// Package gerrors helps to have rich and cohesive error handling throughout the code base.// This package helps with formatting the final error message and all the error's metadata// that can be used by different parties to understand the error.//// gerrors can be used by any package for simply handling and logging errors with detailed// information. Furthermore, it can be used whenever a client is involved where a general message// need to be shown to the end user, but more information about the error need to be shared with// the client. Error types of gerror have metadata attached to them that can help with this.//// Every gerror type can be easily converted to a fully fledged gRPC error type which follows// [Google's AIP 193] that includes gRPC error message and status, alongside more information regarding// the error represented by [error details] protocol buffer message.// In other words, this package can be used to send comprehensive structured error information to the// receiver through gRPC, REST, or any other protocol.//// # Formatter//// This package has a default formatter, but there is possibility to customize every aspect of it.// NewFormatter accepts a variadic number of FormatterOption which have some helper functions to customize// the formatter and has been explained in their section.//// Formatter uses text/template to generate the final error message. It uses a default template, which can// be customized using WithTemplate helper function. More information on the available variables have been// explained in helper's documentation.//// # gRPC//// gerrors defines a set of default error codes that can translate to different error messages// and different gRPC error codes. These default error codes have been defined to help using the// package without much customization. However, they can be easily customized using WithCustomCoreCallback// helper function.//// [Google's AIP 193]: [error details]: gerrors