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export class intern {
  static is_new(ent: any): boolean {
    // NOTE: This function is intended for use by the #save method. This
    // function returns true when the entity argument is assumed to not yet
    // exist in the store.
    // In terms of code, if client code looks like so:
    // ```
    //   seneca.make('product')
    //     .data$({ label, price })
    //     .save$(done)
    // ```
    // - `is_new` will be invoked from the #save method and return
    // true, because the product entity is yet to be saved.
    // The following client code will cause `is_new` to return false,
    // when invoked from the #save method, because the user entity already
    // exists:
    // ```
    //   seneca.make('user')
    //     .load$(user_id, (err, user) => {
    //       if (err) return done(err)
    //       return user
    //         .data$({ email, username })
    //         .save$(done)
    //     })
    // ```
    return null != ent && null ==

  static is_upsert(msg: any): boolean {
    const { ent, q } = msg
    return intern.is_new(ent) && q && Array.isArray(q.upsert$)

  static find_mement(entmap: any, base_ent: any, filter: any): any {
    const { base, name } =$({ object: true })
    const entset = entmap[base] && entmap[base][name]

    if (null == entset) {
      return null

    let out = null

    for (const ent_id in entset) {
      const mement = entset[ent_id]

      if (matches(mement, filter)) {
        out = mement

    return out

    function matches(ent: any, filter: any): boolean {
      for (const fp in filter) {
        if (fp in ent && filter[fp] === ent[fp]) {

        return false

      return true

  static update_mement(
    entmap: any,
    base_ent: any,
    filter: any,
    new_attrs: any,
  ) {
    const ent_to_update = intern.find_mement(entmap, base_ent, filter)

    if (ent_to_update) {
      Object.assign(ent_to_update, new_attrs)
      return ent_to_update

    return null

  static should_merge(ent: any, plugin_opts: any): boolean {
    return !(false === plugin_opts.merge || false === ent.merge$)

  // NOTE: Seneca supports a reasonable set of features
  // in terms of listing. This function can handle
  // sorting, skiping, limiting and general retrieval.
  static listents(seneca: any, entmap: any, qent: any, q: any, done: any) {
    let list = []

    let canon =$({ object: true })
    let base = canon.base
    let name =

    let entset = entmap[base] ? entmap[base][name] : null
    let ent

    if (null != entset && null != q) {
      if ('string' == typeof q) {
        ent = entset[q]
        if (ent) {
      } else if (Array.isArray(q)) {
        q.forEach(function (id) {
          let ent = entset[id]
          if (ent) {
            ent = qent.make$(ent)
      } else if ('object' === typeof q) {
        let entids = Object.keys(entset)
        next_ent: for (let id of entids) {
          ent = entset[id]
          for (let p in q) {
            let qv = q[p] // query val
            let ev = ent[p] // ent val

            if (-1 === p.indexOf('$')) {
              if (Array.isArray(qv)) {
                if (-1 === qv.indexOf(ev)) {
                  continue next_ent
              } else if (intern.is_object(qv)) {
                // mongo style constraints
                if (
                  (null != qv.$ne && qv.$ne == ev) ||
                  (null != qv.$gte && qv.$gte > ev) ||
                  (null != qv.$gt && qv.$gt >= ev) ||
                  (null != qv.$lt && qv.$lt <= ev) ||
                  (null != qv.$lte && qv.$lte < ev) ||
                  (null != qv.$in && -1 === qv.$in.indexOf(ev)) ||
                  (null != qv.$nin && -1 !== qv.$nin.indexOf(ev)) ||
                ) {
                  continue next_ent
              } else {
                if (intern.is_date(qv)) {
                  if (!(intern.is_date(ev) && intern.eq_dates(qv, ev))) {
                    continue next_ent
                } else if (qv !== ev) {
                  continue next_ent
          ent = qent.make$(ent)

    // Always sort first, this is the 'expected' behaviour.
    if (null != q && q.sort$) {
      let sf: any
      for (sf in q.sort$) {

      let sd = q.sort$[sf] < 0 ? -1 : 1
      list = list.sort(function (a, b) {
        return sd * (a[sf] < b[sf] ? -1 : a[sf] === b[sf] ? 0 : 1)

    // Skip before limiting.
    if (null != q && q.skip$ && q.skip$ > 0) {
      list = list.slice(q.skip$)

    // Limited the possibly sorted and skipped list.
    if (null != q && q.limit$ && q.limit$ >= 0) {
      list = list.slice(0, q.limit$)

    // Prune fields
    if (null != q && q.fields$) {
      for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
        let entfields = list[i].fields$()
        for (let j = 0; j < entfields.length; j++) {
          if ('id' !== entfields[j] && -1 == q.fields$.indexOf(entfields[j])) {
            delete list[i][entfields[j]]

    // Return the resulting list to the caller., null, list)

  static clean_array(ary: string[]): string[] {
    return ary.filter((prop: string) => !prop.includes('$'))

  static is_object(x: any): boolean {
    return '[object Object]' ===

  static is_date(x: any): boolean {
    return '[object Date]' ===

  static eq_dates(lv: Date, rv: Date): boolean {
    return lv.getTime() === rv.getTime()