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  <title>self-ml(1) - read self-ml files</title>
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  <div class='man-navigation' style='display:none'>
    <a href="#NAME">NAME</a>
    <a href="#SYNOPSIS">SYNOPSIS</a>
    <a href="#FILES">FILES</a>
    <a href="#OPTIONS">OPTIONS</a>
    <a href="#EXAMPLES">EXAMPLES</a>
    <a href="#BUGS">BUGS</a>
    <a href="#COPYRIGHT">COPYRIGHT</a>
    <a href="#SEE-ALSO">SEE ALSO</a>

  <ol class='man-decor man-head man head'>
    <li class='tl'>self-ml(1)</li>
    <li class='tc'></li>
    <li class='tr'>self-ml(1)</li>

  <h2 id="NAME">NAME</h2>
<p class="man-name">
  <code>self-ml</code> - <span class="man-whatis">read self-ml files</span>


<p><code>ronn</code> [<var>format</var>...] <var>file</var>...<br />
<code>ronn</code> <code>-m</code>|<code>--man</code> <var>file</var>...<br />
<code>ronn</code> <code>-S</code>|<code>--server</code> <var>file</var>...<br />
<code>ronn</code> <code>--pipe</code> <var>file</var><br />
<code>ronn</code> &lt; <var>file</var></p>

<p><code>self-ml</code> filename</p>


<p><strong>Self-ML</strong> parses files written in the self-ml format.</p>

<p>Something something</p>

<h2 id="FILES">FILES</h2>

<p>The <code>self-ml</code> command expects input to be valid <span class="man-ref">self-ml<span class="s">(7)</span></span> text.  Source files
are typically named <var>name</var>.selfml (e.g., <code>example.1.ronn</code>).  The <var>name</var>
and <var>section</var> should match the name and section defined in the <var>file</var>'s heading.</p>

<p>When building roff or HTML output files, destination filenames are determined by
taking the basename of the input <var>file</var> and adding the appropriate file
extension (or removing the file extension in the case of roff output).  For
example, executing <code>ronn example.1.ronn</code> generates <code>example.1</code> with roff output
and <code>example.1.html</code> with HTML output.</p>

<h2 id="OPTIONS">OPTIONS</h2>

<p>These options control whether output is written to file(s), standard output, or
directly to a man pager.</p>

<dt><code>-o</code>=<var>output</var></dt><dd><p>Generate file <var>output</var>.</p></dd>
<dt class="flush"><code>--pipe</code></dt><dd><p>Don't generate files, write generated output to standard output. This is the
default behavior when ronn source text is piped in on standard input and no
<var>file</var> arguments are provided.</p></dd>

<p>Format options control the files <code>ronn</code> generates, or the output format when the
<code>--pipe</code> argument is specified. When no format options are given, both <code>--roff</code>
and <code>--html</code> are assumed.</p>

<dt><code>-r</code>, <code>--roff</code></dt><dd><p>Generate roff output. This is the default behavior when no <var>file</var>s are given
and ronn source text is read from standard input.</p></dd>
<dt><code>-5</code>, <code>--html</code></dt><dd><p>Generate output in HTML format.</p></dd>
<dt><code>-f</code>, <code>--fragment</code></dt><dd><p>Generate output in HTML format but only the document fragment, not the
header, title, or footer.</p></dd>

<p>Document attributes displayed in the header and footer areas of generated
content are specified with these options. (These values may also be set via
the <a href="#ENVIRONMENT" title="ENVIRONMENT" data-bare-link="true">ENVIRONMENT</a>.)</p>

<dt><code>--manual</code>=<var>manual</var></dt><dd><p>The name of the manual this man page belongs to; <var>manual</var> is prominently
displayed top-center in the header area.</p></dd>
<dt><code>--organization</code>=<var>name</var></dt><dd><p>The name of the group, organization, or individual responsible for
publishing the document; <var>name</var> is displayed in the bottom-left footer area.</p></dd>
<dt><code>--date</code>=<var>date</var></dt><dd><p>The document's published date; <var>date</var> must be formatted <code>YYYY-MM-DD</code> and is
displayed in the bottom-center footer area. The <var>file</var> mtime is used when no
<var>date</var> is given, or the current time when no <var>file</var> is available.</p></dd>

<p>Miscellaneous options:</p>

<dt><code>-v</code>, <code>--version</code></dt><dd><p>Show ronn version and exit.</p></dd>
<dt><code>-h</code>, <code>--help</code></dt><dd><p>Show selfml help and exit.</p></dd>



<dt><code>RONN_MANUAL</code></dt><dd><p>A default manual name to be displayed in the top-center header area.
The <code>--manual</code> option takes precedence over this value.</p></dd>
<dt><code>RONN_ORGANIZATION</code></dt><dd><p>The default manual publishing group, organization, or individual to be
displayed in the bottom-left footer area. The <code>--organization</code> option takes
precedence over this value.</p></dd>
<dt><code>RONN_DATE</code></dt><dd><p>The default manual date in <code>YYYY-MM-DD</code> format. Displayed in the
bottom-center footer area. The <code>--date</code> option takes precedence over this
<dt><code>RONN_STYLE</code></dt><dd><p>A <code>PATH</code>-style list of directories to check for stylesheets given to the
<code>--style</code> option. Directories are separated by a <em>:</em>; blank entries are
ignored. Use <em>.</em> to include the current working directory.</p></dd>
<dt><code>MANPAGER</code></dt><dd><p>The paging program used for man pages. This is typically set to
something like 'less -is'.</p></dd>

<h2 id="BUGS">BUGS</h2>


<p>Self-ML is Copyright (C) 2012 Ricardo Mendes <a href="" data-bare-link="true"></a></p>

<h2 id="SEE-ALSO">SEE ALSO</h2>

<p><span class="man-ref">selfml<span class="s">(7)</span></span></p>

  <ol class='man-decor man-foot man foot'>
    <li class='tl'></li>
    <li class='tc'>May 2012</li>
    <li class='tr'>self-ml(1)</li>
