRPCCode is part of CoreGRPCError interface implementation.
// It returns the GRPC code of the error. e.g. codes.Unknown, codes.NotFound, etc.
func (g *gerrorCore) GetGRPCCode() codes.Code {
    return g.grpcCode

// GetDefaultMapping returns a map that contains translation between package's
// default error codes to detailed information. These information can be customized.
// Check [Formatter] and [WithLookuper] for more information.
func GetDefaultMapping() map[Code]CoreError {
    return map[Code]CoreError{
        Unknown: &gerrorCore{
            internalCode:   Unknown,
            identifier:     "unknown",
            defaultMessage: "no information is available for this type of error",
            grpcCode:       codes.Unknown,

        NotFound: &gerrorCore{
            internalCode:   NotFound,
            identifier:     "not-found",
            defaultMessage: "no record was found with given information",
            grpcCode:       codes.NotFound,

        InvalidArgument: &gerrorCore{
            internalCode:   InvalidArgument,
            identifier:     "invalid-argument",
            defaultMessage: "some of the arguments in the request are invalid",
            grpcCode:       codes.InvalidArgument,

        Marshal: &gerrorCore{
            internalCode:   Marshal,
            identifier:     "marshal",
            defaultMessage: "unable to marshal/unmarshal provided data",
            grpcCode:       codes.Internal,

        Storage: &gerrorCore{
            internalCode:   Storage,
            identifier:     "storage",
            defaultMessage: "unable to perform storage-related operation",
            grpcCode:       codes.Internal,

        Threshold: &gerrorCore{
            internalCode:   Threshold,
            identifier:     "out-of-range",
            defaultMessage: "provided argument is out of valid range",
            grpcCode:       codes.OutOfRange,

        Unimplemented: &gerrorCore{
            internalCode:   Unimplemented,
            identifier:     "unimplemented",
            defaultMessage: "provided argument led to an unimplemented operation",
            grpcCode:       codes.Unimplemented,

        Unauthorized: &gerrorCore{
            internalCode:   Unauthorized,
            identifier:     "unauthorized",
            defaultMessage: "requester is not authorized to perform the requested operation",
            grpcCode:       codes.Unauthenticated,

        Internal: &gerrorCore{
            internalCode:   Internal,
            identifier:     "internal",
            defaultMessage: "there is an internal error in the system",
            grpcCode:       codes.Internal,

        Unavailable: &gerrorCore{
            internalCode:   Unavailable,
            identifier:     "unavailable",
            defaultMessage: "requested action is not available to the requester",
            grpcCode:       codes.Unavailable,

        ExternalRequest: &gerrorCore{
            internalCode:   ExternalRequest,
            identifier:     "external-request",
            defaultMessage: "system failed during the request to external service",
            grpcCode:       codes.Internal,