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![Seneca Flow](

> _Seneca Flow_ is a plugin for [Seneca](

Workflow operations and data model

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# @seneca/flow

| ![Voxgig]( | This open source module is sponsored and supported by [Voxgig]( |
| ---------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |

## Install

## Quick Example

## More Examples

## Motivation

## Design

A _flow_ is series of transitions over a directed graph of _steps_. Each
step indicates valid transitions to other steps. A flow is defined
primarily as the graph of steps.


* Flow definition entity: `sys/flowDef`
* Step definition entity: `sys/flowStepDef`


* `sys/flowStepDef *-->1 sys/flowDef` # steps of the flow

An instance of a flow specifies the current step, a list of step
states, and alog of step operations.

The step operations are:

* _APPLY_: move to the specified step from current step (create step
  state if needed), and update the step data as indicated, recording
  change in log.


* Flow instance entity: `sys/flow`
* Step instance entity: `sys/flowStep`
* Step log entity: `sys/flowStepLog`


* `sys/flow *-->1 sys/flowDef` # flow instance of a flowDef
* `sys/flowStep *-->1 sys/flowStepDef` # flow step instance of a flowStepDef
* `sys/flowStep *-->1 sys/flow` # flow step of flow (1 only per flowStepDef)
* `sys/flow 1-->1 sys/flowStep` # current flowStep
* `sys/flowStepLog *--> sys/flowDef` # flow step log entry for flowDef
* `sys/flowStepLog *--> sys/flow` # flow step log entry for flow
* `sys/flowStepLog *--> sys/flowStepDef` # flow step log entry for flowStepDef
* `sys/flowStepLog *--> sys/flowStep` # flow step log entry for flowStep

Each entity has a set of well-defined fields for internal control, and
a set of standard fields for common use cases. Custom user fields
should be prefixed with an `x` to ensure namespace safety for
updates. No standard field will start with `x`.

## Support

## API

## Contributing

## Background