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# Change Log
This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](

This CHANGELOG follows the format listed [here](

## [Unreleased]
### Breaking Changes
- Return ok for empty result irrespective of jsonpath expression

### Added
- Updated asset build targets to support centos6
- Removed centos from bonsai asset definition

## [2.0.0] - 2019-04-18
### Breaking Changes
- Update minimum required ruby version to 2.3. Drop unsupported ruby versions.
- Bump `sensu-plugin` dependency from `~> 1.3` to `~> 4.0` you can read the changelog entries for [4.0](, [3.0](, and [2.0](

### Added
- Travis build automation to generate Sensu Asset tarballs that can be used n conjunction with Sensu provided ruby runtime assets and the Bonsai Asset Index
- Require latest sensu-plugin for [Sensu Go support](

## [1.4.0] - 2019-02-19
### Added
- Added "sum" mode for check-influxdb.query check

## [1.3.0] - 2018-08-06
### Fixed
- when hostname contains a `.` such as having a FQDN we rely on taking the remaining string rather than doing a split (@cholletk)
- misc typo in PR template (@majormoses)

### Added
- Ruby 2.4.1 testing

### Changed
- updated changelog guidlines location (@majormoses)

## [1.2.0] - 2017-05-15
- Added "mode" into check-influxdb-query check to allow multiple values in a query

## [1.1.0] - 2016-12-01
### Added
- Added tags support for mutator-influxdb-line-protocol.rb
- Added retry support for check-influxdb-query.rb - The InfluxDB gem by default retries indefinitely and will cause the query to hang.  A retry of 12 will retry for approx 37 seconds.

### Changed
- Update to `influxdb` gem 0.3.13

## [1.0.0] - 2016-10-06
### Added
- Ruby 2.3.0 support

### Removed
- Ruby 1.9.3 support

### Changed
- Update `influxdb` dep to 0.3.10
- Update `dentaku` dep to 2.0.9
- Update `sensu-plugin` dep to ~> 1.3
- Update `jsonpath` dep to 0.5.8
- Update to rubocop 0.40 and cleanup

### [0.0.7] - 2016-04-26
- Line protocol mutator extension
- added tags support for metrics-influxdb.rb
- Fixed option tag in check-influxdb-query
- added support for storing check status for metrics-influxdb.rb
- metrics-influxdb.rb will now create the database if needed
- metrics-influxdb.rb can now be configured to use a specific settings block

### [0.0.6] - 2016-04-18
- supress warning if only checking for an existing return value in check-influxdb-query.

### [0.0.5] - 2015-10-19
- added support for https in check-influxdb.
- pass ssl arguments to the influxdb object in check-influxdb-query.
- renamed the config option in check-influxdb from ssl to verify_ssl.
- changed README to update the config option ssl_ca_cert.

### [0.0.4] - 2015-08-10
- updated metrics-influxdb.rb to symbolize keys for InfluxDB::Client
- updated influxdb gem to 0.2.2
- updated metrics-influxdb.rb to support influxdb 0.9.x
- updated check-influxdb.rb and check-influxdb-query.rb to support influxdb 0.9.x
- updated file

## [0.0.3] - 2015-07-14
### Changed
- updated sensu-plugin gem to 1.2.0

## [0.0.2] - 2015-06-03
### Fixed
- added binstubs

### Changed
- removed cruft from /lib

## 0.0.1 - 2015-04-29
### Added
- initial release
