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## sensu-plugins-nvidia

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## Functionality

Plugin to collect metrics from your NVIDIA GPU.

### metrics-nvidia.rb

Collects metrics by calling `nvidia-smi` internally.

#### parameters

- `-s, --scheme`: The scheme to concatenate the metrics with (default: `HOSTNAME.nvidia`)

#### metrics

Multiple GPUs are supported and labeled by BusID in Hex (e.g. `nvidia.bus0x02.temperature.gpu`). For each PCI bus you will get the following metrics:

- ``: Speed of the card's fan (RPM)
- ``: Unused memory available to the card (MiB, mebibyte)
- ``: Total amount of memory available to the card (MiB, mebibyte)
- `nvidia.busBUS_IN_HEX.memory.used`: Memory used by the card (MiB, mebibyte)
- `nvidia.busBUS_IN_HEX.power.draw`: Power draw of the card (Watt)
- `nvidia.busBUS_IN_HEX.temperature.gpu`: Temperature of the card (Degree Celsius)
- `nvidia.busBUS_IN_HEX.utilization.gpu`: GPU utilization of the card (percent)
- `nvidia.busBUS_IN_HEX.utilization.memory`: memory utilization of the card (percent)

*If you do not get all of the listed values, you GPU probably does not support the feature. To check, you can query it yourself by running* `nvidia-smi --query-gpu=METRIC --format=csv`.  
(e.g. `nvidia-smi --query-gpu=power.draw --format=csv`)

## Usage

To collect metrics with the scheme of your choice:

metrics-nvidia.rb --scheme YOUR_SCHEME_HERE

## Installation

sensu-install --plugin sensu-plugins-nvidia

In order to use this plugin you will need the official NVIDIA command line interface `nvidia-smi` which is distributed with their drivers.

For more help see [Installation and Setup](